The real grooming is all this heterosexual kissing at midnight on national television.
1.1.2023 05:25The real grooming is all this heterosexual kissing at midnight on national television.COVID tests give a whole new meaning to the phrase Pick your Brain.
27.12.2022 18:28COVID tests give a whole new meaning to the phrase Pick your Brain.Pains me to say but I think this thing needs an algorithm.
In lieu of an algorithm I'll take chronologically displayed toots.
And If there isn't going to be a quote toot feature can we get the option to turn off replies since they have no clear context?
God I miss Twitter
26.12.2022 14:35Pains me to say but I think this thing needs an algorithm. In lieu of an algorithm I'll take chronologically displayed toots.And If...This cannot be said enough
15.12.2022 14:32This cannot be said enough PSA about constant #AiART posts
Get the tissues out
Even Ted Cruz doesn't deserve what's about to happen to him.
7.12.2022 12:22Even Ted Cruz doesn't deserve what's about to happen to him.
30.11.2022 01:40 Mike White tops himself this season. I never wanted so many people to die so badly!
28.11.2022 06:57#whitelotus Mike White tops himself this season. I never wanted so many people to die so badly!Irene Cara #rip
How is it that every Steely Dan song feels slimy?
#musicodon #musicology