Matt Gaetz is out, didn't even last a single Scaramucci.
21.11.2024 20:10Matt Gaetz is out, didn't even last a single Scaramucci.My House Hippo > #moodeng
18.11.2024 06:55My House Hippo > #moodeng#dogsofmastodonThis just made my fuckin day.
15.11.2024 01:32This just made my fuckin day.Do you guys use a service to remove your personal data from the web ala DeleteMe or Incogni? Do you like them? What are your experiences? I'm beginning to feel like I want zero people to be able to find me on the internet ever again and I'm considering one of these services - let me know what you think if you have experience with them.
7.11.2024 21:49Do you guys use a service to remove your personal data from the web ala DeleteMe or Incogni? Do you like them? What are your experiences?...When it all burns down...
7.11.2024 21:05When it all burns down... I worked at Hulu literally all of their loading animations would be Gene, Tina, and Louise dancing.
2.11.2024 05:28If I worked at Hulu literally all of their loading animations would be Gene, Tina, and Louise dancing.Sup?
24.10.2024 18:02Sup? #dogsofmastodonCan all just collectively agree that the term "life hack" is over and that we all hate it and will refuse to look at any article that uses this term or any obvious spinoff term like it? Thank you.
8.10.2024 20:38Can all just collectively agree that the term "life hack" is over and that we all hate it and will refuse to look at any article...Wikipedia is one of that last standing bastions of the old internet that is still largely unfettered by billionaire dickheads.
They are constantly asking their incredibly massive user base to donate so that they can stay afloat and free for everyone. I'm sure that the Wikimedia nonprofit has it issues, and I'm not here to pontificate about that. I'm here to ask you to contribute to one of the best things the internet still has going for it in 2024.
As the enshittification of our internet continues and billionaire shitheads keep buying up everything we love and mismanaging it into obscurity, I hope I can convince some of you to go give a couple of dollars to one of like 3 still good Google search results. Wikipedia cannot fall.
7.10.2024 20:29Wikipedia is one of that last standing bastions of the old internet that is still largely unfettered by billionaire dickheads.They are...Sleepy doggo
5.10.2024 06:10Sleepy doggo#dogsofmastodonGood morning!!
29.9.2024 18:19Good morning!!#dogsofmastodonTis the season!
29.9.2024 18:02Tis the season!Just chillin'
29.9.2024 02:09Just chillin'#dogsofmastodonHe does not smell like rosemary...
14.9.2024 18:02He does not smell like rosemary...Found him! Time to relocate my latest garden thief.
14.9.2024 18:02Found him! Time to relocate my latest garden thief.Hello, sir, may I be fluffy here, please?
*Proceeds to be fluffy here regardless of input*
Today in dogs:
Me: Why does my dog smell like rosemary?
My dog: ?
Upon inspection of the rosemary bush, there are signs of rodents hiding stolen garden goodies.
So my dog is chasing rodents through my rosemary bush which means my whole house smells like rosemary. I'm taking this a win.
13.9.2024 18:10Today in dogs:Me: Why does my dog smell like rosemary? My dog: ?Upon inspection of the rosemary bush, there are signs of rodents hiding...