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BTW I'll be out of town for a few days, so no new prompts will be uploaded until the 10th.

BTW I'll be out of town for a few days, so no new prompts will be uploaded until the 10th.

6.8.2023 19:27BTW I'll be out of town for a few days, so no new prompts will be uploaded until the 10th.

hypno kink, alraune, vines, nectar, pheromonesAugust Prompt: Ripe Just a taste of that nectar was enough to leave Madison swimming in...

hypno kink, alraune, vines, nectar, pheromones

August Prompt: Ripe

Just a taste of that nectar was enough to leave Madison swimming in pleasure. It had a ripe, pungent flavor that was as intense on her mind as it was on her tongue. She swayed on its intoxicating aroma, nearly falling head over heels before a vine slithered around to anchor her.

“So…” the Plant Woman murmured, “You wanted to know more about Alraunes, dear?” Madison nodded, eager for more. “Well, I’d be happy to oblige you. After all, it’s not often a ripe old dear like me gets a visit from such a young, eager little vixen like yourself~”

6.8.2023 19:25hypno kink, alraune, vines, nectar, pheromonesAugust Prompt: Ripe Just a taste of that nectar was enough to leave Madison swimming in...

hypno kink, alien, hive mind, tentacles, slime, latex,August Prompt: Share They stood no chance against you. None of them did. Your...

hypno kink, alien, hive mind, tentacles, slime, latex,

August Prompt: Share

They stood no chance against you.

None of them did. Your transformation had made you perfect for spreading the influence of your Alien Hivemind, and before long, many more were folded under that sway of that slimy pleasure.

At last, the Hivemind called to you again. You returned, falling limp in the grasp of those black tentacles that swarmed over you. You blacked out as they ravished you, their gooey touch transforming you. They embedded you with more gifts and more of its presence until…

You were no longer just a part of the Hivemind.

You were the Hivemind itself.

5.8.2023 20:16hypno kink, alien, hive mind, tentacles, slime, latex,August Prompt: Share They stood no chance against you. None of them did. Your...

hypno kink, hive mind, alien, tentacles, slime, latexAugust Prompt: Presence You gave into that invasive presence with a bliss-soaked moan,...

hypno kink, hive mind, alien, tentacles, slime, latex

August Prompt: Presence

You gave into that invasive presence with a bliss-soaked moan, overwhelmed at the swarming touch that roamed over you with wanton affection.
Gooey tentacles slathered all over you in their lovely touch, leaving you coated in that glistening black latex. The binding slime kneaded into your muscles with pinpoint precision, sculpting you into a masterpiece eager to be reborn.
As your body was perfected, the Alien Hivemind’s presence molded your mind into wonderful order. No longer were you simply ‘you’ — now you were an extension of this being, fit to serve and share the flawless gifts of its magnificent presence.

4.8.2023 23:23hypno kink, hive mind, alien, tentacles, slime, latexAugust Prompt: Presence You gave into that invasive presence with a bliss-soaked moan,...

And the Votes are in across the board! The Results are...GEAR with 39% (Seven Votes)NECESSITY with 28% (Five Votes)STICK with 22% (Four...

And the Votes are in across the board! The Results are...

GEAR with 39% (Seven Votes)

NECESSITY with 28% (Five Votes)

STICK with 22% (Four Votes)

FINAL with 11% (Two Votes)

This month's extended story is Gear!

4.8.2023 14:10And the Votes are in across the board! The Results are...GEAR with 39% (Seven Votes)NECESSITY with 28% (Five Votes)STICK with 22% (Four...

hypno kink, lamia, naga, coils, tunnel of loveAugust Prompt: Tunnel As you floated into the Tunnel of Love, you jumped as you felt your naga...

hypno kink, lamia, naga, coils, tunnel of love

August Prompt: Tunnel

As you floated into the Tunnel of Love, you jumped as you felt your naga boyfriend’s coils cling to you. You chuckle, remarking how he shouldn’t be scared, but as you catch his eyes before entering, you realize he’s coiling you up for a different reason.
Within the darkness, his gaze erupts into rings of beautiful color, his coils ensnaring your dazzled body with bliss.
Somehow, amidst the swirling of his beautiful eyes, the words “I Love You,” escaped your grinning mouth.
Somehow, as the two of you embraced for a tender kiss, you had a feeling he already knew.

