🛫 💪 On February 25 and 26, 2025, we had our Kick-Off of the Research Unit @comai “Communicative AI: The transformation of societal communication” at @zemki,@unibremen - together with our partners at the @bredowinstitut, the Universität Graz, @univienna and ifib.
As a team, we are starting research into the #transformation of societal #communication with communicative #AI.
We couldn't have wished for a better start!
4.3.2025 08:27🛫 💪 On February 25 and 26, 2025, we had our Kick-Off of the Research Unit @comai “Communicative AI: The transformation of societal...Eine wichtige Initiative - unbedingt anschauen und mitmachen: Save Social
💪 Es geht darum, soziale #Netzwerke als demokratische Kraft zu retten.
💡 Die Idee ist, alternative #Plattformen jenseits der des #SiliconValley zu stärken.
Wie versuchen derzeit mit #molo https://molo.news einen solchen Weg zu gehen und eine neue #Plattform bzw. ein neues soziales Medium für das #Lokale zu initiieren. Damit sind wir Teil einer Welt, die Alternativen schaffen möchte.
15.2.2025 21:53Eine wichtige Initiative - unbedingt anschauen und mitmachen: Save Social💪 Es geht darum, soziale #Netzwerke als demokratische Kraft zu...It is noteworthy that Elon #Musk is trying to play the 'open' (“charity”) vs. 'commercial' (“for-profit”) card in his takeover bid for #OpenAI – and how Sam #Altman reacts to it. What is true, however, is that Twitter was once worth more: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/feb/10/elon-musk-open-ai-bid
11.2.2025 05:31It is noteworthy that Elon #Musk is trying to play the 'open' (“charity”) vs. 'commercial' (“for-profit”) card in...Fresh back from our great retreat with the @zemki Lab #Mediatization and #Datafication - 2 days of intense discussion, great ideas and lots of fun. Thanks for that!
7.2.2025 20:03Fresh back from our great retreat with the @zemki Lab #Mediatization and #Datafication - 2 days of intense discussion, great ideas and lots...💪‼️🥳 The update to 1.0 of #OpenQDA, our software and research infrastructure for coding #qualitative #data, is out: In addition to a new interface, the code system can now be managed easily and intuitively, and much more.
4.2.2025 18:13💪‼️🥳 The update to 1.0 of #OpenQDA, our software and research infrastructure for coding #qualitative #data, is out: In addition to...🚨#Jobalert: The application deadline for the tenure track assistant professorship #Media, #Society and the #GoodLife at @zemki is February 6 (in 2 days):
4.2.2025 07:12🚨#Jobalert: The application deadline for the tenure track assistant professorship #Media, #Society and the #GoodLife at @zemki is...The @zemki Research Day has begun: once a semester we all meet to discuss our research and new ideas together. A highlight every semester!
24.1.2025 09:31The @zemki Research Day has begun: once a semester we all meet to discuss our research and new ideas together. A highlight every semester!👀 What happens when #SiliconValley CEOs watch #Trump more carefully: They believe he „will be incredible for the country“.
It's remarkable how one #SiliconValley CEO after the other is swinging in Trump's direction. Sam #Altman from #OpenAI was next.
And while economic interests are often cited as the reason for this, it perhaps shows something else: #Californian #ideology has always been much more right-wing than it is often seen.
Worth taking a closer look, also historically.
24.1.2025 07:24👀 What happens when #SiliconValley CEOs watch #Trump more carefully: They believe he „will be incredible for the country“. It's...🔈 📻 Der @dlf hat in seiner Sendung Mediasres über unsere lokale News-#Plattform #molo berichtet – als mögliche lokale Alternative zu sozialen Medien wie #Facebook, #Instagram und ehemals #Twitter jetzt X. Es geht darum, wie wir auf molo #Lokaljournalismus und #Community zusammen bringen und was unsere Überlegungen für die Zukunft von molo sind.
#molo wird entwickelt am @zemki, @bredowinstitut und an der @unileipzig sowie von CONVELOP.
23.1.2025 07:56🔈 📻 Der @dlf hat in seiner Sendung Mediasres über unsere lokale News-#Plattform #molo berichtet – als mögliche lokale Alternative...Nächste Woche Dienstag (21.01.2025, 18:30 bis 21:00) haben wir mit Jens Radü (@spiegel) ein ZeMKI-Mediengespräch im Bremer Presse-Club, das Lisa-Marie Röhling (Radio Bremen) moderiert. Es geht um #KI im #Journalismus.
Für alle, die vor Ort sind und Interesse haben, die Adresse lautet: Schnoor 27, 28195 #Bremen.
