My latest @tindie buy: a PocketSDR NEO an open-source GNSS-only software-defined radio receiver. Developed and sold by @highvis_supply .
20.11.2023 22:48My latest @tindie buy: a PocketSDR NEO an open-source GNSS-only software-defined radio receiver....Establishing web of trust back to my GitHub account. Socials are recorded there:
26.8.2023 18:50Establishing web of trust back to my GitHub account. Socials are recorded there: spring, super happy that @tapbots came out with @ivory ! Subscribed!
26.4.2023 19:02Busy spring, super happy that @tapbots came out with @ivory ! Subscribed!The cyberpunk in me is tickled by pop-up solar powered communication relays; the anti-get-rich-quick part of me is just annoyed.
5.1.2023 17:02 cyberpunk in me is...What movies make you go, "yeah, this is an objectively bad movie, but man I love this hot garbage"?
Top reply is pages and pages of love for one of my favorite films: Hackers.
New Mastodon, who dis?
This is to establish that I'm the same "A" that did 11 years as a DEFCON goon. I was the boots on the ground leader for the first X years of the Hardware Hacking Village (<3 to Russ and Ryan for making the HHV a thing and trusting me with that). I even spoke one year. Extra love to @kampf, @Grifter, and all of the DC801 crew.
I've been tweeting since May 2012 as @WiFiLuke on twitter.
21.11.2022 16:59New Mastodon, who dis?This is to establish that I'm the same "A" that did 11 years as a DEFCON goon. I was the boots on the...