ok, time to migrate
blobfox.coffee was a really good first server, and i'm glad i was on it. i made some really good memories.
my new account will be @breaadyboy@lethallava.land
17.11.2023 01:19ok, time to migrateblobfox.coffee was a really good first server, and i'm glad i was on it. i made some really good memories. my new...trying out the firefish, new acc at @breaadyboy@lethallava.land
6.11.2023 09:57trying out the firefish, new acc at @breaadyboy@lethallava.land-
i forgive too easily
5.11.2023 22:52-i forgive too easilymfw Minecraft commands have tail recursion before python
1.11.2023 16:08mfw Minecraft commands have tail recursion before pythonit's weird when i talk about rust's safety and people say "segfaults don't happen in real code tho". yes they do I've run into them so often when using tooling written in c/cpp, never happens in rust
30.10.2023 05:00it's weird when i talk about rust's safety and people say "segfaults don't happen in real code tho". yes they do...am i weird for preferring a trackpad while programming over a mouse?
26.10.2023 17:58am i weird for preferring a trackpad while programming over a mouse?hey guys im saucy V back at it again with another video before i continue i need you to smash that like button, or do i?
26.10.2023 11:22hey guys im saucy V back at it again with another video before i continue i need you to smash that like button, or do i?i was in an econ class and they asked the question "Would you rather have a job you hate that pays a lot of money, or a job you love that pays very little?". like damn are those my only options?
26.10.2023 01:17i was in an econ class and they asked the question "Would you rather have a job you hate that pays a lot of money, or a job you love...my ftc team forced me to help our sister frc team program a pneumatic piston for like 5 hours
oh no another meta post
I'm really tired of the fedi meta at this point, on one side of the argument you have shithead a who literally makes shit up and lies about the other, and on the other you have shithead b who makes death/violence threats to the other, and tbh? i wouldn't wanna be associated with either. I'm probably gonna set up that keyword filter now 🫠
24.10.2023 09:26oh no another meta postI'm really tired of the fedi meta at this point, on one side of the argument you have shithead a who literally...it really did feel like a lot of people felt way too entitled during the whole thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zF2okzNOg0
22.10.2023 23:24it really did feel like a lot of people felt way too entitled during the whole thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zF2okzNOg0must remember my brains manual override switch
did we successfully bully GitHub off the fedi
21.10.2023 20:42did we successfully bully GitHub off the fediafter playing with minecraft's new crafter for a bit, i now have a 3x speed general item crafter
there is this one lofi video that just hijacks my brain and i suddenly become productive
huh, 2 months of feeling alright. that's a new record i think
16.10.2023 06:55mh-huh, 2 months of feeling alright. that's a new record i thinkfeels like the infographics show has been turned the political propaganda show
15.10.2023 22:33feels like the infographics show has been turned the political propaganda showwhen i turn my phone upside down text has funny colors on the top and bottom, i think that has something to do with subpixel antialiasing
15.10.2023 19:48when i turn my phone upside down text has funny colors on the top and bottom, i think that has something to do with subpixel antialiasingi appear to have enabled a kde setting that means my active window appears behind all other windows
i sentence anyone who complains about any linux package managers a week of having to deal with minecraft mods
12.10.2023 23:18i sentence anyone who complains about any linux package managers a week of having to deal with minecraft mods