ANYC Saturday.
I was near the front of the line for the CatChu meet and greet, so Yabu-chan saw me when she walked out, and she seemed so happy when she did. And she seemed so excited when it was my turn to meet her 🥹. She liked my guitar prop and we compared hair buns lol. Meet all three of the CatChu seiyuu was a magical experience, they really do shine in an amazing way.
#LoveLive #LoveLiveSuperstar #Liella #CatChu #ラブライブ #MeiYoneme #米女メイ #AkaneYabushima #薮島朱音 #Seiyuu #声優 #Idol #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #Cosplay #Cosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #AnimeNYC #AnimeNYC2024 #AnimeCon #AnimeCons #AnimeConvention #AnimeConventions #Convention
27.8.2024 05:07ANYC Saturday.I was near the front of the line for the CatChu meet and greet, so Yabu-chan saw me when she walked out, and she seemed so...Huh it turns out that doing two cons in two different cities in one weekend is kinda tiring
Worth it
#AnimeCon #AnimeCons #AnimeConvention #AnimeConventions #Convention
25.8.2024 22:38Huh it turns out that doing two cons in two different cities in one weekend is kinda tiring Worth it#AnimeCon #AnimeCons #AnimeConvention...In a week, doing both AnimeNYC and PopCult, in spite of those being in two different cities Hooray for Greyhound. (If Amtrak ran at more times, in particular more late night/early morning routes, or if there was a high speed rail option, I'd do that... But nope, a bus it is
Hoping to meet CatChu on Saturday of ANYC. (Really, just going to CatChu events is my main priority there. It's do all the CatChu things, and bounce when there's no more Cats to Chu.)
And performing in the Idol Showcase on Sunday of PopCult with Sora Idols as Guilty Kiss Gonna be hype!
#AnimeCon #AnimeCons #AnimeConvention #AnimeConventions #Convention #AnimeNYC #AnimeNYC2024 #ANYC #ANYC2024 #PopCultAnimeCon #PopCultAnimeCon2024 #Cosplay #CosplayLineup #Cosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #IDOLiSH7 #LoveLive #ラブライブ #LoveLiveSunshine #ラブライブサンシャイン #Yohane #MakiNishikino #西木野真姫 #ヨハネ #RyunosukeTsunashi #KaigaiIdol #CosplayIdol
16.8.2024 14:17In a week, doing both AnimeNYC and PopCult, in spite of those being in two different cities Hooray for Greyhound. (If Amtrak ran at more...I'm doing this for Flame Con on Sunday. (I also decided this yesterday #ConCrunch ).
(Flame Con does ban gun props in general, but I have an absolutely hilarious water gun to take pictures with at home.)
I am looking forward to checking out Flame Con, it sounds like a very comfy and inclusive place. One thing I like about cons in general is that they can often provide a safe space for people to comfortably be themselves. A con which puts that goal front and center seems like a great idea
#AnimeCon #AnimeConvention #AnimeCons #AnimeConventions #Convention #ComicCon #FlameCon #FlameCon2024 #Cosplay #CosplayLineup #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #Cosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #LoveLive #ラブライブ #MakiNishikino #西木野真姫
16.8.2024 14:07I'm doing this for Flame Con on Sunday. (I also decided this yesterday #ConCrunch ). (Flame Con does ban gun props in general, but I have...Liyuu's song Metamorphose and Hanabie's song Metamorphose are both exactly 3 minutes and 24 seconds long.
They do not go together whatsoever do not try that
#Music #JapaneseMusic #JPop #JMetal #Liyuu #Hanabie
16.8.2024 00:22Liyuu's song Metamorphose and Hanabie's song Metamorphose are both exactly 3 minutes and 24 seconds long.They do not go together...Oh wait it's August 15. (And it's 12:30 in Alaska I guess ). Time for Kagerou Daze.
#Jpop #JapaneseMusic #Vocaloid #Miku #HatsuneMiku #MikuHatsune #初音ミク #KagerouProject #KagePro
15.8.2024 20:30Oh wait it's August 15. (And it's 12:30 in Alaska I guess ). Time for Kagerou Daze. was a Love Live DJ booth at Comiket, and they streamed on youtube.
1:18:30 for peak Niji
#LoveLive #ラブライブ #Comiket #Comiket104 #コミックマーケット #コミックマーケット104
11.8.2024 17:46There was a Love Live DJ booth at Comiket, and they streamed on youtube. for peak Niji ...I'll post more from my last couple cons eventually, but in the meantime:
Hanayo T pose
(There's someone with a cardboard cutout if Hanayo T-posing, I'll catch em at a con with it one of these days.)
#LoveLive #ラブライブ #LoveLiveSchoolIdolProject #HanayoKoizumi #小泉花陽 #Cosplay #Cosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #Otakon #Otakon2024 #AnimeCon #AnimeCons #AnimeConvention #AnimeConventions #Convention #Tpose
10.8.2024 17:40I'll post more from my last couple cons eventually, but in the meantime:Hanayo T pose(There's someone with a cardboard cutout if...Retro Saikou booth at Otakon knows what's up.
