Taler med @4nd3rs i AI Denmark podcasten om vores arbejde i ADD projektet med at kortlægge hvad algoritmer laver i den videnskabelige litteratur (sammen med @jacomyma, Matilde Ficozzi og Torben Elgaard Jensen):
24.11.2024 14:06Taler med @4nd3rs i AI Denmark podcasten om vores arbejde i ADD projektet med at kortlægge hvad algoritmer laver i den videnskabelige...🔬 🤖 What are algorithms doing in science? 🔬 🤖 New paper out in Big Data & Society with @jacomyma, Matilde Ficozzi, and Torben Elgaard Jensen.
9.8.2024 22:15🔬 🤖 What are algorithms doing in science? 🔬 🤖 New paper out in Big Data & Society with @jacomyma, Matilde Ficozzi, and...Gearing up for #easst4S. If you're around and want to share experiences teaching (or planning to teach) controversy mapping, join our workshop on Wednesday: https://nomadit.co.uk/conference/easst-4s2024/p/15052
We will share syllabi and tutorials from our courses, show examples of controversy mappings and discuss practical challenges as well as theoretical foundations, particularly in relation to AI. We also welcome PhD Students who think about using controversy mapping in their work.
15.7.2024 11:18Gearing up for #easst4S. If you're around and want to share experiences teaching (or planning to teach) controversy mapping, join our...Come do a postdoc with me on #transnational #digitalization:
22.9.2023 07:02Come do a postdoc with me on #transnational...Why is MASSHINE pronounced machine [məˈʃiːn]? And why did we stick an SSH in the middle? No, it is not just to confuse you (or, as we say in Danish, to confuse the enemy in Aalborg). Indeed, there is a point! To clear things up, I transcribed my talk from the official opening of our new hub for computational social sciences and humanities:
5.9.2023 20:05Why is MASSHINE pronounced machine [məˈʃiːn]? And why did we stick an SSH in the middle? No, it is not just to confuse you (or, as we...The deadline for 200-word abstracts is tomorrow, August 15th!
#generativeai #socialscience #humanities #digitalmethods
14.8.2023 14:13The deadline for 200-word abstracts is tomorrow, August 15th!#generativeai #socialscience #humanities #digitalmethodsTwo weeks left to submit your abstract for #GenerativeMethods in Copenhagen.
The conference explores the multifaceted impact of #generativeAl both as an instrument and as an object of research.
Keynotes by @TedUnderwood @jilltxt @pettertornberg & Katja de Vries
Participation is free
More info and submissions: www.ssh.aau.dk/MASSHINE23
@publicdatalab @mathieuvonrohr @NoortjeMarres @birkbak @britwinthereik @JannaJoceliOmena @hjalmarcarlsen @LR @AdlerNissen @suneman @claesdevreese @jwyg
1.8.2023 06:34Two weeks left to submit your abstract for #GenerativeMethods in Copenhagen.The conference explores the multifaceted impact of #generativeAl...Another good reason to submit your 200-word abstract to our conference on #generativeai in #socialscience and #humanities #research by August 15.
Very happy to announce @jilltxt as keynote!
23.6.2023 09:48Another good reason to submit your 200-word abstract to our conference on #generativeai in #socialscience and #humanities #research by...First keynote announcement for GENERATIVE METHODS: AI AS COLLABORATOR AND COMPANION IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES.
Very excited that @TedUnderwood
will be joining us on December 6-8 in Copenhagen.
Call for 200 word abstracts open until August 15
22.6.2023 11:01First keynote announcement for GENERATIVE METHODS: AI AS COLLABORATOR AND COMPANION IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES.Very excited that...What will generative machine learning mean for research methods in the social sciences and humanities?
Copenhagen, December 6-8.
Call for papers and generative experiments, deadline August 15.
More info and updates: www.ssh.aau.dk/MASSHINE23
@jacomyma @publicdatalab
#digitalhumanities #generativeai
Twitter will effectively block all data access, first by curtailing its APIs and now by blocking search for non-logged users, effectively hindering scraping. There is a real data crisis brewing for independent research on digital platforms here.
Via @boogheta https://twitter.com/boogheta/status/1650422162035965953
25.4.2023 07:20Twitter will effectively block all data access, first by curtailing its APIs and now by blocking search for non-logged users, effectively...RT @berriche_manon@twitter.com
5/12 Drawing on research examining the use of big data in social science and reception studies, we identify six misconceptions about misinformation and highlight the conceptual and methodological challenges they raise
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/berriche_manon/status/1619989421633437697
30.1.2023 11:04RT @berriche_manon@twitter.com5/12 Drawing on research examining the use of big data in social science and reception studies, we identify...RT @MASSHINE_AAU@twitter.com
🦥💻"we conclude with some approaches for slowing down and caring for network practices and their associated troubles" - new paper out with @MASSHINE_AAU@twitter.com participation from @jacomyma@twitter.com @TANTlab@twitter.com together with @jwyg@twitter.com @DanielaVGeenen@twitter.com @bb_liliana@twitter.com @venturini_tom@twitter.com & Axel Meunier 🚨🥂🚨 https://twitter.com/FrontAIBigData/status/1618745990533746688
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MASSHINE_AAU/status/1618911851798208512
27.1.2023 10:10RT @MASSHINE_AAU@twitter.com🦥💻"we conclude with some approaches for slowing down and caring for network practices and their...RT @PoulsenBo@twitter.com
"...risiko for, at man planlægger en reform, som skal se de første kandidater i 2029 baseret på erfaringer med optaget i 2014."
