First I saw a wave of posts about and now added #reactnative support.
There’s definitely been a lot of progress in #ai lately and it might convince some companies to switch from fully native to RN to reduce costs.
I’ve been using Orion browser on iOS for about a week now. Ability to install Firefox and Chrome extensions is nice, but I found that don’t really need any new extensions. My current set of Safari extensions on iOS cover all my needs.
8.12.2024 13:34I’ve been using Orion browser on iOS for about a week now. Ability to install Firefox and Chrome extensions is nice, but I found that...React Native for SwiftUI devs:
23.11.2024 12:30React Native for SwiftUI devs: took extensive notes while reading the React Native and React documentation this weekind. I plan to post them after verifying that all code snippets in my notes are correct. Similar to my previous posts, I will try to explain React Native using concepts familiar to SwiftUI developers.
17.11.2024 13:12I took extensive notes while reading the React Native and React documentation this weekind. I plan to post them after verifying that all...I found a few additional differences in the TypeScript documentation that are not mentioned in the Swift-TypeScript cheatsheet I posted earlier:
The return type of a function can be inferred. If there’s no return type specified in the declaration, it doesn’t mean the function returns void.
Optionality in TypeScript is implemented at the property level, not in the type system. To make a property optional, add ? at the end of the property name. There ...
During my journey from Swift to TypeScript, I often wonder how developers migrating in the opposite direction feel. What do they appreciate about Swift, and what aspects of TypeScript do they miss?
15.11.2024 06:56During my journey from Swift to TypeScript, I often wonder how developers migrating in the opposite direction feel. What do they appreciate...One of the things I like about Swift is the ability to make illegal states unrepresentable using type system. It looks like something similar is possible in TypeScript using combination of union types and literal types.
15.11.2024 06:43One of the things I like about Swift is the ability to make illegal states unrepresentable using type system. It looks like something...So far, [](Swift-Typescript Cheatsheet) has been the best resource for learning TS for me.
13.11.2024 19:13So far, [](Swift-Typescript Cheatsheet) has been the best...