Hey #Melbourne am coming down to help an author launch his book during the Australian Open - it's a fascinating memoir/expose of the global tennis industry, extremist sport parents and how child athletes are basically glammed up child labour. If you're in town, will be at Richmond Library Wed 15.
@MelbourneCityofLit @Melbourne #AusOpen #AusOpen2025 #AusOpen25 #AusLit #tennis #pickleball #memoir #sport #library
11.1.2025 01:34Hey #Melbourne am coming down to help an author launch his book during the Australian Open - it's a fascinating memoir/expose of the...Want to get away from it all? Welcome to the annual list of writers and readers festivals across Australia for 2025, lots of new ones popping up this year, and all the old favourites.
#Australia #writingcommunity #authors #literary #writersfestival #readers
11.1.2025 01:17Want to get away from it all? Welcome to the annual list of writers and readers festivals across Australia for 2025, lots of new ones...How a university student's project crystallised for me the worrying links between books, despondency and climate change...but there's also hope!
#climatechange #books #bookstodon #scifi #hopepunk #solarpunk #poetry #authors #writingcommunity #climatecrisis #bookstores #librarians #libraries #publishing #publishers
15.9.2024 12:11How a university student's project crystallised for me the worrying links between books, despondency and climate change...but...WriterBeware does a dive into another publisher. This one is based in Australia but also targeting international authors.
#authors #publishing #publishingindustry #writerbeware #writingcommunity #Australia
15.9.2024 11:59WriterBeware does a dive into another publisher. This one is based in Australia but also targeting international...Tax deductible crowdfunding platform for artists in Australia (The Australian Cultural Fund) gives donors extra reasons to support the arts. Last year there were 10,000 donors and 700 artists/organisations who participated. If you're a musician, artist or writer, or community group working in the arts, might be worth a look.
#Australia #Artists #Writers #Musicians #Australian #Crowdfunding
2.5.2024 04:24Tax deductible crowdfunding platform for artists in Australia (The Australian Cultural Fund) gives donors extra reasons to support the arts....The latest stats about publishing from the Alliance of Independent Authors. A summary: https://annafeatherstone.com/allis-big-indie-author-data-drop-2024/
#authors #indieauthors #publishing #author #indieauthor #publishingstats #writingcommunity #amwriting
@auslit @bookstodon
Library distributor over the phone:
‘Do you have your ISBN on you?’ ‘Why yes, I actually do,’ replied activist, author and artist Damien Linnane, looking down at the tattoo of the ISBN number on his forearm.
But that was for his first book...and now his second, Raw - A Memoir is out. Time for a new tatt?
Damien also runs a magazine for incarcerated inmates, art exhibitions and so much more. Learned so much about The Australian prison system from him.
There's a little more about him in my blog. And also interested to know how you've celebrated/memorialised the launch of your own book/s.
@auslit @bookstodon #author #library #librarians #Australia #Publishing #Books #justice #activist #Australianauthor #writingcommunity #bookmarketing #artist #art #NSW
7.3.2024 03:28Library distributor over the phone: ‘Do you have your ISBN on you?’ ‘Why yes, I actually do,’ replied activist, author and artist...This endorsement page for author John Silvester's book 'Naked City: True Stories of Crimes, Cock-Ups, Crooks & Cops' had me in stitches. Puff quotes/blurbs whatever you like to call them - sometimes being a bit quirky can have extra impact. Blogging on that topic for authors here
#author #authors #Australia #crimewriting #books #indieauthor #selfpublishing
1.2.2024 05:34This endorsement page for author John Silvester's book 'Naked City: True Stories of Crimes, Cock-Ups, Crooks & Cops' had me...Have just added NSW writers festival (Writers at the Woolshed in Wagga Wagga) to the mega listing of 2024 Australian writers festivals so you can start your dreaming/planning now.
Love how each is curated so differently, from crime writers to literary, non-fiction to romance and everything in between.
#WritersAustralia #Australia #writersfestivals #literary #writers #writingcommunity #NSW #writingtips
4.12.2023 06:42Have just added NSW writers festival (Writers at the Woolshed in Wagga Wagga) to the mega listing of 2024 Australian writers festivals so...I recently met permaculture author and seed saving advocate Jude Fanton and it was such a happy shock I burst into tears! Have you ever unexpectedly met an author who has changed your life in some way?
#permaculture #seedsaving #bookstodon #books #writing #booksworthreading #indiepublishing #selfpublishing #Australia
3.12.2023 06:47I recently met permaculture author and seed saving advocate Jude Fanton and it was such a happy shock I burst into tears! Have you ever...Drawing attention to waste in the book industry, and creating art...