3.8.2023 19:32hypno kink, lamia, naga, coils, tunnel of loveAugust Prompt: Tunnel As you floated into the Tunnel of Love, you jumped as you felt your naga...

What's your favorite Hypno-Drabble I released in July?Choices were pulled from my most popular drabbles overall in July. Winner gets...

What's your favorite Hypno-Drabble I released in July?

Choices were pulled from my most popular drabbles overall in July. Winner gets turned into a Longer Story ala "Abyss of Bliss" or "The Gift That I Adore"

Gear (Programming + Tentacles)
Final (Wandering Adventurer + Captivating Genie)
Stick (Superhero + Slime Villainess)
Necessity (Needy Vampire + Needy Servant)

3.8.2023 13:51What's your favorite Hypno-Drabble I released in July?Choices were pulled from my most popular drabbles overall in July. Winner gets...

hypno kink, hive mind, beesAugust Prompt: August The Queen Bee entered the Chamber, a most august foe compared to any other villain the Hero...

hypno kink, hive mind, bees

August Prompt: August

The Queen Bee entered the Chamber, a most august foe compared to any other villain the Hero had defeated. He found himself at the mercy of the Great Hive and its hallowed noble.
“Relax,” she whispered in his ear, “Being a part of the Hive haszz szzo many pleaszzureszz~”
The Hero cried out as her stinger struck him true, filling him with hypnotic venom that coursed through his veins. His screams faltered as the buzzing of the Hive overwhelmed his every thought with pure, sugary bliss.
“Yes,” his addled mind thought, “Being part of the Hive has so many pleaszzureszz~”

3.8.2023 01:28hypno kink, hive mind, beesAugust Prompt: August The Queen Bee entered the Chamber, a most august foe compared to any other villain the Hero...

hypno kink, alraune, vinesAugust Prompt: Climb Her vines climbed over the Security Guard’s chiseled frame, binding him beneath the...

hypno kink, alraune, vines

August Prompt: Climb

Her vines climbed over the Security Guard’s chiseled frame, binding him beneath the Alraune’s touch. “Yes,” the Alraune grinned, “You’re just what I’ve been looking for.”
The Guard was about retort when a flowery vine thrust itself onto his face, spritzing his senses in pollen. He coughed and spluttered at first, but before long, a needy moan escaped his muffled lips, burning with passion from the heat building inside him.
He’d be the perfect pet. Eager to serve her every desire, he’d help his Flower Mistress escape this infernal greenhouse and into the limelight, with all the pleasures that followed~

1.8.2023 19:05hypno kink, alraune, vinesAugust Prompt: Climb Her vines climbed over the Security Guard’s chiseled frame, binding him beneath the...

hypno kink, robot, tentacles, brainwashingJuly Prompt: Nothing There was nothing quite like those eyes — beaming rings of bliss streamed...

hypno kink, robot, tentacles, brainwashing

July Prompt: Nothing

There was nothing quite like those eyes — beaming rings of bliss streamed into the young scientist’s eyes until they left her dazzled with their spectacular beauty.
There was nothing quite like those tentacles — ensnaring ribbons of metal winding around the young scientist and binding tight to leave her pliant in their pacifying touch.
There was nothing quite like those hands — feeling their way up to the young scientist’s head to transform the putty of her mind into an extension of its logical programming.
There was nothing quite like her creation, her brilliant robotic design.
Nothing quite like it at all.

31.7.2023 17:04hypno kink, robot, tentacles, brainwashingJuly Prompt: Nothing There was nothing quite like those eyes — beaming rings of bliss streamed...

hypno kink, lamia, naga, coilsJuly Prompt: Fork The Naga’s attention was forked between his prey: one at the mercy of his rippling coils,...

hypno kink, lamia, naga, coils

July Prompt: Fork

The Naga’s attention was forked between his prey: one at the mercy of his rippling coils, the other at his dazzling eyes. The two adventurers had come looking to claim a bounty on the serpentine hermit but had quickly found themself subject to his whims.
The Brawn was easy to dispatch, her mind succumbing eagerly upon locking into his hypnotic bliss. Her companion, the Brains of the Duo, would prove a challenge to enthrall.
He’d attempted to enchant her mind, but her resistance was… troublesome. His constricting embrace, however, would leave her nice and tender for when she inevitably surrendered~

