Abstraction is central for managing the complexity of modern software, across the deductive-inductive divide created by the integration of "traditional" #SoftwareEngineering and #AI.
Together with Nelly Bencomo, @JordiCabot, Marsha Chechik, Betty H.C. Cheng, Benoit Combemale, Steffen Zschaler, we endeavoured to revitalise the discussion of abstraction in the post-ML-revolution world.
Join us for a Birds-of-Feathers Session at #models24: https://conf.researchr.org/track/models-2024/models-2024-birds-of-a-feather
22.9.2024 09:20Abstraction is central for managing the complexity of modern software, across the deductive-inductive divide created by the integration of...prof. Dan Suciu of University of Washington will lecture on Information Theory for Relational Query Processing at PICS PhD school in Copenhagen.
Abstract in the 🧵 below.
Early registration deadline: September 1.
More information: https://etaps.org/about/fopss-schools/2024/
Invite your students to register. Thanks for reposting.
I made a simple slide.
**Probability in Computer Science**
_PICS: The best PhD School of the Century_
October 14-18, 2024, https://etaps.org/about/fopss-schools/2024/
#pics #PhDschool #sigplan #siglog #etaps2024 #etaps @ETAPSconf @ACM
6.4.2024 08:42I made a simple slide. **Probability in Computer Science**_PICS: The best PhD School of the Century_October 14-18, 2024,...Our research network remaro.eu is running a workshop on Reliability Engineering Methods for Autonomous Robots (REMARO 2024) at the ETAPS conference in Luxembourg in April.
The goal is to have a venue at #ETAPS24 when robotics and formal methods folks can talk.
Submit talk proposals and papers by January 10th, meet us in Luxembourg in April, and repost this announcement now! Thank you.
21.11.2023 12:42Our research network remaro.eu is running a workshop on Reliability Engineering Methods for Autonomous Robots (REMARO 2024) at the ETAPS...This discount is still going on May 19. Grab it!
Just noticed a price drop on dsl.design book on #springer website. At least when I enter from Australia it shows EUR 15.88 instead of EUR 52.99. Just saying
cc: @tberger #dsldesign #icse2023
The big announcement!!! The dsl.design book is officially out from Springer. You can now order it at the source or download it if you have a subscription: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-23669-3
The book aims at university teaching of language design and technology, with lots of small examples and exercises. Supported by a code repository.
BTW. We are not getting any money when you download, but please go ahead and download!!! :D
#pleaseBoost #WeAreDone! CC: @tberger @seresearchers
8.2.2023 18:40The big announcement!!! The dsl.design book is officially out from Springer. You can now order it at the source or download it if you have...@raulpardo
Talks about our recent research project.
#VillumExperiment #privace #genetics
Direct link: https://video.itu.dk/video/82855050/the-human-genome-how-to-meassure
27.1.2023 21:32@raulpardo THE HUMAN GENOME: HOW TO MEASURE YOUR PRIVACY RISKTalks about our recent research project.#VillumExperiment #privace...If you are a software engineering researcher please follow https://a.gup.pe/u/seresearchers
(@seresearchers) to join a group service on SE.
To post to the service you need to tag the group handle. The messages should reach all the followers. It's been a bit shaky lately, but appears to work just fine now.
Thanks to @xLeitix for setting this up.
Please boost!
I just finished refactoring and cleaning all the example code for the http://dsl.design text book about domain specific modeling. Here are some quick&dirty stats for the languages used as examples in the book.
These stats are a bit misleading. Two most frequently used languages are Scala (now all using Scala 3.1) and Python (now all using Python 3.8). But we also have javascript, kotlin, C#, groovy, alloy, qvt, atl, xtext and a bunch of other DSLs.
6.8.2022 10:52I just finished refactoring and cleaning all the example code for the http://dsl.design text book about domain specific modeling. Here are...