Look at that! Low emissions zones are good for people. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/mar/07/london-air-pollution-down-since-ulez-expansion-study?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
11.3.2025 07:55Look at that! Low emissions zones are good for people....Ceterum censeo that Holyrood Park should be car-free every day, not just on weekends (with some reasonable exceptions, maybe). #edinburgh #carsruincities
10.3.2025 20:56Ceterum censeo that Holyrood Park should be car-free every day, not just on weekends (with some reasonable exceptions, maybe). #edinburgh...From this — https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2025/feb/26/lords-chief-whip-spoke-at-what-appears-to-be-cash-for-access-event — to this — https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/campaigns/elected-house-of-lords/? #houseoflords #electoralreformsociety #proportionalrepresentation
26.2.2025 09:29From this — https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2025/feb/26/lords-chief-whip-spoke-at-what-appears-to-be-cash-for-access-event — to...https://carfreeholyrood.wordpress.com/
15.2.2025 10:48https://carfreeholyrood.wordpress.com/#Edinburgh #cycling #carfreehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woFlJx7Rv78
10.2.2025 13:33https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woFlJx7Rv78#cyclingRight, no more censorship, free speech etc.
21.1.2025 12:19https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000253814/meta-blockiert-inhalte-der-demokraten-und-macht-facebook-user-zu-trump-followernRight, no...https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/sep/24/meet-the-scrappy-tech-company-taking-on-slack
28.9.2024 10:05https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/sep/24/meet-the-scrappy-tech-company-taking-on-slack#matrixhttps://grist.org/cities/london-fining-polluting-cars-more-active-kids/
23.9.2024 09:01https://grist.org/cities/london-fining-polluting-cars-more-active-kids/My paper on case and agreement alignment in ditransitives is now out in Language! Have a look at https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/24/article/937184
#syntax #morphosyntax #typology #ditransitives
18.9.2024 14:01My paper on case and agreement alignment in ditransitives is now out in Language! Have a look at...Staring my new (permanent! 🥳) job as Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh today!
26.8.2024 13:52Staring my new (permanent! 🥳) job as Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh today!Here's our Linguist List ad for the PhD position we're aiming to fill in Bielefeld!
#syntax #morphology #phd #academicjobs #linguistics #jobs
25.6.2024 07:55Here's our Linguist List ad for the PhD position we're aiming to fill in Bielefeld!https://linguistlist.org/issues/35/1832/#syntax...We're looking for a Hungarian (speaking) PhD student for a linguistics project in Bielefeld. If you're interested or if you know anyone who might be interested, please share widely!
#linguistics #phd #hungarian #magyar #nyelvészet #academicjobs
20.6.2024 07:26We're looking for a Hungarian (speaking) PhD student for a linguistics project in Bielefeld. If you're interested or if you know...Keresünk egy magyar(nyelvű) PhD hallgatót egy nyelvészeti projektbe Bielelfeldben! Ha érdekel, vagy ha ismertek valakit, akit érdekelhet, legyetek szívesek hirdessétek meg!
#linguistics #phd #hungarian #magyar #nyelvészet #academicjobs
20.6.2024 07:25Keresünk egy magyar(nyelvű) PhD hallgatót egy nyelvészeti projektbe Bielelfeldben! Ha érdekel, vagy ha ismertek valakit, akit...How an American Dream of Housing Became a Reality in Sweden https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/08/headway/how-an-american-dream-of-housing-became-a-reality-in-sweden.html?unlocked_article_code=1.yk0.uRT7.3tDbAfcLsDGL
10.6.2024 06:48How an American Dream of Housing Became a Reality in Sweden...https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-27/wa-indigenous-app-linking-science-and-culture/103869762
29.5.2024 08:00https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-27/wa-indigenous-app-linking-science-and-culture/103869762Registration for this year's EGG summer school in Brașov, Romania, is now open: https://www.eggschool.org/registration-for-egg-2024-in-brasov-romania-open-now/
As usual, we have introductory and advanced courses in phonology, semantics, and syntax and two weeks of good fun! Check the website for course descriptions!
#linguistics #summerschool #EGG
6.5.2024 15:01Registration for this year's EGG summer school in Brașov, Romania, is now open:...The editors of Syntax have resigned but will continue with a new, open access journal!
More here: https://linguistlist.org/issues/35/835/
13.3.2024 10:59The editors of Syntax have resigned but will continue with a new, open access journal!More here: https://linguistlist.org/issues/35/835/Colleagues in #linguistics at the University of Kent are threatened with their discipline being phased out. More info and a petition to save linguistics and other subjects here:
13.2.2024 09:13Colleagues in #linguistics at the University of Kent are threatened with their discipline being phased out. More info and a petition to save...“When cycling is 'normalized but marginalized'”
8.2.2024 19:21“When cycling is 'normalized but marginalized'”https://yewtu.be/watch?v=AjTx2ALomfc