Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, Apollo and Kane siblings deserves BETTER
8.6.2020 17:55Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, Apollo and Kane siblings deserves BETTERJ.K. being terf isn't new. Read Rick Riordan instead of J.K., he os better person AND writer
8.6.2020 17:50J.K. being terf isn't new. Read Rick Riordan instead of J.K., he os better person AND writerWe are in the pride month, but don't forget about trans and bi people, we are a big parte of the community
4.6.2020 13:06We are in the pride month, but don't forget about trans and bi people, we are a big parte of the communityAyer entramos en el mes del orgullo LGTBI y me parece importante que en el colectivo no están solo los hombres cisgays blancos. Somos muchos más, con nuestros discursos y es importante recordarlo.
2.6.2020 07:57Ayer entramos en el mes del orgullo LGTBI y me parece importante que en el colectivo no están solo los hombres cisgays blancos. Somos...