30.7.2023 18:56hypno kink, lamia, naga, coilsJuly Prompt: Fork The Naga’s attention was forked between his prey: one at the mercy of his rippling coils,...

hypno kink, kitsuneJuly Prompt: Communication Every Adventurer knows that the Kitsune have cut off all communication with the outside world....

hypno kink, kitsune

July Prompt: Communication

Every Adventurer knows that the Kitsune have cut off all communication with the outside world. But not every adventurer knows the punishment for intruding upon their domain, especially should they insult one.
This one seems to be finding out the hard way. After calling the Kitsune a “Foxy Mama” , they were bound and ensnared in the grasp of her tails. The Kitsune appears to be pampering them with her soft tails, preparing them for a blissful new life as her personal servant and plaything.
I, for one, am jealous.
- Excerpt from “The Kitsune’s Realm” by Dame Madison Perkins, Supernaturalist Documentarian.

29.7.2023 19:03hypno kink, kitsuneJuly Prompt: Communication Every Adventurer knows that the Kitsune have cut off all communication with the outside world....

hypno kink, lamia, naga, coils, constrictionJuly Prompt: Current The river of scales flowed like a current around you, kneading you with...

hypno kink, lamia, naga, coils, constriction

July Prompt: Current

The river of scales flowed like a current around you, kneading you with their thick bands of muscle as you gasped for breath beneath their drowning weight.
The experience was overwhelming, to say the least. The Nagas tugged you this way and that, deeper and deeper under their sway as they indulged you with bliss. Their constricting grip silenced what few words you could muster, your mind deep under their sway as they passed you around to sample.
The Naga Nest giggled as you moaned needily for more. The current trend of ‘sharing prey’ made you such a cute pet.

28.7.2023 18:52hypno kink, lamia, naga, coils, constrictionJuly Prompt: Current The river of scales flowed like a current around you, kneading you with...

hypno kink, heroes & villains, slimeJuly Prompt #27: Stick The Hero squirmed beneath the Slime Villainess’ pulsing form, wrestling...

hypno kink, heroes & villains, slime

July Prompt #27: Stick

The Hero squirmed beneath the Slime Villainess’ pulsing form, wrestling against that slimy embrace.
“As much as I’ve enjoyed this game of ours,” she smirked, “I’m not through with you yet.”
Before he could even question what she meant, the Hero gasped as a wave of slime washed over him. His senses grew murky as he drowned in unspeakable bliss, her sticky grasp on his mind teasing him to accept his place beneath her.
The Villainess grinned as a vacant smile stretched across the Hero’s face. “Just relax, darling,” She cooed, “You’re gonna be stuck with me for a while~”

27.7.2023 19:53hypno kink, heroes & villains, slimeJuly Prompt #27: Stick The Hero squirmed beneath the Slime Villainess’ pulsing form, wrestling...

July Prompt: Activity “So,” the Detective said, “Care to… explain what all this activity with your organization is about?” The Mob...

July Prompt: Activity

“So,” the Detective said, “Care to… explain what all this activity with your organization is about?”
The Mob Boss took another drag of his cigar, billowing smoke into the murky room. “Nothing out of the ordinary, I assure you.”
“I’d think other… other…” The words stumbled out of their mouth, messy and discombobulated. The Boss smirked, his eyes glowing faintly amidst the haze.
“I think,” he began, taking the detective’s limp form in his burly arms, “Your mind’s too active — got you seeing things. Why don’t you stay here and rest a while? I’d be happy to accommodate you, personally~”

26.7.2023 18:13July Prompt: Activity “So,” the Detective said, “Care to… explain what all this activity with your organization is about?” The Mob...

hypno kink, lamia, naga, coilsJuly Prompt: Give She had made a valiant effort to resist your temptations, but once her mind dropped beneath...

hypno kink, lamia, naga, coils

July Prompt: Give

She had made a valiant effort to resist your temptations, but once her mind dropped beneath your hypnotic spell, you found this adventurous intruder had a lot of give within your coils.
With every massage your bountiful coils inflicted upon her, the Adventurer gave in to that rapturous bliss, giggling as you slowly molded her body into the perfect plaything. Her hardened exterior gave away, melting to reveal a sweet, needy center.
She gave herself to your dazzling deal, surrendered and bound beneath your watchful eye. In exchange, you provided her with pleasures beyond comparison as your personal squeeze toy.

