Daphodils in full bloom now & I've probably seen over 60 garlic plants with greenery now, beyond the potato onions & walking onions doing nicely in said realm. I was at first worried I'd not be able to tell apart the Egyptian Walking #Onions from the Potato onions but at this point I'm seeing it very clearly. The Potato Onions having much firmer & thicker greenery than the Egyptian Walking Onions.
19.3.2025 18:19Daphodils in full bloom now & I've probably seen over 60 garlic plants with greenery now, beyond the potato onions & walking...Did a little plant survey today as I took out the trash for tomorrow's pickup, about 50 of my garlic plants are showing sizable greenery and the daphodils are starting to blossom. #Gardening
17.3.2025 05:26Did a little plant survey today as I took out the trash for tomorrow's pickup, about 50 of my garlic plants are showing sizable...Subtoot - yes women can be sexist against women.
My gosh but that article did remind me of how sexist&misogynistic women can be against other women... (* Article here https://theconversation.com/women-are-three-times-as-likely-as-men-to-feel-unsafe-in-parks-heres-how-we-can-design-them-better-248465 )
I mean yes team sports in public parks are more often used by men rather than women but that's where the facts in this basically begin & end....all the "safety" aspects of design that were claimed as women being wrong or hyperreactive to real design problems for women & men alike! At best there's a bait & switch of sexist designs vs ableist designs, as they ignored the violent crime victim rate differences between the sexes but no matter which it is, it's a problem. I've read more than a few similar pieces published in the USA so although this was in England, it's the same problem.
*I've walked alone at night through parks that were known to be heavy in violent crimes and likewise in a public transit hub a few times when cops were actively hunting for serial rapists in said hub/area, once even a serial killer. Those areas & times I thusly behaved more vigilantly than I did in safer areas & times. These safety issues making me more vigilant & feel less safe had publicly published stories- print & local TV -- so it wasn't just "personal feelings " but sensible feelings as a reaction to the fact that as a disabled woman walking alone in a dangerous area, I really wasn't "safe" at all.
12.3.2025 09:24Subtoot - yes women can be sexist against women.My gosh but that article did remind me of how sexist&misogynistic women can be against...Food allergy & cooking
Interesting looking down the path to attempt to find a substitute for #mushrooms in recipes, as I'm pretty severely allergic to them, finding the main listed substitutes so far being other food items, like eggplant & soy sauce, that I'm also allergic to. #Cooking #Disability #FoodAllergies
10.3.2025 23:15Food allergy & cookingInteresting looking down the path to attempt to find a substitute for #mushrooms in recipes, as I'm pretty...Spending significant time combining seed packets because the very idea that whenever I put in seeds to start, that it's ever as few as 20 seeds at once is rather comical, especially on things like tomatoes & cucumbers & because having many seed packets makes them harder to store. #Gardening
9.3.2025 06:41Spending significant time combining seed packets because the very idea that whenever I put in seeds to start, that it's ever as few as...@gardening #DisabilityAccessibility
For those with tactile problems &/or mild #neuropathy in your hands. I've a seed recommendation, namely Galilee #Spinach because said seeds beyond being about 1/8 the size of corn, also have spines extending beyond just the ball that's typical of spinach seeds.
Just putting them in to germinate today & I've never had an easier time of handling similarly sized seeds, even as my neuropathy is sizable today. #ChronicLife #Gardening
3.3.2025 21:17@gardening #DisabilityAccessibility For those with tactile problems &/or mild #neuropathy in your hands. I've a seed recommendation,...Homesteading meta - tools
Today we finally got the compound miter saw running & neither my spouse nor I were injured by it, as we got one board chopped into 5 ladder rung pieces! As accident prone as we both are, especially with new tools, this was definitely a sizable victory for us. Now I'm confident that before this week is over we'll have all the foot & handhold rung pieces cut, for assembly next week.
#Disabled #PowerTools
Today's travel for gardening completed- I've now got 3 sweet potato varieties & turmeric.
I didn't get them at a gardening store but at an Asian market.
*In a year or 2 I'm probably going to order slips from a gardening supply store, for more varieties but for now, 3 is enough especially if they grow well.
#Gardening #SweetPotato #Turmeric
2.3.2025 19:31Today's travel for gardening completed- I've now got 3 sweet potato varieties & turmeric.I didn't get them at a gardening...Glad at least I got a solid amount of seeds today, tomatoes mostly but also corn, cucumbers, spinach & basil.
Tomorrow I'm going to make sure I get the bucking bunch more water & try to dig out finished compost from their pen, so that next week I can start planting potatoes in bags on the front porch.
Home repair updates - tools
At least we've figured out the saw, in terms of gettingit open, so tomorrow &/or Friday we might finally use it to get all the cutting done for the ladder, as I'm hoping Sunday to at least begin the assembly of said ladder segments.
26.2.2025 22:30Home repair updates - toolsAt least we've figured out the saw, in terms of gettingit open, so tomorrow &/or Friday we might...So much to do over the next week, not least of which is getting that saw to work so the wood for the ladder is cut, then I can at least start to notch the uprights, with screws or nails finishing the 4 main segments. Probably not going to get those main segments done until the first week of March though, because of the needed cleaning during this week.
Compost hauling also needs to begin asap & that's definitely at least a week's job, in & of itself, so I'm hoping to at least get a few gallons of it out this week as well, because I've potato planting to start.