Nähere Infos hier:
16.1.2025 12:55Nächste Woche Dienstag (21.01.2025, 18:30 bis 21:00) haben wir mit Jens Radü (@spiegel) ein ZeMKI-Mediengespräch im Bremer Presse-Club,...#Job ‼️🚨: Assistant Professorship for #Media, #Society and the #GoodLife at @zemki, @unibremen. We are looking for a young innovative colleague who wants to research and teach in an exciting environment.
Deadline is February 6th, 2025
9.1.2025 20:59#Job ‼️🚨: Assistant Professorship for #Media, #Society and the #GoodLife at @zemki, @unibremen. We are looking for a young innovative...Die Entwicklungen bei #Facebook und #Instagram zeigen, dass #SiliconValley soziale Medien problematisch sind, weil sie zunehmend #Meinungsfreiheit mit anything goes verwechseln. Für uns ist das eine große Motivation, weiter an molo zu arbeiten – einer #Plattform für #Information, #Lokaljournalismus und #Events vor Ort, bei der alle mitmachen können, die die Werte von #Demokratie und #Gemeinwohl ernst nimmt. Damit sind wir eine ganz andere Art von sozialem Medium:
9.1.2025 08:07Die Entwicklungen bei #Facebook und #Instagram zeigen, dass #SiliconValley soziale Medien problematisch sind, weil sie zunehmend...Would you like to do research on #media, #communications, #data and #AI at @zemki?
Our paid 4-week fellowships are open, in an innovative and inspiring research environment. Deadline for applications is January 31st, for more information see:
7.1.2025 19:50Would you like to do research on #media, #communications, #data and #AI at @zemki?Our paid 4-week fellowships are open, in an innovative and...This year, @zemki will be 20 - and we are therefore planning a conference on the topic of ‘20 Years into the Future: What is our vision of media, data, and society?’. Would you like to take part? Further information and the call for papers are available here: https://zemki.uni-bremen.de/en/event/20-years-into-the-future-what-is-our-vision-of-media-data-and-society/
2.1.2025 15:27This year, @zemki will be 20 - and we are therefore planning a conference on the topic of ‘20 Years into the Future: What is our vision of...End of last year we presented the latest version of #OpenQDA, an open source research infrastructure for qualitative data analysis, at @Weizenbaum_Institut – here is a short report on this by Roland Toth: https://methodslab.weizenbaum-institut.de/2024/12/20/show-and-tell-recap-openqda-a-sustainable-and-open-research-software-for-collaborative-qualitative-data-analysis/
2.1.2025 10:18End of last year we presented the latest version of #OpenQDA, an open source research infrastructure for qualitative data analysis, at...👀 Our @zemki research report is out just in time for the end of the year! If you want to find out more about what we have researched in the past year and what we are planning in our @comai research unit, then it's worth taking a look!
20.12.2024 08:03👀 Our @zemki research report is out just in time for the end of the year! If you want to find out more about what we have researched in...Will #chatbots teach your children? Jeremy Knox argues in his @zemki #ComAI lecture that such ideas are part of a long tradition of imagining the role of #technology in #education which is also a story of power in education. This becomes more and more sensory power.
17.12.2024 18:04Will #chatbots teach your children? Jeremy Knox argues in his @zemki #ComAI lecture that such ideas are part of a long tradition of...🚨🚀 netzwerkrecherche.org conducted a survey on “Independent Public Interest Media”. 174 newsrooms from 31 European countries were surveyed. Anyone interested in #pioneerjournalism, alternative models of #journalism and #platformcoop: Take a look!
👇 👇 👇
13.12.2024 14:07🚨🚀 netzwerkrecherche.org conducted a survey on “Independent Public Interest Media”. 174 newsrooms from 31 European countries were...A reminder: today at 15:00 MET I will give a talk on #datafication, #automation and communicative #AI, discussing the need to broaden #mediatization research (at the online symposium "Living and Research in Times of Deep Mediatisation"). #ComAI
For more information see: https://zemki.uni-bremen.de/en/talk-by-andreas-hepp-at-the-online-colloquium-living-and-research-in-times-of-deep-mediatization/
6.12.2024 12:53A reminder: today at 15:00 MET I will give a talk on #datafication, #automation and communicative #AI, discussing the need to broaden...What moves locally: The latest version of #molo has gone online - our local news and event #platform (in German). You can now not only post in the app, but also create new distribution areas. The app can be found in the Apple and Google Store. #journalism #news #localjournalism #community
29.11.2024 07:28What moves locally: The latest version of #molo has gone online - our local news and event #platform (in German). You can now not only post...