25.7.2023 19:04hypno kink, lamia, naga, coilsJuly Prompt: Give She had made a valiant effort to resist your temptations, but once her mind dropped beneath...

hypno kink, alraune, vinesJuly Prompt: Barb The Florist gave a pointed look towards the garden menace. “I’ve no time for overgrown weeds...

hypno kink, alraune, vines

July Prompt: Barb

The Florist gave a pointed look towards the garden menace. “I’ve no time for overgrown weeds like yo—” His words were cut off as a thorny vine wrapped around them, constricting him tight in its grasp.
“Come now, darling,” the Rose Alraune smirked, “I’m all for trading barbs, but not like this. I’m sure you’ll find I’ve got a keen eye and a green thumb for these sorts of things~”
The Florist yelped as the vine tightened around him, its flowery end pushing his eyes directly into the view of the Alraune’s pointed gaze, and deep under her floral spell.

24.7.2023 19:13hypno kink, alraune, vinesJuly Prompt: Barb The Florist gave a pointed look towards the garden menace. “I’ve no time for overgrown weeds...

hypno kink, lamia, coils, jewelry, implied abduction, two-post storyThe lamia took her face in hand and planted a needy kiss upon her lips,...

hypno kink, lamia, coils, jewelry, implied abduction, two-post story

The lamia took her face in hand and planted a needy kiss upon her lips, their forked tongue darting forth from the lamia’s lips and slithering its way into her open mouth. Twin moans erupted from the pair of lovers with wanton regard as Karam wrapped their way around Adora’s tongue, coiling the prize within just as they’d done to the rest of her.
Adora’s eyes rolled back, overwhelmed with love and emotion after having been kept touch-starved for so long. Karam’s deep kiss tasted sweet as chocolate as they laid conquest to her lovely mouth, before withdrawing to leave her panting for more. The self-satisfied glint in their eyes spoke loudly for the lamia, pleased at the sight of their love unraveling within her coily cocoon. “Pleassse, darling,” they hissed, brushing their hand along her cheek, “It’sss been ssso long sssince I’ve had a good look at you.”
The young woman’s eyes drew forward, as Karam’s gaze transformed into a swirl of color. This was the beauty and splendor she had long missed out on in the village, a natural wonder greater than anything man could ever dream of. Adora’s eyes erupted in bliss, mirroring that hypnotic stare in a union of color.
Karam grinned — there was something so adorable about their love when she became like this, unwound and untethered to the stress of the world around her, enjoying the peace they provided her.
A Peace they now could provide for always and always, now and forever more~
“I have a gift for you, my sssweet,” Karam hissed into Adora’s ear. “Sssomething I know you’ll enjoy~” Adora blushed — no gift could be better than the lamia’s love, but if Karam insisted, she could hardly turn away their affections.
The serpent-folk kissed their love on the cheek before, almost like magic, producing a golden necklace from their coils. Its golden chains glimmered in the light, slithering down in intricate patterns towards the pendant at its center — a crystal, as green as Karam.
Adora whimpered as the coils around her neck withdrew, but was silenced as Karam rubbed her chin with a hiss. “I underssstand I cannot alwaysss be here to bring you peace of mind,” he smiled, adorning the necklace around her blissfully nodding neck, “But at leassst thisss will keep you pleasssured~”
The necklace locked in place around her neck, the green crystal glowing as bright as a star as its power flowed into Adora. She gasped as before her eyes a green effigy of Karam erupted into being, as perfect as her love envisioned them. In an instant, it ensnared her within its light, pouring into her with such bliss and dazzling brilliance she had never seen on such a scale. Her mind drank in its loving embrace, intoxicated by that green glow that kept her utterly enthralled in its enchantment.
Outside her mind, Adora grinned peacefully within the binding hug of her lover, silently cooing as every so often Karam’s effigy toyed within her mind. Karam grinned, hissing sweet nothings into her mind as they cuddled into their love. They may not always be there to sate Adora’s needs, but they could sleep soundly knowing she would always be adored.

