The amazing Seo Helrune will be teaching "The Völva and the Witch: Spinning, Seiðr, Knots, Luck, and Elves" on October 7, 2023 at 12:00 PM Eastern! Live online, and also it will be recorded so you can watch it later if you can't make the live event.
Details and registration at
3.10.2023 21:08The amazing Seo Helrune will be teaching "The Völva and the Witch: Spinning, Seiðr, Knots, Luck, and Elves" on October 7, 2023...New blog post: Scattering Blessings.
30.7.2023 04:53New blog post: Scattering Blessings. new batch of bindrunes!
7.7.2023 19:20A new batch of bindrunes! Press Freedom Day Event - Livestream and in-person from Bird & Beckett Books & Records, May 3, 2023, 7:00 PM Pacific Time.
Journalist Lisa Loving wants you to know how you—with a cell phone, and a full understanding of the techniques, tools and ethics of journalism—can report on the stories around you and inform the world.
3.5.2023 19:30World Press Freedom Day Event - Livestream and in-person from Bird & Beckett Books & Records, May 3, 2023, 7:00 PM Pacific...A bit of humor for May Eve:
This evening being May Eve I ought to have put some birch and witten (mountain ash) over the door to keep out the 'old witch'. But I was too lazy to go out and get it. Let us hope the old witch will not come in during the night. The young witches are welcome.
Reverend Francis Kilvert, April 30, 1870
Found in The Assassin's Cloak: An Anthology of the World's Greatest Diarists, edited by Irene Taylor and Alan Taylor.
30.4.2023 21:09A bit of humor for May Eve:This evening being May Eve I ought to have put some birch and witten (mountain ash) over the door to keep out the...An Epitaph for Rachel Pollack:
8.4.2023 17:29An Epitaph for Rachel Pollack: Pollack has left us.
8.4.2023 00:02Rachel Pollack has left us. the Spring Equinox a Aifur Viking Restaurant in Stockholm!
26.3.2023 08:08Celebrating the Spring Equinox a Aifur Viking Restaurant in Stockholm! Pollack Is Leaving Us.
13.3.2023 23:47Rachel Pollack Is Leaving Us., of course, there's a sequel: Relationship Readings, Part II
10.3.2023 05:05And, of course, there's a sequel: Relationship Readings, Part II blog post: Relationship Readings, Part I
7.3.2023 16:44New blog post: Relationship Readings, Part I's poem: Barcelona, by George Franklin
"I imagine you on a cold day in Barcelona" . . . .
5.3.2023 22:51Today's poem: Barcelona, by George Franklin"I imagine you on a cold day in Barcelona" . . ....The world is too dangerous for anything but the truth, and too small for anything but love.
~ William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
An unplanned project of photographer Deanna Dikeman, “Leaving and Waving Goodbye” is a collection of photos taken when leaving her parents’ home during visits over the course of 27 years.
1.3.2023 06:17An unplanned project of photographer Deanna Dikeman, “Leaving and Waving Goodbye” is a collection of photos taken when leaving her...Beauty on a Microscopic Scale!
The National Geographic posted a special article of photos of ordinary chemicals. It’s astonishing to see!
28.2.2023 23:56Beauty on a Microscopic Scale!The National Geographic posted a special article of photos of ordinary chemicals. It’s astonishing to...Viking Era Jewelry Delivered Anonymously to University of Stavanger:
I'd love to receive such a package!
25.2.2023 22:37Viking Era Jewelry Delivered Anonymously to University of Stavanger:'d love to receive such a package!The Seidhjallr Team of Hrafnar Kindred presents a ritual of Oracular Seidh on Sunday, February 26, 2023.
It will be a hybrid event, in person in Berkeley, CA and also on Zoom.
Bring your questions and our seeress will seek answers….
Full details at
23.2.2023 06:32The Seidhjallr Team of Hrafnar Kindred presents a ritual of Oracular Seidh on Sunday, February 26, 2023.It will be a hybrid event, in person...New blog post: a review of "The Norns in Old Norse Mythology"
by Karen Bek-Pedersen!
Hello! I'm Anastasia Haysler, your host for this Mastodon instance. I've set this up as social media option for people interested in all things Norse and Heathen.
20.2.2023 03:40Hello! I'm Anastasia Haysler, your host for this Mastodon instance. I've set this up as social media option for people interested in...<Logs in, looks around.> I appear to be the first one here!
20.2.2023 03:32<Logs in, looks around.> I appear to be the first one here!