A Canadian, disgusted with our government pushing Gender Ideology into education & medicine under the virtue signalling guise of "inclusivity". Peaked by Yaniv's disgusting antics (but was well into questioning the rise beforehand) - banned by Twitter & TRA pedophiles 5 times for speaking out. Trying to get my @NotWokeNotBroke account back but made a new one under @ElonSaveUs2 (I had a brain fart making this new account) - please follow me back. Trying to build up again! [url=https://genderheretics.xyz/tag/saynotopronouns]#SayNotoPronouns[/url] [url=https://genderheretics.xyz/tag/redpilledbyliberalsjw]#RedPilledbyLiberalSJW[/url]'s [url=https://genderheretics.xyz/tag/awffls]#AWFFLS[/url] = Affluent Woke White Female Liberals