24.7.2023 01:36hypno kink, lamia, coils, jewelry, implied abduction, two-post storyThe lamia took her face in hand and planted a needy kiss upon her lips,...

hypno kink, lamia, coils, jewelry, implied abduction, two-post storyIt had been some time since her love had left. Adora lay comfortably...

hypno kink, lamia, coils, jewelry, implied abduction, two-post story

It had been some time since her love had left.
Adora lay comfortably inside the Lamia’s Den, sprawled atop the great stone slab her lover used to bask in the sun’s rays and warm themself up. It wasn’t the most comfortable piece of furniture, but it hardly mattered to Adora. She spent most of her days wrapped snugly in her love’s coils, blissfully unaware of the world around her.
She had long forgotten her old life. Truth be told, there wasn’t much worth remembering. The only thing worthwhile she could recall was just how unfulfilled she was, and how wonderful it felt to be noticed by Karam.
The Lamia had been so kind to her. Her first memory of her scaly love had been when they rescued her from that awful village. She’d objected at first, but once Karam showed her what she was missing, all the natural beauty and splendor of the world the village had kept from her, she could hardly imagine leaving their side.
She was alone, now. Her love had gone on a long journey across the jungle but had promised to be back as soon as they could.
That had been some time ago, and an incessant need had slowly crept into her mind. She tossed about the warm stone, desperate for her love’s touch to return to her once more. Oh, how Adora missed them so — the toned scales of their coils, the dazzling look of their eyes, those syrupy sweet whispers that hissed love into her ears… Adora let out an aching moan at the thought of her love, imagining the brilliant bliss that might come upon their return.
A faint hiss filled the air, dripping into the cavernous den and slithering its way back to Adora’s mind. She froze, though her mind begged to move closer to the slithery source of the noise. Her eyes darted about before locking on to a familiar-looking tail descending from the ceiling, the green scales along its length glistening like morning dew on leaves. She silently screamed at herself to greet her love, though remained transfixed where she rightfully belonged atop their lovely bed.
The tail swung tauntingly in the air, toying with the young woman as she sat shivering with anticipation. Her eyes remained on it as it swayed back and forth, back and forth, drawing her focus like a pendulum. Whimpers escaped Adora’s lips like steam from a kettle, desperate for her love to quit their toying with her and indulge her after spending so long apart.
Despite this, her body remained frozen in place, her eyes darting side-to-side as they followed the path of that gleaming tail. She was so caught up in their tail that she didn’t notice her lovely lamia sneaking up behind her, hissing with delight at the sight of her loyalty.
Adora gasped as a forked tongue slithered its way into her ear, only to choke up as the evergreen tail descended upon her, claiming her chin for itself. Any sense of composure melted as Karam caressed her head with both hand and scale, her body writhing in desire as euphoria flooded down her spine. Soft lips kissed their way down her neck, and Adora murmured in relief as she came undone at her lover’s touch.
“Misssss me?” Karam hissed toyingly. Adora nodded eagerly as their coils descended from above to roam over her ample body. The scaly green muscle surrounded her, just as eager to bind her to their touch as she was to surrender to their pure bliss. “Good girl, I misssssed you too.”

24.7.2023 01:36hypno kink, lamia, coils, jewelry, implied abduction, two-post storyIt had been some time since her love had left. Adora lay comfortably...

hypnosis, lamiaJuly Prompt: Turn “Come on!” shouted the Carny. “Your session’s up — I’ve got folks here who’ve been waiting...

hypnosis, lamia

July Prompt: Turn

“Come on!” shouted the Carny. “Your session’s up — I’ve got folks here who’ve been waiting hours for their turn.”
The Lamia turned up from the hypnotized human. “I’ll pay for another turn.”
“You’ve had three already — You want more? Wait in line like everyone else.”
They turned to the Carny with a serpentine stare. “Perhapsss I can persssuade you to—”
“End of the Line, pal.”
The lamia slunk off, hissing mournfully. The Carny sighed, pulling the lever to reset for the next round.
“Step right up!” the Carny called out. “Hypnotize-A-Human! Steal a Mind for a Steal of a Price!”

23.7.2023 19:05hypnosis, lamiaJuly Prompt: Turn “Come on!” shouted the Carny. “Your session’s up — I’ve got folks here who’ve been waiting...
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