Save our NHS! Underpaid, Overworked, Undervalued, forced to rely on foodbanks, and claps don't pay the bills!
28.11.2022 01:00Save our NHS! Underpaid, Overworked, Undervalued, forced to rely on foodbanks, and claps don't pay the bills!Scotland's New Flag #ScottishIndependence #ThereIsNoUnion
25.11.2022 17:26Scotland's New Flag #ScottishIndependence #ThereIsNoUnionGenuine Question.
Why do we continue to allow politicians to treat us the way we do, when we are the one's paying their wages?
Shadow work and pensions secretary Rachel Reeves has caused outrage among disabled activists after declaring in an interview that Labour was “not the party of people on benefits”.
Satellite monitors discovered two vessels with their trackers turned off in the area of the pipeline prior to the suspected sabotage in September.
The power of the people is stronger than the people in power! #ScottishIndependence2023 #SaveScotland #DissolveTheUnion
13.11.2022 14:08The power of the people is stronger than the people in power! #ScottishIndependence2023 #SaveScotland #DissolveTheUnionSenior civil servants at the Ministry of Justice were offered “respite or a route out” of the department when Dominic Raab was reappointed last month, amid concerns that some were still traumatised by his behaviour during a previous stint there.
BBC Scotland is dysfunctional and broken! Who'd have guessed?
😂😂😂 "Quite a lot" of MPs and peers have downloaded the I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! app in order to vote for Matt Hancock to do bushtucker trials, a cabinet minister has said.*1lsreaz*_a*akthZnpfM1pxM09RVzlQX1lvYllEd1pUNGhpWU9QX0plTl9hY3luanFjNGZOeVZqTWpiTDJteWtEYjkyMy1WOA..
A new ferry link between Scotland and mainland Europe is set to launch in spring 2023, and while it will initially be for freight only, passenger transportation could soon follow.
Independence could ‘push Scotland up the happiest country list’
Nicola Sturgeon has told Rishi Sunak in a “constructive” first meeting that she intends to hold an independence referendum “with or without the UK government’s agreement”.
SNP Government cleared of any wrong-doing on ferry contract by Police Scotland
Don't just do it for your kids and grandkids, do it for yourself and for SCOTLAND!
9.11.2022 22:54Don't just do it for your kids and grandkids, do it for yourself and for SCOTLAND!#ScottishIndependence2023 #IndyRef2
9.11.2022 17:45#ScottishIndependence2023 #IndyRef2🏴🏴"Scottish Independence Supporters"🏴🏴 For those who've migrated from Twitter.....Please like this toot and share, so hoepfully we can find each other and connect over here. Following each others followers might help too. 🏴🏴 Alba Gu bràth 🏴🏴
8.11.2022 13:15🏴🏴"Scottish Independence...