Now this is what I call wake on LAN! Home assistant script to turn on the printer that turns off automatically and is like 40 steps from my desk!
btw it's called grandulo.wg.local in esperanto now. Its siblings skribisto (office printer) and edikedisto (label printer) have been given middle names accordingly.
3.3.2025 23:00Now this is what I call wake on LAN! Home assistant script to turn on the printer that turns off automatically and is like 40 steps from my...Israel/palestine
28.2.2025 05:43Israel/palestineDemnächst fang ich an im Schlaf zu feilen ich sag's euch
28.2.2025 04:24Demnächst fang ich an im Schlaf zu feilen ich sag's euchFick Ausbildung, warum macht ihr meinen guten Hackerschlafrhythmus so kaputt dass ich an meinem freien Tag um 5 aufwache 😡😡😡
28.2.2025 04:23Fick Ausbildung, warum macht ihr meinen guten Hackerschlafrhythmus so kaputt dass ich an meinem freien Tag um 5 aufwache 😡😡😡
25.2.2025 12:08
boah das geht so hart
9.2.2025 12:16tiktokboah das geht so hartthe 25 Euro Drucker saga continues after spending 150 euro on parts and ink
7.2.2025 22:15the 25 Euro Drucker saga continues after spending 150 euro on parts and inkthe 25 € printer!!
2.2.2025 09:10the 25 € printer!!life could be blahaj
1.2.2025 19:08life could be blahaj also ich hab einen riesigen Großformatdrucker in meinen WG geschleppt und stelle jetzt fest dass er noch eine *Wartungskassette* braucht. Kann man sowas im Raum Düsseldorf irgendwo bekommen? Eine Canon MC-10 müsste das sein.
1.2.2025 15:42Jaa also ich hab einen riesigen Großformatdrucker in meinen WG geschleppt und stelle jetzt fest dass er noch eine *Wartungskassette*...I'm still kind of sad about #38c3 being over, do you have any Spotify playlists to feel nostalgic about it? Just listening to dark techno doesn't feel specific enough. There seems to be a specific genre of music people at congress play that I can't quite put my finger on and also is probably somewhere else than Spotify.
You can also just recommend anything remotely in that direction idk I just need music to listen to.
*rambling done*
1.1.2025 16:39I'm still kind of sad about #38c3 being over, do you have any Spotify playlists to feel nostalgic about it? Just listening to dark...gibts eigentlich irgendwo #38c3 congress-sticker?
also welche auf denen 38c3 drauf steht
30.12.2024 06:24gibts eigentlich irgendwo #38c3 congress-sticker?also welche auf denen 38c3 drauf stehtfor people who haven't seen the presentation:
27.12.2024 13:35for people who haven't seen the presentation: really sure what to think about the #claypcb project showcased in #38c3zigzag just now – i don't really see the point? it seems kind of performative? why should you try to get silver scraps from goldsmiths and fire a clay tablet? if recycling is the concern there surely are more practical ways (get _electrical_ wire scraps for example)??
27.12.2024 13:34not really sure what to think about the #claypcb project showcased in #38c3zigzag just now – i don't really see the point? it seems...hmu for the DIN-o 🦕 stickers at #38c3 btw, printed a bunch :)
27.12.2024 12:35hmu for the DIN-o 🦕 stickers at #38c3 btw, printed a bunch :)Can anyone help me fix my broken #archlinux setup at #38c3? I'm kind of worried it could be a hardware issue since my usual "just force update the Linux package" didn't work.
27.12.2024 12:29Can anyone help me fix my broken #archlinux setup at #38c3? I'm kind of worried it could be a hardware issue since my usual "just...any tips on where to charge my phone/laptop at #38c3?
27.12.2024 12:26any tips on where to charge my phone/laptop at #38c3?