«“Sinistri figli di p******, col cavolo più Stato!
Mettetevelo nel c***, lo Stato! nella *** di vostra madre! Sapete che c’è? Me lo faccio uscire dal ***, lo Stato!»
Il Presidente dell'Argentina #JavierMilei (19/03/2020), con sottotitoli.
#zurdos #SergioMassa #20novembre #JavierMileiPresidente #JavierMileiPresidente2023 #SergioMassa #ArgentinaVota #ArgentinaDecide
20.11.2023 13:17«“Sinistri figli di p******, col cavolo più Stato!Mettetevelo nel c***, lo Stato! nella *** di vostra madre! Sapete che c’è? Me lo...#FascistCrimes — #Otd in 1944, in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, the Nazis and their fascist collaborators tricked 31 young #partisans into surrender and murdered them, leaving their bodies to hang from the trees lining the town's main boulevard.
26.9.2023 13:29#FascistCrimes — #Otd in 1944, in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, the Nazis and their fascist collaborators tricked 31 young #partisans into..."La Corte di Cassazione ha annullato senza rinvio la sentenza di assoluzione pronunciata il 12 gennaio 2023 per Selene Ticchi, ex esponente di #ForzaNuova che il 28 ottobre 2018 indossò la maglietta con la scritta #Auschwitzland"
(La Stampa)
"Secondo la Suprema Corte [...] non fu una incitazione alla discriminazione tramite ostentazione di simboli particolari [...] bensì un incitamento fondato sulla negazione, sulla minimizzazione [...] o sull’apologia della Shoah"
(R. d.Carlino)
Il #16settembre 1973 #VíctorJara veniva assassinato dagli aguzzini di #Pinochet nei giorni del golpe in #Cile.
"I do not sing just to sing,
nor because I have a good voice.
I sing because my guitar
makes sense and has a reason."
#VictorJara was murdered #Otd 50 years ago after Pinochet's coup.
#11S #11septiembre #50AnosdelGolpedeEstado #50AnosdelGolpe
16.9.2023 13:08Il #16settembre 1973 #VíctorJara veniva assassinato dagli aguzzini di #Pinochet nei giorni del golpe in #Cile. "I do not sing just to...Italy expelled all Jewish students and teachers from schools & universities #Otd 85 years ago.
The "Provisions for the defence of the race in the #Fascist school" paved the way to discrimination and ultimately deportation to the #Nazi death camps.
5.9.2023 11:29Italy expelled all Jewish students and teachers from schools & universities #Otd 85 years ago.The "Provisions for the defence of...#FascistCrimes — Fr. Eligio Bortolotti was murdered by the Nazis #Otd in 1944 in Baroncoli (Florence).
The priest had been summoned the day before at the German command, where he was held, under suspicion of helping the partisans.
His body was dumped in a mass grave.
5.9.2023 08:12#FascistCrimes — Fr. Eligio Bortolotti was murdered by the Nazis #Otd in 1944 in Baroncoli (Florence).The priest had been summoned the day...Italian communist activist & union organiser Filippo Di Benedetto died #Otd in 2001.
Arrested & tortured by the Fascist regime in 1943, he emigrated to Argentina after WW2 and, with Vice-consul Enrico Calamai, helped save 100's of people persecuted by Videla's regime.
4.9.2023 14:16Italian communist activist & union organiser Filippo Di Benedetto died #Otd in 2001.Arrested & tortured by the Fascist regime in...Salvador Allende won the presidential elections in Chile #Otd in 1970.
He was the first democratically-elected Marxist head of state in the Americas, & led the Country up to the US-backed coup led by General Pinochet on September 11, 1973.
#4settembre #50añosdelgolpe #Cile
4.9.2023 11:30Salvador Allende won the presidential elections in Chile #Otd in 1970.He was the first democratically-elected Marxist head of state in the...#FascistCrimes — 47 disabled children were murdered by the #Nazis in Nizhne Chirskaya, Ukraine, #Otd in 1942.
Taken by truck to a pre-dug mass grave, they were shot by #Gestapo agents.
Some bodies, later exhumed, did not have bullet holes. They'd been buried alive.
2.9.2023 08:44#FascistCrimes — 47 disabled children were murdered by the #Nazis in Nizhne Chirskaya, Ukraine, #Otd in 1942.Taken by truck to a pre-dug...#Resistance — Italian freedom fighter Carlo Nadalini (18) was killed in battle with the Nazi-Fascists #Otd in 1944 in Casoni di Romagna.
He fought as a partisan in the 62nd Garibaldi Brigade "Red Shirts", with 2 brothers (one, Angelo, also died in the Liberation war.)
1.9.2023 08:48#Resistance — Italian freedom fighter Carlo Nadalini (18) was killed in battle with the Nazi-Fascists #Otd in 1944 in Casoni di Romagna.He..."Caivano, imbarazzante chat di FdI per organizzare la claque a Giorgia Meloni"
"Gira sui social un'imbarazzante chat di un dirigente di Fratelli d'Italia per organizzare l'arrivo di Giorgia Meloni a Caivano".
