Well, I finished, I wasn't fast but wasn't expecting to be. I had a lot of fun, the crowd who come out to encourage us are lovely!
10.3.2025 07:18Well, I finished, I wasn't fast but wasn't expecting to be. I had a lot of fun, the crowd who come out to encourage us are lovely!Here we go for the Cambridge Half!
CPSL Mind is an essential charity, you can support them by clicking here....
Trying to get motivated....need to run another 10K today to guarantee getting through the Cambridge Half on 9th March.
You can sponsor me here, in aid of CPSL Mind, a fantastic charity which is really supportive.
#cambridgehalfmarathon #cpslmind #mentalhealth https://www.givengain.com/project/angela-raising-funds-for-cambridgeshire-peterborough-and-south-lincolnshire-cpsl-mind-90451
Happy feast day of St Cyril and Methodius, joint patron saints of Europe. My husband and I will celebrate by eating something Greek and planning a trip to Rome.
Unless you're an Old Rite Catholic, an Anglican or a Lutheran, in which case
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Happy Valentine's day to you.
If you fancy a free concert this Saturday, I'm playing in one! Michaelhouse Cambridge, some lovely folky arrangements and improvisation, all about the British weather. 15th Feb 1pm.
Also there's a very nice café.
For some strange reason I decided to do the Cambridge Half Marathon again 😆. Mental health support is woefully poorly funded and Mind do wonders to support my patients so I decided to support them. You can even give 50p on here and I'd be so happy! Please share. https://www.givengain.com/project/angela-raising-funds-for-cambridgeshire-peterborough-and-south-lincolnshire-cpsl-mind-90451
17.12.2024 12:30For some strange reason I decided to do the Cambridge Half Marathon again 😆. Mental health support is woefully poorly funded and Mind do...Hello everyone over here. Might have another go at this one now all the others are full of adverts and even more toxic. How's everyone doing?
14.6.2024 08:46Hello everyone over here. Might have another go at this one now all the others are full of adverts and even more toxic. How's everyone...Happy Mayday!
Thanks to the Devil's Dyke Morris Men for waking us up today and dancing in the May at Wandlebury.
If you ever end up rehearsing the Psycho film music suite at 10pm, I would thoroughly not recommend taking the dark shortcut through the common on your bicycle. 😱
22.4.2024 23:28If you ever end up rehearsing the Psycho film music suite at 10pm, I would thoroughly not recommend taking the dark shortcut through the...Sorry I've not posted on here for ages!
I'm in central London on Sat 17th but in a rehearsal until 6 so will miss the St Patrick's Day parade.
I can take my accordion and hope there may be a session to join in with somewhere near?
#irishmusic #session #stpatrick #traditionalmusic #irishtrad
I haven't been on here for a while.
Hello, what's been happening?
Happy Hallowe'en! I hope you're having some spooky fun ready for the big feast tomorrow.. x
#halloween #pumpkin #owls
I needed a bit of motivation to start going running again so I've signed up for the 2024 Cambridge Half Marathon.
Yes, I know it's a bit mad.
I’m helping raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Another family member just got diagnosed with cancer, luckily it's been caught early so is curable, but it was a huge shock to everyone and it's great to get support.
I've pledged to raise £300!
Support me at: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/angela-bennett17?utm_source=IG
Language learners, can you help?
I'm learning #welsh and #irish #gaelic on Duolingo. I want to do both! I did a year of Welsh then started Irish.
What's the best strategy to progress in both...concentrate on one for several weeks then switch to the other (slightly less satisfying to my flighty brain), do random bits of either when I feel like it (what I would naturally do I think), or maybe a day or week of one then switch (is this a middle ground)?
Does it matter?
Is there any evidence?
A friend asked me to send her these so she can teach to her whistle pupils so I thought I might as well humiliate myself on here. Ethna's Waltz No. 1 and 2. Ethna was an accordion teacher who taught the lady who teaches me. Nobody can tell me the real names of these tunes, they all just call them Ethna's, so maybe she wrote them? Or do you recognise them?
(Excuse the bad playing, still a beginner)
Just got home from rehearsals. Nothing can prepare you for the feeling of being in a group of musicians playing this: https://spotify.link/uSAc0SBWzDb
2.10.2023 21:40Just got home from rehearsals. Nothing can prepare you for the feeling of being in a group of musicians playing this:...The cat has brought in a nice plump (dead) rat for the 12YO's birthday. Naturally we are all delighted.
27.9.2023 06:22The cat has brought in a nice plump (dead) rat for the 12YO's birthday. Naturally we are all delighted.Cable entropy....so annoying
26.9.2023 07:51Cable entropy....so annoyingI am jealous he gets to do this all week whilst I work hard to buy his food.