@atpfm @marcoarment @caseyliss @siracusa
Criminal that the lickable Apple logo was not included. Unquestionably S-Tier
My quest to self-host all the things continues apace
After a LOT of tinkering, I now have an instance of FreshRSS running on my server. I just got all my feeds ported over and it is GLORIOUS
I didn't even expect this, but the stock interface is even pretty nice for reading on Desktop :D
@xot idk why, but this made me think of you
25.2.2025 17:59https://youtu.be/wrCQtlFUjZs@xot idk why, but this made me think of youRemember not to use Opera
22.2.2025 21:47Remember not to use Operahttps://www.spacebar.news/stop-using-opera-browser/I just got AdGuard Home working on my network and WOW, even horrifically ad-festooned websites like Fandom are downright legible
22.2.2025 13:58I just got AdGuard Home working on my network and WOW, even horrifically ad-festooned websites like Fandom are downright legibleOkay, I have fully been bitten by the self-hosting bug, the home server rack was DEFINITELY worth it
22.2.2025 13:57Okay, I have fully been bitten by the self-hosting bug, the home server rack was DEFINITELY worth itSighted people: Have you ever looked at an image and wondered "What am I supposed to be looking at here"? You too can benefit from alt text.
A world that is accessible to people with disabilities is a better world for *everyone*
That's why we say #AccessibilityIsForEveryone
From: @rolle
CAPTCHAs are annoying for sighted people, but they are frequently an enormous barrier for blind and low-vision users browsing with a screenreader.
Annoying people for money sucks, but making things even harder for folx who've already been dealt one of the toughest hands imaginable is despicable
From: @jbz
Hey Fedi, I am a 28-year-old, #actuallyautistic, #adhd, trans woman and Full-Stack Software Engineer in need of remote work
I have professional experience with TypeScript, React, Python, Java, Rust, Nix, and more, plus I'm always eager to dive into a language or framework I've never used before and can ramp quickly
I am based in the US Central Timezone, but am flexible regarding hours
If you or your employer are hiring, I'd love to hear about it! If not, please boost for reach as that also helps
Resumé: https://347online.me/resume.pdf
Thank you all ❤️
#FediHire #fedihired #gethired #getfedihired #fedijobhunt #fedihireme
13.2.2025 15:11Hey Fedi, I am a 28-year-old, #actuallyautistic, #adhd, trans woman and Full-Stack Software Engineer in need of remote workI have...Code is on GitHub: https://github.com/347Online/347Online.me
29.1.2025 19:40Code is on GitHub: https://github.com/347Online/347Online.meIn between looking for jobs, I've been working on some really fun stuff for my website!
For starters I stopped using Google Docs to edit my resumé and rewrote in Markdown, as well as some basic shell scripts using pandoc to convert it to PDF and HTML
I'm really proud of this 🥰
29.1.2025 19:38In between looking for jobs, I've been working on some really fun stuff for my website!For starters I stopped using Google Docs to edit...LB: Oh man, the return of Pebble! Awesome! I absolutely loved my Pebble Time
28.1.2025 10:50LB: Oh man, the return of Pebble! Awesome! I absolutely loved my Pebble TimeIn other news: I have figured out that it is in fact possible to configure individual app notifications in Plasma with dotfiles
27.1.2025 16:45In other news: I have figured out that it is in fact possible to configure individual app notifications in Plasma with dotfilesthe macOS defaults database is just the Windows registry in a trenchcoat
sorry if I'm the one to break this to you
27.1.2025 16:44the macOS defaults database is just the Windows registry in a trenchcoatsorry if I'm the one to break this to youI'm trying to package TeamTalk5 for NixOS, but despite following all the resources I can find about wrapping Qt apps, I'm still getting an error about loading platform plugins wayland and xcb
Input from those more knowledgeable than me about Nix would be greatly appreciated
Draft PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/376817
NixOS Discourse thread: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/help-packaging-qt5-binary-application-teamtalk5/59390
Boosts welcome
#nix #nixos #nixpkgs
nixos is such a great OS for self-hosting stuff, almost everything I've ever wanted to self-host already has a module
nixos my beloved
23.1.2025 16:16nixos is such a great OS for self-hosting stuff, almost everything I've ever wanted to self-host already has a modulenixos my belovedwell that was fun, think i'mma keep doing this
i do probably need to pick a better time slot
trying an experiment
i'm live on twitch doing Nuclear Throne any% attempts, come hang out?
shit is mad scary rn
21.1.2025 14:31shit is mad scary rnNuclear Throne Any% in 5:55