Another mural by “The London Police”. This UK art duo, started in Amsterdam in 1998. Their black-and-white ‘Lad’ characters now appear worldwide in major cities.🏙️ 🌆
In 2017, they created a 16-meter mural at this blind wall at the Zeeburgerdijk, to revitalize a neglected area. The work depicts a neighborhood woman with the characteristic figure and the fierce Amsterdam flag. ❌❌❌
#Amsterdam #art #photo #blackandwhite #artiseverywhere #urbanart #streetart #streetview #noir #streetart #xxx #mokum #thelondonpolice #mural #photo #photography #streetsofamsterdam #streetphotography #zeeburgerdijk #tlp #dapperbuurt #wallart #mokum #xxx #flag
On the side wall of Sarphatistraat number 163 you will find a huge mural in full colour. The work covers the entire wall and shows a boy surrounded by butterflies and tropical leaves, looking into the distance in the direction of the Roeterseiland campus. The artist is Tim Rodermans and the boy represents his own son.
#Amsterdam #art #photo #blackandwhite #artiseverywhere #urbanart #streetart #streetview #noir #streetart #xxx #mokum #sculptures #mural #photography #streetsofamsterdam #streetphotography #sarphatistraat #timrodermans #roeterseiland
Along a modest walking path in the east part of Amsterdam, you’ll stumble upon this hidden piece. It seems to be a collab between York One & KBTR.
“KBTR is a graffiti-gnome from the city of Utrecht, based on a traditional garden gnome. The name comes from ‘KaBouTeR’ (Dutch for gnome). KBTR is the artist’s graffiti tag, not a general term for gnomes. These gnomes are known for their red hat, white beard, and ever-changing appearance.” 🎅🏽
YorkOne’s artistic journey began, writing graffiti in Amsterdam during the early 80s punk wave, and quickly embraced the New York style as it spread to Europe. 🌇🇪🇺
#amsterdam #nicolaasderoeverstraat #kbtr #yorkone #kabouter #deutrechtsekabouter #streetphotography #streetview #mural #urbanart #streetart #spraypaint #spraycanart #amsterdamoost #gnome #york1 #graffiti #artiseverywhere #art #artwork #polderweg #utrechtsekabouter
In the northern part of the “Anjeliersbuurt”, near the “Driehoekbuurt” 🔺 (triangle neighborhood) you’ll stumble upon this blind corner.
It fits within a well-known pattern of historic Amsterdam architecture in which corner facades have no windows due to different reasons. This is the corner of the Lijnbaansgracht and Goudsbloemstraat. 🪟
#Amsterdam #dejordaan #blackandwhite #architecture #jordaan #streetview #noir #xxx #mokum #facade #corner #sharpedge #driehoekbuurt #anjeliersbuurt #lijnbaansgracht #goudsbloemstraat #citylife #streetphotography #photography
The statue at the courthouse along Highway A10 (or Amsterdam ring) is “Love or Generosity” (in Dutch: “Liefde of edelmoedigheid”). 🩷⚖️👊
This more than 5-meter-high sculpture by American artist Nicole Eisenman was installed in 2020. 🇺🇸 🎨🧑🏻🎨
The giant, dressed in sweatpants and firm boots, bends forward and holds an owl, an arrow, and an acorn in his hands (symbols of wisdom, perseverance, and protection). 🦉🏹
The statue serves as a gentle gatekeeper, offering comfort and relaxation to anyone who visits the courthouse. 👩⚖️
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“Huis met de ooievaar” (house with the stork).
You’ll find this red brick national monument on the corner at the intersection of Prinsengracht and Reguliersgracht. 🧱 🏠
The bell gabled canal house features a façade stone depicting a stork, as a midwife once operated there in the 17th century. 👩🏻🍼
Another notable detail is the sundial on the façade. 🌞
With its charming architecture and storytelling details, this house remains a beautiful example of Amsterdam’s canal heritage. 🧡
#amsterdam #redhouse #stork #canalhouse #mokum #xxx #prinsengracht #streetview #canal #facade #canalsofamsterdam #oldtown #veniceofthenorth #streetphotography #photography
A work by Pichi & Avo, on one of the IJ-Hallen. This artistic duo from Spain is recognized for their skill at creating connections between painting and sculpture in urban settings. A balanced combination of classical art and the most contemporary urban art can be identified in their work. 🇪🇸 🖼️
#Amsterdam #art #urbanart #streetart #noir #Amsterdamnoord #mokum #sculptures #ndsm #pichiavo #ijhallen #classical #contemporary #mural #streetphotography #photography #pichiavo #artiseverywhere #graffiti
The iconic houses at the beginning of Damrak in Amsterdam, often called “Dansende Huizen” (Dancing Houses) are historic canal buildings that are called like this due to their slightly tilted appearance.
Built during the Dutch Golden Age
👑⚱️🔱💰, they served as merchant homes and warehouses, designed to maximize space with their narrow yet deep structures.
Their distinctive gabled facades were both decorative and practical and often featuring pulleys for hoisting goods. 🪝📦📦
Standing partially in water, these houses in the ’Venice of the North” require careful maintenance to prevent further tilting 👩🔧👨🏻🔧🏛️.
#amsterdam #damrak #facades #dansendehuizen #streetview #mokum #xxx #dancinghouses #canal #nieuwendijknoord #canalboat #canalsofamsterdam #reflection #veniceofthenorth #oldtown #photography #streetphotography
“I feel so incomplete”. 🧩
This portrait of a woman in the iconic style of Pop Art painter Roy Lichtenstein can be found on the Social Hub Student Hotel in Amsterdam Oost. Artist: D*Face 🎨
#Amsterdam #popart #urbanart #artwork #mural #artiseverywhere #woman #spraycan #dface #lichtenstein #popculture #amsterdamoost #wibautstraat #photography #streetart #streetphotography #cartoon
The installation “Landed Rock” by designer and visual artist Clinton Kabena is about migration. In 2022, more than 100 million people worldwide were fleeing war and violence. ☮️
They usually settle in an environment far away from home, which is unknown and new to them. 🚙 🧳
#Amsterdam #artinstallation #socialdebate #migration #artwork #peugeot #blackandwhite #clintonkabena #landedrock #art #urbanart #refugeeswelcome #crash #artiseverywhere #horribleparking #streetart #photography #streetphotography