Welcome to "Les Catacombes de Paris" 💀 (Bonus)
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photo #photography #paris #catacombs #skulls #dark
27.8.2022 20:58Welcome to "Les Catacombes de Paris" 💀 (Bonus)Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photo #photography #paris...Welcome to "Les Catacombes de Paris" 💀 (3/3)
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photo #photography #paris #catacombs #skulls #dark
27.8.2022 20:58Welcome to "Les Catacombes de Paris" 💀 (3/3)Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photo #photography #paris...Welcome to "Les Catacombes de Paris" 💀 (2/3)
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photo #photography #paris #catacombs #skulls #dark
27.8.2022 20:55Welcome to "Les Catacombes de Paris" 💀 (2/3)Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photo #photography #paris...Welcome to "Les Catacombes de Paris" 💀 (1/3)
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photo #photography #paris #catacombs #skulls #dark
27.8.2022 20:54Welcome to "Les Catacombes de Paris" 💀 (1/3)Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photo #photography #paris..."Castell del Remei", Lleida (Catalonia, Spain)
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#nature #photography #landscape #photo
28.1.2022 20:21"Castell del Remei", Lleida (Catalonia, Spain)Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #nature #photography...Aínsa, a beautiful town in Huesca (Spain)
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
ISO 100
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photo #photography #landscape #nature #town
28.8.2021 14:44Aínsa, a beautiful town in Huesca (Spain)Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"1/500f/5.6ISO 100CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photo...Hello friends!
It seems spring is almost here!
Canon EOS 200D
18-55mm or 24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photo #photography #spring #flowers #nature
6.3.2021 16:49Hello friends!It seems spring is almost here!Canon EOS 200D18-55mm or 24mm "pancake"CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photo #photography...Some snowy landscapes of my town from last month, hope you like it!
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photo #photography #snow #winter
21.2.2021 11:19Some snowy landscapes of my town from last month, hope you like it!Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photo...Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
ISO 320
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photo #photography #nature #rust #wood #bridge #catalunya #winter
20.2.2021 11:10Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"1/400f/2.8ISO 320CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photo #photography #nature #rust #wood #bridge #catalunya...Hello friends!
Winter is coming! So here you have some photos of today's foggy day from the walls of my city.
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photography #catalonia #catalunya #winter #fog
15.11.2020 16:35Hello friends!Winter is coming! So here you have some photos of today's foggy day from the walls of my city.Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"CC...Some photos of "Vall de Boí" in Lleida, Catalonia.
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photography #mountains #nature #catalonia
18.10.2020 16:05Some photos of "Vall de Boí" in Lleida, Catalonia.Canon EOS 200D24mm "pancake"CC BY-SA 4.0Edited with #darktable #photography #mountains...Hi friends!
The past two weeks I've been traveling around my country, Catalonia. I would like you to know a little bit more of it through some photos, of course! :)
To start, let me present you Girona, a beautiful city in eastern Catalonia. These are some photos of our first day there.
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
Shutter speed, aperture an ISO info in the description of each photo.
CC BY-SA 4.0
Edited with #darktable
#photography #city #catalonia #summer #animals #color
11.9.2020 17:32Hi friends!The past two weeks I've been traveling around my country, Catalonia. I would like you to know a little bit more of it through...Hi!
It's been a long time since my last post here! I'll publich some photos that I took during the quarentine, hope u like them!
I took this one near my home during a sunset on mid june.
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
ISO 100
CC BY-SA 4.0
#photography #nature #landscape #catalonia
8.8.2020 11:37Hi!It's been a long time since my last post here! I'll publich some photos that I took during the quarentine, hope u like them!I...Today is Saint George, the international book day.
Here in Catalonia we celebrate Saint George as a big event, with books and roses for all the streets of the city.
The thing is that this year we cannot go outside, so here you have some photos of the roses that we have in our house.
I would love to share with you some photos of the streets during Saint George in Catalona. I guess we will need to wait until next year :)
Keep safe!
CC BY-SA 4.0
#photography #roses #nature #catalonia
23.4.2020 19:18Today is Saint George, the international book day.Here in Catalonia we celebrate Saint George as a big event, with books and roses for all...Hi!
Last weekend I went out to try my new 24mm "pancake" lens. First impressions were good, very light and small, and decent image quality at f/5.6, although I still have to get used to prime lenses :)
This is a photo that I took using this lens, hope you like it!
Canon EOS 200D
24mm "pancake"
ISO 100
CC BY-SA 4.0
#photography #flowers #sky #nature #spring
7.3.2020 14:43Hi!Last weekend I went out to try my new 24mm "pancake" lens. First impressions were good, very light and small, and decent image...Last weekend it was carnival in my town.
This year, during the custome contest, there were some "giant muppets" walking around through the audience.
I don't have much experience with night photography, the noise at 6400 ISO is quite high (although I tried to reduce it in darktable). @youcantoo , I remember you also had the EOS 200D, any advice for shooting in low light? :)
Canon EOS 200D
18-55mm @ 55mm
ISO 6400
CC BY-SA 3.0
Edited with #darktable
28.2.2020 22:16Last weekend it was carnival in my town.This year, during the custome contest, there were some "giant muppets" walking around...Hi again!
Another foggy photography of some fields near my town.
Canon EOS 200D
18-55mm @ 18mm
ISO 100
CC BY-SA 3.0
#photography #fog #winter #landscape #nature
23.2.2020 17:45Hi again!Another foggy photography of some fields near my town.Canon EOS 200D18-55mm @ 18mm1/800f/5.0ISO 100CC BY-SA 3.0#photography #fog...A photo of St. Lawrence's Swamp near Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) with the typical fog that we have these days here
Canon EOS 200D
18-55mm @ 18mm
ISO 100
CC BY-SA 3.0
Edited with #darktable
#photography #nature #fog #winter
29.12.2019 16:19A photo of St. Lawrence's Swamp near Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) with the typical fog that we have these days hereCanon EOS 200D18-55mm @...Hi again!
Today I'd like to post a photo taken by my sister and edited by me using #darktable
Nikon D3400
18-55mm @ 55mm
ISO 125
CC BY-SA 3.0
#photography #fog #winter #sky
26.12.2019 23:02Hi again!Today I'd like to post a photo taken by my sister and edited by me using #darktable Nikon D340018-55mm @ 55mm1/60f/5.6ISO 125CC...A plane in London's sky (near Tower Bridge).
Improvised photography, but I liked the contrast between the "old" and the "new" :)
Canon EOS 200D
18-55mm @ 55mm
ISO 100
CC BY-SA 3.0
Edited with #darktable
#photography #london #sky #towerbridge #aviation
30.8.2019 15:53A plane in London's sky (near Tower Bridge).Improvised photography, but I liked the contrast between the "old" and the...