20.2.2025 09:31So much to do over the next week, not least of which is getting that saw to work so the wood for the ladder is cut, then I can at least...Cold weather is definitely hitting my spouse & I hard but the chickens seem quite happy, by next Monday the bad cold for this year (Jewish calendar) should be over and I likewise should have a decent set of layouts for the electric system upgrades (or at least this phase of them). The first main phase will be the grid tied & 2nd will be the microgrids & offgrid backups.
*The electric system upgrades, especially including the fixtures & the prep needed for them (which include roof & water plumbing repairs), will be the largest project set for the house, especially in budget, but it's also the most needed for this old house.
17.2.2025 23:19Cold weather is definitely hitting my spouse & I hard but the chickens seem quite happy, by next Monday the bad cold for this year...One of these days, maybe his upcoming birthday, I really should post a picture of the one being & general bright spot in my life - namely my spouse/marriage. Not saying he's "100% perfect" but I'm far from that myself & whatever else is wrong & there's a long list on that front....I believe I've got the right life partner & hence I'm hoping kids will join our family soon to be raised by us -- not in physical & money luxuries but in a very loving & caring environment.
16.2.2025 20:44One of these days, maybe his upcoming birthday, I really should post a picture of the one being & general bright spot in my life -...Pol & environmentalism
I don't think I've ever seen an item/action that actually passes these criterion, including electric cars, electric mowers, single use plastic bag bans, bamboo disposable utensils/bowls/plates/towels & more than a few others....
To be clear: I'm not at all against changing items if better really are developed & I'm not at all denying that pollution problems don't & overuse of raw materials doesn't happen, but coercion &/or forcing people to use new(er) technologies that don't meet the above 3 criteria is wrong.
11.2.2025 09:02Pol & environmentalismI don't think I've ever seen an item/action that actually passes these criterion, including electric cars,..."Popular culture" philosophy
It's fine if something is legitimately popular & accessible to the masses to enjoy or not as they'd like but it isn't fine, but rather an obscene mob, when whatever it is, is so heavily pushed that people with no interest in that thing, get forced into watching/partaking in said thing, because their interests get quashed over it.
This happens with religious holidays often but it also happens with sporting events & it's really not okay.
10.2.2025 07:28"Popular culture" philosophyIt's fine if something is legitimately popular & accessible to the masses to enjoy or not as...Fedi meta- prospective followers
If your settings &/or history don't allow me to have any posts of yours I can actually read (regardless of language) and especially if your profile is in only one language & it's one I don't know, beyond lacking posts, then I'm not going to approve your request to follow me, nor will I follow you, until & unless at least the lacking posts problem is solved.
9.2.2025 18:55Fedi meta- prospective followersIf your settings &/or history don't allow me to have any posts of yours I can actually read...Therapy pool project
I'm basically done selecting the vast majority of the components & figured out a pretty detailed layout so I figured I'd study & look into controller/spa pack options....so far there's none I'm seeing that are meant for pool or hot tubs that I can realistically use.... the very conditions I have that are causing me to build this overall, being the ones making these small & flattish button things impossible for me to use without help... so I'm going to look for water proof or at least resistant switches... as all I really want to be able to do is turn things on & off, so even a sort of light switch toggle would be far better than a mass of electronics that I can't really use.
9.2.2025 02:17Therapy pool projectI'm basically done selecting the vast majority of the components & figured out a pretty detailed layout so I...Animal ag- chicken
The meat birds I'll likely keep outside in a chicken tractor, from early spring through late fall to forage & help me clear ground, winter though they'll be brought into the basement.
*Except the buckeyes, which I may keep separate & occasionally let to other parts of the house, beyond the basement- for mouse hunting.
The layers will mostly be kept indoors, except for late spring, when I'm hoping to have them in another tractor, adding to said ground clearing crew, as they forage too.
30.1.2025 00:17Animal ag- chickenThe meat birds I'll likely keep outside in a chicken tractor, from early spring through late fall to forage & help...Animal ag- chicken
One thing that definitely is a factor in my plans is getting more chickens that will fit my household's changing needs.
I'm glad Brahmas have been my first, as in spite of all my household's issues/problems, they've done well, but now that I'm at least mostly used to handling chickens, I'm thinking the next breed(s) should be lighter in weight (which isn't hard, as I think the average weight in my flock is about 12lbs) and at least a little shorter in height (which again isn't much of a limit, as I think the average height is 32 inches- toe to top of raised tall head).
Overall though I've narrowing my breed list further to
1. Turkens - weighing 4-7lbs (I'm guessing they're also about 15-20 inches tall)
for meat
2. Buckeye - 6.5-9lbs --- look like they'll be around 12-15inches tall -- as mousers & likely meat birds
3. Ameracaunas- look like they're around 12-15inches tall - for adding to my layer flock of Brahmas
4. Orpington /Australorp (yes i knowthey're 2 different breeds but they're so similar that it isn't likely to matter for me) - about 18inches tall, for the layer flock.
Later phase/Less sure
5. Isbar - similar to americaunas, including their place in my homestead
6. Beilefelder - males to meat flock, females, added to layer flock
30.1.2025 00:04Animal ag- chickenOne thing that definitely is a factor in my plans is getting more chickens that will fit my household's changing...Food - subtoot
I do respect those who choose to & manage to maintain a vegan diet, but I'm not one of them. I do have a plant based diet but for my food allergies, my spouse dietary restrictions & our ability to get enough decent food now, I can't ever really see either of us becoming vegan.
Animal product substitutes are something I'm aware of & have used in the past, from when I made things to share with #vegans & as they often help make things parve/neutral in #kosher diets.
28.1.2025 03:48Food - subtootI do respect those who choose to & manage to maintain a vegan diet, but I'm not one of them. I do have a plant based...