Kloge fra @jla_laursen@twitter.com og @SSH_AAU_Dekan@twitter.com
Forslaget om etårige kandidater er baseret på fortidens hår i suppen https://www.altinget.dk/forskning/artikel/au-og-aau-forslaget-om-etaarige-kandidater-er-baseret-paa-fortidens-haar-i-suppen
#dkpol #dkuddpol
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PoulsenBo/status/1618538070420377600
26.1.2023 14:20RT @PoulsenBo@twitter.com"...risiko for, at man planlægger en reform, som skal se de første kandidater i 2029 baseret på erfaringer...RT @estridsorensen@twitter.com
#vacancy Did you ever wonder why #ScienceStudies has mainly studied the apparatus of natural and technical sciences but has neglected the epistemic tools 🛠 of the #humanities? Apply for one of our 4 #PhD scholarships and join us to fill the gap https://www.sfb1567.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/blog-post/stellenausschreibung-vier-promotionsstellen
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/estridsorensen/status/1618368076646342656
26.1.2023 00:03RT @estridsorensen@twitter.com#vacancy Did you ever wonder why #ScienceStudies has mainly studied the apparatus of natural and technical...RT @DavidRumseyMaps@twitter.com
400 years of Timelines from 1606 to 2005. Mapping time is a powerful area of cartography - time as space and space in time. Over 300 examples in our collection can be seen at
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DavidRumseyMaps/status/1617239597293146112
24.1.2023 16:55RT @DavidRumseyMaps@twitter.com400 years of Timelines from 1606 to 2005. Mapping time is a powerful area of cartography - time as space and...RT @aaurektor@twitter.com
Kandidatspecialet er ikke bare pynt på toppen af kagen. Alle studerende, uagtet fag, bør få mulighed for at vise, at de kan deres akademiske håndværk. Det viser specialet. Tak @HumanomicsMap@twitter.com og Frederik Stjernfelt for at forsvare specialet #dkpol #uddpol https://jyllands-posten.dk/debat/breve/ECE14821401/specialet-er-den-studerendes-svendeproeve/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&loggedIn=true
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/aaurektor/status/1617810928120246272
24.1.2023 13:11RT @aaurektor@twitter.comKandidatspecialet er ikke bare pynt på toppen af kagen. Alle studerende, uagtet fag, bør få mulighed for at...RT @HumanomicsMap@twitter.com
Specialet er den studerendes svendeprøve! I dagens @JyllandsPosten@twitter.com forsvarer Frederik Stjernfelt og jeg den 5-årige kandidatuddannelse #dkpol #uddpol #SSHAAU https://jyllands-posten.dk/debat/breve/ECE14821401/specialet-er-den-studerendes-svendeproeve/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HumanomicsMap/status/1617509593881645057
23.1.2023 23:46RT @HumanomicsMap@twitter.comSpecialet er den studerendes svendeprøve! I dagens @JyllandsPosten@twitter.com forsvarer Frederik Stjernfelt...RT @PoulsenBo@twitter.com
Gemmer vores #historie på brugbare løsninger, når det gælder om at spare på energien?
Ressourcerne knappe, priserne tårnhøje, klima- og miljø lider overlast. SSH-Podcast🎙️👇 med @LillBj@twitter.com & @Kristian_Jensen@twitter.com styret af @AnneKejser@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PoulsenBo/status/1616089345303224324
23.1.2023 18:52RT @PoulsenBo@twitter.comGemmer vores #historie på brugbare løsninger, når det gælder om at spare på energien?Ressourcerne knappe,...RT @jilltxt@twitter.com
This is hilarious - Getty Images, famous for claiming copyright on images that are in the public domain, is suing Stability AI for training it’s AI on images “belonging” to Getty. Richard Misek’s “The World According to Getty” explains Getty’s theft. https://www.ahistoryoftheworldaccordingtogettyimages.com/ https://twitter.com/jjvincent/status/1615296166241140737
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jilltxt/status/1615832504950300675
19.1.2023 10:17RT @jilltxt@twitter.comThis is hilarious - Getty Images, famous for claiming copyright on images that are in the public domain, is suing...