Listening to Kyle Cranmer
12.6.2024 11:54Listening to Kyle CranmerToday at Helmoltz AI conference 2024
12.6.2024 11:52Today at Helmoltz AI conference 2024 haicon24.deEsqueçamos este PR
18.11.2022 11:18Esqueçamos este PRECMWF–@ESA Workshop on #MachineLearning for Earth Observation
Another COP? Really? What for?
7.11.2022 12:30Another COP? Really? What for?RBF La Première, Au Bout du Jour
Turquie : Les craintes des Ouïghours
A country where only the rich have access to decision-making positions is a plutocracy
19.10.2020 18:17A country where only the rich have access to decision-making positions is a plutocracy...Xinjiang’s Militarized Vocational Training System Comes to Tibet
Not really new knowledge but this should show us where to act: the climate crisis is not a consequence of the recent strong population increase!
Carbon emissions of richest 1 percent more than double the emissions of the poorest half of humanity
Our rich European society has place for all of the people from Lesbos:
On top, we would benefit from that!
Today is the day after the Clean Air for Blue Skies day,
It is the day where the EEA ut out a report of over 400k early deaths due to Air Pollution.
And it is the day air polluters may get through this corona times with support for internal combustion engines cars
Plug-in vehicles are such a CO2 rip-off. How can the government include them in the clean vehicles?
Lessons from the corona crisis can help manage the even more daunting challenge of anthropogenic global warming.
21.8.2020 15:43Lessons from the corona crisis can help manage the even more daunting challenge of anthropogenic global...On top of the lies from the industry, "The analysis estimated that in the two cities alone, the emissions of Uber taxi services could be as high as half a megatonne of CO2 - 515 kilotonnes of CO2."
20.7.2020 23:55On top of the lies from the industry, "The analysis estimated that in the two cities alone, the emissions of Uber taxi services could...On top of the lies from the industry, "The analysis estimated that in the two cities alone, the emissions of Uber taxi services could be as high as half a megatonne of CO2 - 515 kilotonnes of CO2."
3.6.2020 09:50On top of the lies from the industry, "The analysis estimated that in the two cities alone, the emissions of Uber taxi services could...Are we reaching the biological limits of our political capabilities?
Air quality archeaoscience
31.3.2020 22:48Air quality...Is the Coronavirus “good” for climate change? This question misses the point.
31.3.2020 10:10Is the Coronavirus “good” for climate change? This question misses the point....Oh Dear... So now AKK steps down and will not run for Kanzlerin. Looks like the AfD is succeeding in its strategy to divide the democratic right :( This may look trivial, but it probably is a turning point
Trusting the right in the fight against the nazis is risky:
Heute ist deutlicher denn je: Den Kampf gegen rechts im Bündnis mit der rechten Mitte führen zu wollen, birgt erhebliche Risiken. Die Parteien des antifaschistischen Lagers sollten sich das zu Herzen nehmen – auch, wenn es mal wieder um Koalitionen geht.
6.2.2020 09:01Trusting the right in the fight against the nazis is risky:Heute ist deutlicher denn je: Den Kampf gegen rechts im Bündnis mit der rechten...