I'm really getting a lot out of Martin Hägglund's This Life: Secular Faith and Spiritual Freedom, 2019). The critique of Max Weber's "disenchantment" thesis about secularism (pages 14-18) is especially stimulating.
“ . . . Weber fails to grasp the commitment to freedom that is the distinct historical achievement of modern secular life. . . .
the recognition that we are responsible for the form of our shared life is at the heart of the modern, secular commitment to democracy. "
So, how do I even message people here, let alone find people?
14.1.2025 07:24So, how do I even message people here, let alone find people?Jack Smith's Final Report:
14.1.2025 07:17Jack Smith's Final Report:https://www.washingtonpost.com/documents/6f4df207-e97f-4cd7-9a21-9aed8804a530.pdfI seem to have joined Mastodon three times and forgotten twice that I was already a member. But I'm really here for good this time.
8.1.2025 03:40I seem to have joined Mastodon three times and forgotten twice that I was already a member. But I'm really here for good this time.