> "Dobbiamo mobilitarci per prtare persone, ma non con simboli di partito. Le persone devono sembrare persone qualunque che accolgano Giorgia festanti anche per bilanciare eventuali contestatori (lì sarà pieno di redditi di cittadinanza)"
31.8.2023 13:06"Caivano, imbarazzante chat di FdI per organizzare la claque a Giorgia Meloni""Gira sui social un'imbarazzante chat di un...Revolutionary fighter Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider was killed at Vado del Yeso (Bolivia) #Otd in 1967.
"Tania" was ambushed and killed with 8 comrades by CIA-supported troops as she crossed the Rio Grande during the Bolivian campaign led by Ernesto Che Guevara.
31.8.2023 13:06Revolutionary fighter Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider was killed at Vado del Yeso (Bolivia) #Otd in 1967."Tania" was ambushed and..."We do random arrests […] mass executions, burn villages for the simple urge to destroy.
«The Italians have become worse than the Germans» — you hear it everywhere: it sums up the feelings of the #Slovenians towards us."
Fascist official Umberto Rosin, writing #Otd in 1942.
31.8.2023 09:08"We do random arrests […] mass executions, burn villages for the simple urge to destroy.«The Italians have become worse than the...#FascistCrimes — Italian freedom fighter Luciano Bracci was murdered by the #Fascists with other 8 partisans & 3 civilians #Otd in 1944 in Bologna.
They were shot in an act of reprisal by a notorious torturer, Renato Tartarotti, head of the "CAS" auxiliary police squad.
30.8.2023 14:48#FascistCrimes — Italian freedom fighter Luciano Bracci was murdered by the #Fascists with other 8 partisans & 3 civilians #Otd in...IL PRESIDENTE DELL'ANPI: "TARDIVE LE DIMISSIONI DI DE ANGELIS. COLPISCE IL SILENZIO DELLA MELONI".
Gianfranco Pagliarulo:
Bene, anche se fuori tempo massimo. La scelta di Marcello De Angelis di dimettersi è tardiva e motivata in modo vittimistico, dopo tante acrobazie linguistiche. Aveva detto: “So per certo che con la strage di Bologna non c'entrano nulla Fioravanti, Mambro e Ciavardini. Non è un'opinione: io lo so con assoluta certezza”.
Prosegue qui: https://www.anpi.it/pagliarulo-tardive-le-dimissioni-di-de-angelis-colpisce-il-silenzio-della-meloni
30.8.2023 09:15IL PRESIDENTE DELL'ANPI: "TARDIVE LE DIMISSIONI DI DE ANGELIS. COLPISCE IL SILENZIO DELLA MELONI".Gianfranco Pagliarulo:Bene,...#FascistCrimes — Corsican freedom fighter Jean Nicoli was murdered by the Fascists #Otd 80 years ago in Bastia.
Member of the French Section of the Workers' International, he was captured by Mussolini’s secret police OVRA. He refused to be shot in the back & was stabbed.
30.8.2023 08:10#FascistCrimes — Corsican freedom fighter Jean Nicoli was murdered by the Fascists #Otd 80 years ago in Bastia.Member of the French..."Se eviti di ubriacarti e di perdere i sensi, magari eviti anche di incorrere in determinati problem... determinate problematiche e poi rischi effettivamente che il lupo lo trovi".
Andrea #Giambruno, compagno della PdC Meloni
29.8.2023 10:04"Se eviti di ubriacarti e di perdere i sensi, magari eviti anche di incorrere in determinati problem... determinate problematiche e poi..."Il senso di #Giambruno per le violenze: «Se non ti ubriachi, non ti stuprano»".
«Le ragazze hanno il diritto di non essere violentate ma purtroppo la realtà non rispetta i diritti, quindi non devono perdere conoscenza e devono frequentare contesti meno pericolosi possibili»
29.8.2023 08:41"Il senso di #Giambruno per le violenze: «Se non ti ubriachi, non ti stuprano»".«Le ragazze hanno il diritto di non essere..."#FascistCrimes — Father Libero Raglianti, priest and freedom fighter, was murdered by the Nazis #Otd, August 29, 1944.
Interrogated and tortured for 16 days, he was shot #OnThisDay in Laiano di Filettole (Tuscany).
Posthumously awarded the Gold medal for military valour.
29.8.2023 08:09"#FascistCrimes — Father Libero Raglianti, priest and freedom fighter, was murdered by the Nazis #Otd, August 29, 1944.Interrogated...#FascistCrimes — 6 civilians were burned alive by the Nazis #Otd, August 22 1944 in Bagnasco.
5 belonged to the Canavese family, and ranged in age from 6 months to 56 years.
The Nazis couldn't find the men who had joined the Resistance, so they murdered women and children.
22.8.2023 13:36#FascistCrimes — 6 civilians were burned alive by the Nazis #Otd, August 22 1944 in Bagnasco.5 belonged to the Canavese family, and ranged...