What i think to the LGBTQIA marriage?
I think it should be in all countries allowed because i think family is not only eterosexual but love is unconditional and also is natural to love someone even if of the same sexuality. It must be more expressed the feeling of love i am favour to lgbt marriages because why we shouldn t be treated like everyone else? #lgbtqia #marriage #LGBTmarriage #lgbtqiadiricts #stopjudging
What i think about the PRIDE day...
manifest the needing for lgbtqia dirict is cool be good because we are human beings also and i think that there shouldn't be different. Everyone is a person and should be treated like that no one has to be discriminated because gender and similar we all have needs to be loved and love each others. We basically don't hurt no one we are people like all #lgbtqia #lgbtdiricts #pride #myideas #opinions #nodiscriminations
How i am in reality #transman #lgbtqia #reallife #reality #dateme
27.6.2024 07:59How i am in reality #transman #lgbtqia #reallife #reality #datemeWhich movie do you think i am?
1 Horror
2 Triller
3 Action
4 Adventure
5 Mistery
6 Love
7 Animation
8 Fantasy
9 Crime
10 Fantascience
11 War
#polls #whatmovieiam #hobbies #transman #lgbtqia #friendship #makefriends
17.6.2024 18:06Which movie do you think i am?1 Horror 2 Triller3 Action4 Adventure5 Mistery6 Love7 Animation8 Fantasy9 Crime10 Fantascience11 War#polls...Someone said me " Don't you regret about your tattoos and stuffs?" I am sure i don t regret that because the matter of time but the thing is if i ever regret sometings are my mistakes. I had to wait 10 years before my 1St tattoo. Later happened after few months. I'm against judgements toward tattoos. The matter is the quality of person not about the person's tattoos. #lgbtqiaplus #tattooed #boy #transman #ideas #MyIdeal
1.6.2024 14:12Someone said me " Don't you regret about your tattoos and stuffs?" I am sure i don t regret that because the matter of time...Wearing black and camo style i look like i wear a boy style Summer is coming and it still raining tho #photoshot #photo #myphoto #lgbtqia #lgbtqiaplus #bisexual #transman #transgender #emoboy
19.5.2024 15:24Wearing black and camo style i look like i wear a boy style Summer is coming and it still raining tho #photoshot #photo #myphoto #lgbtqia...All rainbow LGBTQ+ Supporting #lgbtqia #lgbtqsupporter #transman #rainbow
15.5.2024 16:36All rainbow LGBTQ+ Supporting #lgbtqia #lgbtqsupporter #transman #rainbowContent warning:Heavy topic
What do you think about the mary legalization? I think if it used like medication is not bad because it will help alot with mental health issues. I remember i never expressed myself on this theme when i was at school on writing themes about this. What you think about it?
#smoke #addictions #MyIdeal
Which actor i like alot in italy...they always remember me good times even when i am alone and when i am during the meal times. They're lot great and cheering me up when i'm sad #italianmovie #ILoveMovies #budspencerterencehill #tributes
14.5.2024 18:11Which actor i like alot in italy...they always remember me good times even when i am alone and when i am during the meal times. They're...My favourite dish i share with you all i love red meat specially a steak like this...And you what kinda dish you like most? #food #cooking #proteins #ilovefood
14.5.2024 18:03My favourite dish i share with you all i love red meat specially a steak like this...And you what kinda dish you like most? #food #cooking...Content warning:Religion Cult topic
Basically i adopted the viking norse belief, it made me a better person and positive, for who wants to get deep into it i can say that it can help alot your daily life and to face the reality for what it is. Got lot of worths and cool stuff in it. I embraced it 8 years ago when i was in a very hard times and i really feel a new person
#belief #norsepaganism #paganism #heathen #experience #lifestyle #personalexperience #religion
Do you prefer tea or coffee for a snack? Red fruit tea is the best tea ever i really suggest to try it it's cool when you wanna relax...Cheers #freetime #fun #teatime #snacks #friendship
14.5.2024 15:13Do you prefer tea or coffee for a snack? Red fruit tea is the best tea ever i really suggest to try it it's cool when you wanna...Content warning:Politic topic
I basically think that if you promise something you have to find the way to respect it like everyone respect everything but i think in this moment is time to make us fighting for our rights and take what we need. When you try to do stuffs that are not helping the population why are you doing it. We should think to our wellness and respect each others and do what we feel right but not damaging each others.
#anarchy #ideasworthspreading #MyIdeal #fightforfreedom #mythought
14.5.2024 14:58Content warning:Politic topicI basically think that if you promise something you have to find the way to respect it like everyone respect...When you wanna look cool but people looking at you weird because you're a trans man and they look at you only for bad ending. They don't know you're human also if LGBTQ+ No one respects lgbt in italy because too closed mind. #lgbtqia #lgbtrights #WeArePeople #transman #transgender #dysphoric #bisexuality #lgbtqfighting
14.5.2024 14:49When you wanna look cool but people looking at you weird because you're a trans man and they look at you only for bad ending. They...I think that women needs to be respected as men do. They are having sensibilities and emotion those can be our mothers,girls, sisters and more. Yes against the woman violence, they are human and they need our same diricts. They're not less than man. Woman must be respected as each others #stopviolenceagainstwomen #womanrights #RespectAndLove
14.5.2024 09:47I think that women needs to be respected as men do. They are having sensibilities and emotion those can be our mothers,girls, sisters and...Nature is the future for the new generations when the new generations are destroying everything putting thing on the green spaces...Green helps us to live and breathe and we often don't respect the environment #environmentcare #respectthegreen #ecology #arguments
14.5.2024 09:40Nature is the future for the new generations when the new generations are destroying everything putting thing on the green spaces...Green...When you wanna smoke in company before to go to work and you feel like you want to talk to someone and just offer a breakfast
#smoker #addiction #friendly #goodmorning
What about smoke? Not more than tobacco i usually try to avoid complications but i smoke in company sometimes and sometimes alone...i love to stay on the balcony and chill in the wind blowing #addiction #smoking #transman #freetime #lifestyle
13.5.2024 22:08What about smoke? Not more than tobacco i usually try to avoid complications but i smoke in company sometimes and sometimes alone...i love...What i think about rainbow adoption? i think we all need to get a family no matter the gender no matter the sexuality but matter the way how we love each others. Love and respect is at the first place in a life of individual. In every kind of relationship. Friendship or love...than agreed with lgbtq+ kids adoption #lgbtqia #lgbtadoption #RainbowFamilies #lgbtq #people #friendship #relationships
13.5.2024 22:03What i think about rainbow adoption? i think we all need to get a family no matter the gender no matter the sexuality but matter the way how...When you feel lot social...this is me and i m happy to be here to make new friends
#makefriends #transman #lgbtqia #italian #friendship #newbie
13.5.2024 17:44When you feel lot social...this is me and i m happy to be here to make new friends#makefriends #transman #lgbtqia #italian #friendship...