No New Friends
In my last post I wrote about the collectable card game Star Wars unlimited. It seems the game was such a hit that finding product is very difficult. I still had the itch to try out something similar and stumbled across the game Keyforge. It was a game I knew nothing about. After watching some videos on YouTube my interest peaked.
7.5.2024 22:05No New FriendsIn my last post I wrote about the collectable card game Star Wars unlimited. It seems the game was such a hit that finding...Indecision and Star Wars
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on As I have gotten older I would like to think I have a better understanding of who I am, both in terms of my strengths and weaknesses. One of the areas where I could improve is in terms of my decision-making. I have a tendency to be very indecisive. I am reluctant to make a decision and can sometimes overanalyze my options to the point where I take an extremely long time to make a choice.
27.3.2024 06:39Indecision and Star WarsPhoto by Ketut Subiyanto on As I have gotten older I would like to think I have a better understanding...Parenting during internet age
Our oldest child is getting ready to enter their teenage years. I often think about the challenges they will face and how I can best put my child in the position to make the adjustment. When I think back to my teenage years, many of the challenges I faced revolved around peer pressure and the desire to 'fit in', with my peer group.
9.3.2024 00:51Parenting during internet ageOur oldest child is getting ready to enter their teenage years. I often think about the challenges they will...My 2024 Reading Goals
Photo by Vincenzo Malagoli on One of the goals I had for 2024 was to read more books. My childhood was filled with a lot of television but I also read many books. As I moved into High School and later University I moved further away from fiction and into non-fiction. Most of what I read was related to my interests or required study (politics, sports, music etc.).
26.2.2024 18:07My 2024 Reading GoalsPhoto by Vincenzo Malagoli on One of the goals I had for 2024 was to read more books. My childhood was...Love and Affection
Today is Valentine's Day. Honestly, it is not a very important holiday for me. For as long as I can remember, I have not been able to share my feelings and emotions with others easily. I am also very uncomfortable receiving the affection of others. I generally don't like hugs or kisses, and even have difficulty accepting compliments. I also have a tendency to keep my thoughts to myself.
14.2.2024 22:05Love and AffectionToday is Valentine's Day. Honestly, it is not a very important holiday for me. For as long as I can remember, I have...Reflections of my Introverted Personality
Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash For as long as I can remember I have been a very quiet and private person. Growing up, family and friends would refer to me as the 'shy one'. I wasn't bothered with the title, but I also didn't feel it was accurate. Social situations were always difficult for me. Today we would call it anxiety but when I was growing up I didn't know that term existed.
8.2.2024 14:26Reflections of my Introverted PersonalityPhoto by whoislimos on Unsplash For as long as I can remember I have been a very quiet and private...My Board Game Hobby
I have been inactive on this blog for about 8 years. While I don't feel much different, I have changed in some ways. In 2015 my love for watching sports was already in decline ( with the exception of baseball). I really didn't have any hobbies or interests. I tried to search for a new hobby/interest to fill my sports void.
29.1.2024 23:18My Board Game HobbyI have been inactive on this blog for about 8 years. While I don't feel much different, I have changed in some ways....Why I love Podcasts, and some of my Favourites (Part 2)
Here is part 2 of my favourite podcasts I listened to in 2023. If you missed part 1, you can find it here. While part 1 focused on news and information, I will shift more towards entertainment and interests. History Dating back to High School, I have always enjoyed history as a subject. Ironically, I wasn't a strong student in history because my ability to remember (or more accurately,study) dates and events…
25.1.2024 11:48Why I love Podcasts, and some of my Favourites (Part 2)Here is part 2 of my favourite podcasts I listened to in 2023. If you missed part 1,...Why I love Podcasts, and some of my Favourites (Part 1)
I spent a lot of my youth watching TV and listening to music. TV basically raised me. Music was my means of escape from the world around me while I was travelling as a youth using public transit. A very valuable gift for someone who avoids social situations. As I have aged, my musical tastes have not. I still listen to most of the same music I did 15 or 20 years ago.
15.1.2024 22:42Why I love Podcasts, and some of my Favourites (Part 1)I spent a lot of my youth watching TV and listening to music. TV basically raised me....New Year, New Me
It is now a couple of days into the new year and many people's thoughts turn to New Year Resolutions. In the past, I haven't spent a lot of time or energy making resolutions. I find it difficult enough to make changes to my actions and behavior, without the additional pressures of making your desires public. Parenthood has slightly changed my perspective.
12.1.2024 10:49New Year, New MeIt is now a couple of days into the new year and many people's thoughts turn to New Year Resolutions. In the past, I...