0.7 calls on workers in higher education not to count on the university boards in our fight against the budget cuts. They have proven that they are not our allies.
See 0.7's latest statement: https://zeropointseven.nl/statements/not-our-allies/
Oi academics, you wanna save your job? Oi students, you wanna save your financial future? Oi dutch society, wanna remain an open democracy? Join the resistance!! Monday 2-09, 11h, Domplein Utrecht.
28.8.2024 13:05Oi academics, you wanna save your job? Oi students, you wanna save your financial future? Oi dutch society, wanna remain an open democracy?...Sign our petition: To Robbert Dijkgraaf, No identification obligation on our universities!
#AcademischeVrijheid #privacy #IdentificatiePlicht #DemonstratieRecht #VrijheidVanMeningsuiting
Text in english-> (https://www.degoedezaak.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Call-to-minister-Dijkgraaf-to-protect-right-to-protest-and-academic-freedom-at-our-universities.pdf)
8.5.2024 19:54Sign our petition: To Robbert Dijkgraaf, No identification obligation on our universities!#AcademischeVrijheid #privacy #IdentificatiePlicht...Sign our petition: Aan Robbert Dijkgraaf, Minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap
Geen identificatieplicht op onze universiteiten
CasualRadboud, & Stop Harrasment at RU Collective.
We cannot stress enough how important your presence is. An extra 100 participants could make the difference between permanent contracts as a part of the CLA or not.
You labour rights are fought for, if not by you then by someone else. They can lost as well as won.
We know everybody's busy. We know the dangers of activism. But we also know many of you are our invisible allies. Join us then!
Employers do not represent us, we have to do this ourselves.
CU the 25th
15.4.2023 20:46We cannot stress enough how important your presence is. An extra 100 participants could make the difference between permanent contracts as a...Dutch Academics!
The collective labour agreement negotiations are in full throttle, but the unions need our support.
April 25th, 12:00, at the VU, Campusplein, De Boelelaan 1085, Amsterdam.
There will be coffee, there will be speeches, FNV will hand over their petition, and you can meet your fellow academics who wish to improve their labour rights, support their unions, and be in solidarity with precarious colleagues.
15.4.2023 20:45Dutch Academics!The collective labour agreement negotiations are in full throttle, but the unions need our support. April 25th, 12:00, at...https://twitter.com/0pointseven/status/1637885589880971275
20.3.2023 18:35https://twitter.com/0pointseven/status/1637885589880971275Come one academics, let's make this right. Donate to Dr Tauber who has been fired for trying to improve social safety. Let's cover her lawyer costs.
17.3.2023 15:20Come one academics, let's make this right. Donate to Dr Tauber who has been fired for trying to improve social safety. Let's cover...Want to support Susanne Täuber, academic freedom and social safety? Here are two things you can do. 1) Join the protest on intl. women*’s day, next Wednesday, 8th of March, at noon 12:00 in front of the Academy building
. Check: https://linktr.ee/am_i_next #AmINext 1/
3.3.2023 14:52Want to support Susanne Täuber, academic freedom and social safety? Here are two things you can do. 1) Join the protest on intl. women*’s...!!!
1.3.2023 18:37!!!https://twitter.com/casualgroningen/status/1630938041534627840These are honest questions.
There will be demonstrations. There will be retweets. What else could we do?
1.3.2023 13:29These are honest questions.There will be demonstrations. There will be retweets. What else could we do?If we are not going to talk about Susanne Täuber here, then academic Mastodon is just another tool of silence and oppression. #amInext?
So, since this is ingroup, and our safe space, how are you supporting CasualGroningen?, What do you think of the situation?, how do you think we should contribute?
1.3.2023 13:28If we are not going to talk about Susanne Täuber here, then academic Mastodon is just another tool of silence and oppression. #amInext?So,...We know Susanne Täuber and she is a highly capable, impressive, and ethical academic. If this is how they dispose of those who are critical, we can't remain silent again. It's only 2 months after they bullied/neglected Fleur our of her job.
7.2.2023 10:20We know Susanne Täuber and she is a highly capable, impressive, and ethical academic. If this is how they dispose of those who are...This seems like an academic getting fired over being critical with her own institution. Are we not going to speak out?
7.2.2023 10:15This seems like an academic getting fired over being critical with her own institution. Are we not going to speak...With all do respect, 0.7 is not here to share job opportunities and plug research. We want a better university.
17.1.2023 13:49With all do respect, 0.7 is not here to share job opportunities and plug research. We want a better university.A month back, Dr Miko Flohr made the observation that Mastodon was much more white than Twitter was. We will add that it is much more aimed at consensus and ingroup. Is academic Mastodon already reproducing the problems academia has, or is this just infancy? And how can we battle this?
17.1.2023 13:48A month back, Dr Miko Flohr made the observation that Mastodon was much more white than Twitter was. We will add that it is much more aimed...Has Academic Mastodon has failed to be a vibrant community? Is it just navel gazing?
Yesterday another university board got its students beat up by riot police, because they were peacefully protesting the UvA's contributions to climate change. On twitter, there is outrage, here just crickets. (ow and batons coming down)
17.1.2023 13:44Has Academic Mastodon has failed to be a vibrant community? Is it just navel gazing?Yesterday another university board got its students beat...We committed ourselves this year to be more positive. But the Fleur Jongepier case and this one at Groningen has left us fuming.
It came at a bad time as well, only this week we received another two horror stories of clear abuse and fraud at two major universities.
We will have to fight for a change in academic culture, long after we solved academic labour rights.
12.1.2023 19:31We committed ourselves this year to be more positive. But the Fleur Jongepier case and this one at Groningen has left us fuming.It came at a...