Helen Day and her #Ladybird books, featured in this weeks TLS.
2.6.2024 10:25Helen Day and her #Ladybird books, featured in this weeks TLS.First Green Hairstreak of the year - sunny woodland edge/heath, with bilberry. Near Shugborough, Staffordshire, UK. #butterflies
6.5.2024 12:20First Green Hairstreak of the year - sunny woodland edge/heath, with bilberry. Near Shugborough, Staffordshire, UK. #butterfliesHarbingers of spring!
15.2.2024 12:43Harbingers of spring!Shugborough oak 1086 on a beautiful, if chilly, January day.
27.1.2024 13:55Shugborough oak 1086 on a beautiful, if chilly, January day.Shugborough oak 1086 on a cold January day. Water meadows beyond partly flooded after weeks of mid-winter rainfall.
7.1.2024 15:43Shugborough oak 1086 on a cold January day. Water meadows beyond partly flooded after weeks of mid-winter rainfall.When your ‘phone randomly throws up photos from the past. My wife says ‘that’s not very flattering’; who cares - it’s me in our garden in August 2020. She caught me reading one day, while an obliging Red Admiral butterfly landed on my slightly sweaty blue linen shirt. That’s living.
22.4.2023 22:55When your ‘phone randomly throws up photos from the past. My wife says ‘that’s not very flattering’; who cares - it’s me in our...The cowslips are magnificent this year in our Staffordshire (UK) #GardenMeadow.
20.4.2023 12:54The cowslips are magnificent this year in our Staffordshire (UK) #GardenMeadow.We return to Shugborough oak 1086 as the sun goes down on a clear, chilly April evening
14.4.2023 09:08We return to Shugborough oak 1086 as the sun goes down on a clear, chilly April eveningThis venerable oak occupies a quiet corner of the Shugborough estate, Staffordshire, UK. We’ve nicknamed it the Domesday Oak because its number tag is (0)1086. Or rather ‘was’, as the tag has disappeared. I’ll be photographing it throughout the year: the cycle begins on a sunny, clear day in early April.
7.4.2023 12:18This venerable oak occupies a quiet corner of the Shugborough estate, Staffordshire, UK. We’ve nicknamed it the Domesday Oak because its...Here’s a Chiffchaff at the other end of the garden. #Birdsong
1.4.2023 22:57Here’s a Chiffchaff at the other end of the garden. #BirdsongSpring! A snatch of Blackcap song from a thicket in the corner of my Staffordshire garden in the UK. Chiffchaffs, with their more distinctive song, have been here for a few days. But for me, it’s the return of the Blackcaps, probably to the place of their birth, that heralds #spring. #birdsong #migration
30.3.2023 12:23Spring! A snatch of Blackcap song from a thicket in the corner of my Staffordshire garden in the UK. Chiffchaffs, with their more...Another Comma #butterfly today in our Staffordshire #GardenMeadow, this one rather worse for wear, probably from a bird’s pecking.
19.3.2023 00:21Another Comma #butterfly today in our Staffordshire #GardenMeadow, this one rather worse for wear, probably from a bird’s pecking.The first butterfly of the year! A Comma, having emerged from winter hibernation, basks in the surprisingly warm sunshine in our #GardenMeadow in this corner of Staffordshire, UK. A second one appeared and the two of them performed the twirling aerobatics that is characteristic of this species. #Butterflies
17.3.2023 14:25The first butterfly of the year! A Comma, having emerged from winter hibernation, basks in the surprisingly warm sunshine in our...Shugborough oak no. 1242 and Hadrian’s Arch, commemorating George and Elizabeth Anson, as if Caspar David Friedrich had stumbled over the scene.
26.2.2023 23:44Shugborough oak no. 1242 and Hadrian’s Arch, commemorating George and Elizabeth Anson, as if Caspar David Friedrich had stumbled over the...Also among my parents’ books, this beautiful item focussing on an oak tree painted repeatedly by the author over a three-year period. Coincidentally, I’ve had a long-running thread in the birdsite that, day by day, showed the same (though gradually changing) view of Staffordshire parkland with one of my favourite oaks centre stage. I’ve been meaning to recommence that thread on here - so here’s the view as seen at 12.24 today
29.1.2023 15:30Also among my parents’ books, this beautiful item focussing on an oak tree painted repeatedly by the author over a three-year period....Going through my parents’ estate (cont.) Having become something of a maritime historian of late, i was quite moved to find ‘The Romance of Navigation’, given to my Dad as a school prize in July 1939.
28.1.2023 16:02Going through my parents’ estate (cont.) Having become something of a maritime historian of late, i was quite moved to find ‘The Romance...This, from Michael Kulikowski’s review of two volumes on numismatics in the current issue of #LondonReviewOfBooks (45/3, p. 25), is so true. Heraldry and genealogy have been central to my own prosopographical work: armorial dissemination can contribute much to our understanding of networks within the military community and society at large. As for numismatics: the coinage in medieval Europe offers evidence of mind-boggling variety and richness (the reviewer stresses this for the ancient world).
28.1.2023 12:15This, from Michael Kulikowski’s review of two volumes on numismatics in the current issue of #LondonReviewOfBooks (45/3, p. 25), is so...The next 1000 piece #JigsawPuzzle took me several weeks of visits. Dark, atmospheric Venice. Annoyed to find that I had lost a piece by the end.
28.1.2023 00:28The next 1000 piece #JigsawPuzzle took me several weeks of visits. Dark, atmospheric Venice. Annoyed to find that I had lost a piece by the...The Sherbrook longhorn #cattle of #Shugborough seemed contented on this pleasant, sunny winter’s day (they stay out all winter, whatever the weather). They have been a feature of this Staffordshire parkland landscape for over two hundred years. #CattleOfMastodon
7.1.2023 18:18The Sherbrook longhorn #cattle of #Shugborough seemed contented on this pleasant, sunny winter’s day (they stay out all winter, whatever...A fitting tribute to Christopher Allmand, whose work focused primarily on the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years War (plus a remarkable book on the reception of Vegetius). Like everyone else it seems, i shall remember most his kindness and generosity.
Obituary by Graeme Small