Last weekend a heartfelt recognition in the work of Yussef Agbo - Ola : DAKU 3 PHLOEM ALTAR
With my South- American roots i felt a home comming in his contemplation room
#yussefagbo-ola #museumfundatiezwolle #SouthAmerica #homecomming
3.3.2025 16:19Last weekend a heartfelt recognition in the work of Yussef Agbo - Ola : DAKU 3 PHLOEM ALTARWith my South- American roots i felt a home...A new era will come.... don't know when or how but a change will come. We are in a transitional space....
Anish Kapoor: Untiteld
Two weekends ago in awe by this beautiful work of Anis Kapoor.
#anishkapoor #krollermullermuseum #aworldinchange
3.3.2025 16:04A new era will come.... don't know when or how but a change will come. We are in a transitional space....Anish Kapoor: UntiteldTwo...