Mark is going to be taking part in The Epilepsy Society’s ‘Challenge 100’ fundraiser again this year.
I know that times are tough for all of us, even the smallest amount could help to change someone’s life for the better.
Thank you 💜
30.12.2024 20:07Mark is going to be taking part in The Epilepsy Society’s ‘Challenge 100’ fundraiser again this year.I know that times are tough for...The postman has been! #blakes7
11.11.2024 14:35The postman has been! #blakes7Happy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
9.11.2024 14:50Happy #Caturday #CatsOfMastodonKitty timeline cleanse. #CatsOfMastodon
6.11.2024 12:41Kitty timeline cleanse. #CatsOfMastodonThe mog. #CatsOfMastodon
5.11.2024 13:59The mog. #CatsOfMastodonHappy #Caturday to those who observe it.
2.11.2024 16:31Happy #Caturday to those who observe it.In case you’re wondering why our episode on The War Games hasn’t appeared yet, I’m having some health problems at the moment so I hope you’ll understand that I’ve had to put things on hold for the moment.
Thanks for understanding.
6.10.2024 19:59In case you’re wondering why our episode on The War Games hasn’t appeared yet, I’m having some health problems at the moment so I hope...Eomer: Ncuti
Eowyn: Caroline John
Theoden: Phil Madoc
Grima: Delgado
Treebeard: Nick Courtney
Galadriel: Katy
Sméagol: Michael Wisher
Just for fun, imagine a #DoctorWho #LOTR adaptation.
Gandalf: T Baker
Bilbo: McCoy
Frodo: Jodie
Boromir: Eccleston
Saruman: Pertwee
Strider: Capaldi
Legolas: Davison
Pippin: Smith
Merry: Tennant
Gimli: Colin
Sam: Troughton
Elrond: Hurt
Faramir: McGann
Bombadil: Hartnell
If you’re ordering anything from HMV UK I have a 20% off code that you can use.
3.9.2024 11:47If you’re ordering anything from HMV UK I have a 20% off code that you can use. Collection Season 25 now set for release on 28th October in the UK.
And we’re back!
Mark and Iain are joined by Kev F Sutherland for a fun chat about The Space Pirates.
Special shoutout for Andy Moore for another genius musical moment.
31.8.2024 07:47And we’re back!Mark and Iain are joined by Kev F Sutherland for a fun chat about The Space Pirates.Special shoutout for Andy Moore for...Join Iain, Mark, and their very special guest Kev F Sutherland tomorrow as they take a look at Robert Holmes' 'The Space Pirates'.
Happy #Caturday and happy birthday to Smudge 😻
17.8.2024 13:36Happy #Caturday and happy birthday to Smudge 😻Our 10 year old has shown an interest in animé.
Tried him with Kiki’s Delivery Service. He didn’t actively hate it, but after 30 minutes he had had enough. 😔
13.8.2024 10:47Our 10 year old has shown an interest in animé.Tried him with Kiki’s Delivery Service. He didn’t actively hate it, but after 30 minutes...We’re back, and it’s time to put your big boy pants on!
Mark and Iain are joined by their old mucker Andy Moore for a chat about The Seeds Of Death.
31.7.2024 12:51We’re back, and it’s time to put your big boy pants on!Mark and Iain are joined by their old mucker Andy Moore for a chat about The...After a bit of a struggle with covid, our next episode will be hitting your feed on Wednesday 31st July.
Mark and Iain will be joined by the musical maestro himself Andy Moore as we take on the slippery subject of The Seeds Of Death.
#DoctorWho #Podcast
If you find yourself hankering for some more of Iain and Mark jabbering away like giddy fools about Doctor Who, point your podcatchers toward Mr Martin’s DW literary podcast ‘We’re All Stories In The End’. #DoctorWho
30.6.2024 19:32If you find yourself hankering for some more of Iain and Mark jabbering away like giddy fools about Doctor Who, point your podcatchers...It’s time to welcome Mark and Doc from @diddlydum as we turn our attention to The Krotons.
Be prepared for tarantulas, exploding petrol stations and crystalline robots from the West Midlands… #DoctorWho
21.6.2024 08:04It’s time to welcome Mark and Doc from @diddlydum as we turn our attention to The Krotons.Be prepared for tarantulas, exploding petrol...