29.11.2023 04:31Drawing attention to waste in the book industry, and creating art... https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-67218454 #books #art...Latest book sales stats out of Australia thanks to Nielsen - 3 non-fiction books take out the top places in the top 10. Sales have held up reasonably well for 2023.
Some more takeaways here:
#amwriting #authors #author
#writingcommunity #amwriting #indieauthors #selfpublishing #Australia #writersaustralia
Finally...a bestseller list for self-published books thanks to Jane Friedman . The Hotshot and Bookstat!
#writingcommunity #authors #author
#indieauthors #indieauthor #selfpublished #selfpublishing #janefriedman #books #publishing
Trauma memoirs/authors:
Just listened to Renee Otmar speak about 'Trauma in Publishing' at the Small Press Network conference & the difficulties faced by authors/publishing staff post-pub as readers reach out to share their own trauma. For indie authors, there are no publisher/agent buffers either so it's important to understand/be prepared.
Renee mentioned this article which might be of interest:
#publishing #writing #memoir #amwriting #traumawriting #traumamemoir #indieauthor #selfpublishing #trauma
22.11.2023 23:44Trauma memoirs/authors:Just listened to Renee Otmar speak about 'Trauma in Publishing' at the Small Press Network conference &...I’ve done it now, committed to writing (and therefore publishing and marketing) another book. Any author knows what that means…WAY TOO MUCH sitting in my future. With the sales coming up, I’m ready to take the plunge on one of those sit/stand desks. Have you got one you’re passionate about? Any key accessories? And did you get anything to stand on? A smooshy foot pad? One you have to balance on? An underdesk treadmill!?! Guide me :)
#Australia #Writers #Author
Whoa - did you ever read the Dune series? Or glut out on Star Wars comics? Do you have any idea about writer Kevin J. Anderson's journey and the highs and lows of writing, co-authoring, publishing and Hollywood over the last few decades? And what he wishes for writers/authors now? Was so lucky to catch his immensely honest and generous session via livestream from the 20Books conference and couldn't get it out of my head until I wrote it all down.
#kevinjanderson #dune #20books #20booksto50k #author #authors #writing #publishing #indieauthors #Hollywood #amwriting #writingcommunity #screenwriting #screenwriter #comicbooks
9.11.2023 07:36Whoa - did you ever read the Dune series? Or glut out on Star Wars comics? Do you have any idea about writer Kevin J. Anderson's journey...With the news that Amazon/Audible is now offering an ai narrator conversion beta for books in KDP Select...but that the resulting audiobooks will be offered in an all-you-can-eat Audible Plus subscription model, means that author royalties will likely take another dive (just like musicians have experienced with streaming on Spotify). That's not even taking into account the effect on narrators. More in my blog.
#chokepointcapitalism #corydoctorow #audiobooknarrators #audiobook #publishing #amwriting #writingcommunity #publishingindustry #Amazon #Audible #copyright #author #authorearnings #creatives #authors #publishers #literaryagents
2.11.2023 02:54With the news that Amazon/Audible is now offering an ai narrator conversion beta for books in KDP Select...but that the resulting audiobooks...Creatives: Would you like to better understand why writers & authors (+ musicians and artists) are being squeezed? The impact Amazon has had on the publishing industry, the chequered history of DRM, the dirt on copyright? How about 'how news got broken', 'why streaming doesn't pay' & what people in the creative industries can actually do about the current state of affairs? Highly recommend Choke Point Capitalism (by Rebecca Giblin & Cory Doctorow) as a read. Please ask your local library to get it in too so more people can have access.
#publishing #writing #author #bookstodon @bookstodon #capitalism #books #booksworthreading #bookrecommendation #corydoctorow #rebeccagiblin #Amazon #creatives
28.10.2023 01:38Creatives: Would you like to better understand why writers & authors (+ musicians and artists) are being squeezed? The impact Amazon has...Indie authors - if you're denied entry to literary competitions and writing awards, grants and other opportunities, get in touch with the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) who is campaigning around the world for more fairness for independent and hybrid authors.
#indieauthor #indieauthors #authors #ALLi #writingcommunity #Bookish #HybridAuthors #AllianceofIndependentAuthors
22.10.2023 06:28Indie authors - if you're denied entry to literary competitions and writing awards, grants and other opportunities, get in touch with...In this article 'Pay to Play', the realities of author, publisher and book store marketing budgets and arrangements are laid out with a personal viewpoint angle and research by author Laura Elizabeth Woollett.
This is another reason I'm passionate about helping authors with book marketing: for trad authors it's about not expecting 'my publisher will take care of that', and for indie authors - it's understanding your options and the importance of smart marketing to try and get visibility for your books.
#authors #bookstore #author #authormarketing #bookmarketing #publishing #Australia
21.10.2023 01:53In this article 'Pay to Play', the realities of author, publisher and book store marketing budgets and arrangements are laid out...