Je parle ici de #Otherscape, le nouveau jeu de Son of Oak.
Super pour faire du cyberpunk — mais ce n'est pas ce que je lui demandais.
23.1.2025 11:27Je parle ici de #Otherscape, le nouveau jeu de Son of Oak.Super pour faire du cyberpunk — mais ce n'est pas ce que je lui...I have one, and just one question, regarding Phandelver and below, that I deem critical but can't find any answer to: Is Kate Irwin back to being the Art Director, or is she just "additional", like in Bigby's? Does anybody know? #DnD
14.9.2023 10:52I have one, and just one question, regarding Phandelver and below, that I deem critical but can't find any answer to: Is Kate Irwin back...New idea for a Metaplot-driven #ttrpg : where the metaplot is not at all this hard to convey, elusive and secretive fiction going on in the background and driving the characters' live behind the scenes, but a plot that is laid bare for all to see, and game with, that is known in advance or even written together beforehand and constantly adjusted and rewritten to better suit every players' whims, hopes and likes.
7.9.2023 12:55New idea for a Metaplot-driven #ttrpg : where the metaplot is not at all this hard to convey, elusive and secretive fiction going on in the...Currently reading Rime of the Frostmaiden and... on paper, it might be the most inspiring 5e campaign I've read. I know it's not its reputation, at all, because it doesn't care for equilibrium and CR-proofed starts, but shouldn't we grognard snobs rather like that? It's completly devoid of combat-as-sport crap, mainly interested in depicting a living and breathing sandbox with tons of things to do, and it cares for every creature spoken of, down to the last entry of the last encounter table.
27.8.2023 12:54Currently reading Rime of the Frostmaiden and... on paper, it might be the most inspiring 5e campaign I've read. I know it's not...#rpgaday I own too many games I never played. Dogs in the Vineyard, Spire, Heart, Mutant Year Zero, Urban Shadows, Tribe 8. Most of them will remain unplayed.
#rpgaday See, saying a game is complex or simple can be deceiving. Because sometimes, hefty rules (the how) greatly simplify the making of the fiction (the what). And sometimes, simple fictions (say, dungeon crawls) with straightforward rules (either simple or complex, that's not the point) lead to a very complex exercise for players and DMs alike (what do we see? What does it mean to lose HPs ? What do you mean by "an action" ?).
Dnd is both simple and complex. Apowo too.
#rpgaday Coolest looking? Waow. So many. First, let's praise the great Kate Irwin for the coolest looking DnD edition ever. If 5e is so gorgeous, it's in good part thanks to her.
But there's other, more opinionated, more arty books I love, like Silent Titans (Patrick Stewart/Dirk Detweiler), or the new edition of Into the Odd (Johann Nor). And there's of course the Merry Mushmen. The Knocks, the Folkore Bestiary, all splendid books. And Neverland! And Oz! (Andrew Kolb!)
90% of my games are second hand purchases. Even the old ones bought during the nineties. Among them, my most beloved might be the gorgeous alt cover of the Xanathar's Guide by Hydro74, bought at a standard price. A book some are trying to sell as if it were real gold.
#rpgaday As for licensed RPGs, I guess Call of Cthulhu takes the cake. Amber, too. It's a big cake.
A game I wish I owned? I'd love to have all the B module series. And Hot Spring Island.
A favorite game system? I'm pretty comfortable with 5e, but the #CityOfMist engine is, as of now, my favorite system to drive character evolutions and to put the spotlight where it matters and, above all, where we want it to be.
#rpgaday The oldest? Apart from pretend play? The oldest published RPG I have played and would be kin to play again is Basic DnD. In its Red box avatar (still have it) or in OSE form.
#rpgaday Weirdest game, and again some kind of definition is required. I'll say the weirdest ones are the farthest removed from any others (that I've played). In this light, the weirdest games I have played might be Fiasco, because of its play-to-lose focus, and Paranoia and Amber, because of their competitive slant.
As for tie-in fictions, I don't know that many that would warrant me to write home about. I'll say Planescape torment is one, though, as is The Expanse -- the show rather than the books.
My favorite what, now? I don't have any favorite in this department. The ones I can read.
Favorite character? One of mine? I don't have any. I loved many of them, almost all of them. And those I didn't, I forgot everything about.
But who says they should be mine?
My partners played some astounding characters throughout the years. Rather than picking some almost at random, I'll pick those I think about the most these days: the #CityOfMist trio: Jayden, Jamichael and Bill. I love these guys. I love how they love each other.
The smartest RPG I've ever played? Another tricky one. What's a smart RPG?
I'll say it's an RPG which needs very little to accomplish a lot. And I see two clear contender, here. For the Queen, but also, and foremost, Lady Blackbird. Those two will set you all up for a good story with deconcerting ease. Settings, rules, campaigns and characters, all rolled up in a few sentences, a few pages, a few cards. Brilliant.
Dogs in the Vineyard
The Dracula Dossier
I wouldn't mind trying Blades in the Dark, too.
Forbidden Lands, though I doubt I'll really like it.
I think that's all.
But for now, my main itch is still firmly anchored between two games, 5E and #CityOfMist, that I have already played a ton.
6.8.2023 14:53Dogs in the VineyardThe Dracula DossierI wouldn't mind trying Blades in the Dark, too.Forbidden Lands, though I doubt I'll really...#RPGaDay Favorite game I never get to play. Strange question. I think none? For a game to be my favorite, I must have played it. Otherwise, it's just a potential favorite, a want or a desire I would have trouble classifying. Besides, if I really want to play a game, I just do, it doesn't stay "not played" long.
Are there some games, right now, that I want to play and never have?
#RPGaDAY2023 The oldest RPG I remember playing was me and my cousins pretending we were super heroes in our grand-parents' garden. My favorite role was Rogue, sometimes Colossus.
The oldest published RPG I remember playing was DnD Basic.
5.8.2023 07:16#RPGaDAY2023 The oldest RPG I remember playing was me and my cousins pretending we were super heroes in our grand-parents' garden. My...#RPGaDAY2023 First rpg bought this year... Heart: The City Beneath.
Last one bought, which is also the next one bought: Tribe 8.