Wee bit of color on a rather grey and brown day. #lichensibscribe
6.3.2025 14:24Wee bit of color on a rather grey and brown day. #lichensibscribeSite view. The neolithic layer is in later grey.
22.2.2025 18:36Site view. The neolithic layer is in later grey.These are clay envelopes used as record keeping systems for seasonal agricultural surplus in a village of about 150 people in pre-Uruk Mesopotamia, c. 8,150 calBP.
Bennison-Chapman, L. E. 2019. “Clay Objects as ‘Tokens’? Evidence for Early Counting and Administration at Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Mesopotamia.” Levant 50 (3): 305–37. https://doi.org/10.1080/00758914.2019.1658501.
22.2.2025 18:34These are clay envelopes used as record keeping systems for seasonal agricultural surplus in a village of about 150 people in pre-Uruk...In our minimalist democracy, this is a pressure to maintain. https://ground.news/article/gop-lawmakers-get-an-earful-on-elon-musk_a8bd24
22.2.2025 18:29In our minimalist democracy, this is a pressure to maintain. https://ground.news/article/gop-lawmakers-get-an-earful-on-elon-musk_a8bd24Got a new roof today. Calmed the dog throughout. Hella over-stimulated myself, my ears and bones are abuzz. #dogsofmastodon #cptsd
16.1.2025 00:38Got a new roof today. Calmed the dog throughout. Hella over-stimulated myself, my ears and bones are abuzz. #dogsofmastodon #cptsdThis plot-possible warp-in was my favorite moment from Picard, S3. #StarTrek #USSTITAN
16.1.2025 00:25This plot-possible warp-in was my favorite moment from Picard, S3. #StarTrek #USSTITANWhat. You can't just say "Big Weird Sites". Can you? LOL.
Gaydarska, Bisserka, and John Chapman. “Low-Density Urbanism: The Case Of The Trypillia Group Of Ukraine.” In Eurasia at the Dawn of History: Urbanization and Social Change, edited by Manuel Fernández-Götz and Dirk Krausse. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
10.1.2025 19:22What. You can't just say "Big Weird Sites". Can you? LOL. from Gaydarska, Bisserka, and John Chapman. “Low-Density...Spending the Snowstorm Layer 2 feeding the birds.
Northern Cardinal (male)
Blue Jay
Mourning Dove
Dark-eyed Junco ?
White-throated Sparrow ?
After a few really difficult months of #cPTSD life reentry, I'm finally getting back to this chapter I've been asked to write on getting to work after the apocalypse.
9.1.2025 17:16After a few really difficult months of #cPTSD life reentry, I'm finally getting back to this chapter I've been asked to write on...Gonna think through a few things outloud
8.1.2025 21:08Gonna think through a few things outloudAlt title: Sovereign Arguments
ht: @SFRuminations <https://mastodon.green/@SFRuminations@wandering.shop/113731663129810151>
28.12.2024 17:49Alt title: Sovereign Argumentsht: @SFRuminations <https://mastodon.green/@SFRuminations@wandering.shop/113731663129810151>I have 4,000 words to work with, I'm currently at 8,500, and I'm still avoiding crystallizing some thoughts.
I'm trapping myself between overdoing “theoretical precision” and my own frozen watchfulness of not knowing my audience's references.
28.12.2024 17:46I have 4,000 words to work with, I'm currently at 8,500, and I'm still avoiding crystallizing some thoughts.I'm trapping myself...Hoping to pull from
— modern movement theory
— findings from the last 30 years of archeology and other fields
— Freire's freedom and (true/false) generosity
Hoping to propose some “working shorthands” for use in conversations that might help us get unstuck.
28.12.2024 17:40Hoping to pull from — modern movement theory— findings from the last 30 years of archeology and other fields— Freire's freedom and...I'm doing professional writing for the first time.
The goal is to introduce some possibly helpful ideas to progressive Christians as they navigate the "futility of utopia" and the "hypocrisy of totality".
They are plagued by “frozen watchfulness” as they realize their complicity in racism, capitalism, patriarchy, environmental collapse etc. They feel as through everything should be done, but nothing can be done, for those things are the very foundations of their privilege and social worlds.
28.12.2024 17:36I'm doing professional writing for the first time. The goal is to introduce some possibly helpful ideas to progressive Christians as...> We hope that the number will correspond to some recognizable human good, but that’s not what the algorithm is tracking — it’s tracking the number as such.
> And it “forces” its participants to track the number to the exclusion of everything else.
> That is the ultimate truth of the CEOs’ requests for government regulation, which would change the formula for making the number go up from the “outside.”
The AI Apocalypse Has Already Happened <https://itself.blog/2023/10/30/the-ai-apocalypse-has-already-happened/>
18.12.2024 05:08> We hope that the number will correspond to some recognizable human good, but that’s not what the algorithm is tracking — it’s...> The power of the market is that it can transform any intelligence, biological or mechanical, into a “server” for its algorithm, in part because it’s so simple. Make the number go up!
The AI Apocalypse Has Already Happened <https://itself.blog/2023/10/30/the-ai-apocalypse-has-already-happened/>
18.12.2024 05:08> The power of the market is that it can transform any intelligence, biological or mechanical, into a “server” for its algorithm, in...Damn. Waltz was blue shirt Picard. :(
16.11.2024 16:51Damn. Waltz was blue shirt Picard. :(Working on my TMP Refit Enterprise as a post-election stress project.
Panel lines are next. Don’t want to use the aztec decals, as I didn’t want to have to have shiny stickers over this beautiful ship. So, panel lines instead.
Using acrylic base with enamel panel method that I first heard about on All Scale Trek’s channel. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RkI3RUkElk&t=8s>
#StarTrekTheMotionPicture #StarTrek #modeling #Enterprise
16.11.2024 16:49Working on my TMP Refit Enterprise as a post-election stress project. Panel lines are next. Don’t want to use the aztec decals, as I...Rentism comes for the kitchen. <https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/08/smart-sous-vide-cooker-to-start-charging-2-month-for-10-year-old-companion-app/>
19.8.2024 03:27Rentism comes for the kitchen....Waltz is blue shirt Picard?!
10.8.2024 14:52Waltz is blue shirt Picard?!