(Also they sold me a lot of Symphogear CDs today, RIP wallet)
#Symphogear #Anime #Otakon #Otakon2024
4.8.2024 02:16Retro Saikou booth at Otakon knows what's up.(Also they sold me a lot of Symphogear CDs today, RIP wallet)#Symphogear #Anime #Otakon...I finished Iron Widow earlier and that was fun. Sometimes you just wanna take a giant robot and literally smash the entire patriarchy with it. Sure I have complaints about the prose, but it was still a fun time.
Going to Otakon for the first time this week!
And somehow I won't be cosplaying Yohane?!
#Cosplay #Cosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #Cosplan #CosplayLineup #AnimeCon #AnimeCons #Convention #Conventions #AnimeConvention #AnimeConventions #Otakon #Otakon2024 #SoundEuphonium #HibikeEuphonium #IDOLiSH7 #i7 #LoveLive #LoveLiveSchoolIdolProject #LoveLiveCosplay
29.7.2024 05:49Going to Otakon for the first time this week!And somehow I won't be cosplaying Yohane?! #Cosplay #Cosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon...Anime is a sport.
Also, All She Wrote Books is a great small bookstore in Somerville . (It's like a 5 minute walk from the East Somerville Green Line stop.) Picked up several fun things
#Books #Bookstore #IndependentBookstore #Somerville #SomervilleMA #CambridgeMA #Boston #BostonMA
27.7.2024 03:17Also, All She Wrote Books is a great small bookstore in Somerville . (It's like a 5 minute walk from the East Somerville Green Line stop.)...aaaa I completely missed that the sequel to She Who Became the Sun came out A YEAR AGO. (I think I was distracted by Love Live ) Gonna have to binge it this weekend.
#Books #Fantasy #HistoricalFiction #LGBTBooks #QueerBooks
27.7.2024 03:07aaaa I completely missed that the sequel to She Who Became the Sun came out A YEAR AGO. (I think I was distracted by Love Live ) Gonna have...Id0l Jam is happening in September in Somerville!
After there was some issue with the venue for the summer, Metam0re is now hosting Autumn Id0l Jam on September 29 at Arts at the Armory in Somerville. A day of Idol Showcases, singing, cosplay, and other idol and anime related stuff. (And now conveniently located in my city, no more needing to take the commuter rail .)
More info, and applications for performances and for vending space (I think they're especially looking for more artists to vend, anyone who's got some nerdy stuff to sell):
#Id0lJam #AutumnId0lJam #SummerId0lJam #Id0lJam2024 #Convention #Conventions #AnimeConvention #AnimeConventions #AnimeCon #AnimeCons #Anime #Idol #IdolAnime #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #Kaigai #KaigaiIdol #Cosplay #Cosplayer #Somerville #SomervilleMA #Boston #BostonMA #CambridgeMA #Artist #FanArtist #ArtistAlley
26.7.2024 19:54Id0l Jam is happening in September in Somerville! After there was some issue with the venue for the summer, Metam0re is now hosting Autumn...Content warning:JJK 264 Spoilers
I mean, it was clear we were leading up to this point, but cool that it's happened
One day, two cosplays.
Was quite fun switching out between two very different outfits (and genders ).
#Cosplay #Cosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #Akira #LoveLive #ラブライブ #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #HanayoKoizumi #小泉花陽 #AnimeCon #AnimeCons #AnimeConvention #AnimeConventions #Convention #Conventions #CTCon #CTCon2024 #Connecticon #Connecticon2024
25.7.2024 04:19One day, two cosplays.Was quite fun switching out between two very different outfits (and genders ).#Cosplay #Cosplayer...This evening I stumbled on some videos by this group, Shuumatsu no Stella, and have been really digging them.
An MV: Gouon Survivor -
A Live video: Chapora Night! / wish / Gouon Survivor -
An interview with them:
#Idol #JIdol #JapaneseMusic #JPop #JRock #ShuumatsuNoStella #終末のステラ
24.7.2024 02:10This evening I stumbled on some videos by this group, Shuumatsu no Stella, and have been really digging them. An MV: Gouon Survivor -...Was being a cute fallen angel after CTCon ended yesterday
#Cosplay #Cosplayer #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #LoveLive #LoveLiveSunshine #ラブライブ #ラブライブサンシャイン #Yohane #ヨハネ #AnimeCon #AnimeCons #AnimeConvention #AnimeConventions #CTCon #CTCon2024 #Connecticon #Connecticon2024 #Convention #Conventions
22.7.2024 14:33Was being a cute fallen angel after CTCon ended yesterday #Cosplay #Cosplayer #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #LoveLive...Yohane descends (upon Hartford CT) 😈
#Connecticon #CTCon #CTCon2024 #Connecticon2024 #AnimeCon #AnimeCons #Animeconvention #AnimeConventions #Cosplay #IdolCosplay #IdolCosplayer #Cosplayer #CosplayersOfMastodon #Yohane #ヨハネ #LoveLive #LoveLiveSunshine #ラブライブ #ラブライブサンシャイン
18.7.2024 23:38Yohane descends (upon Hartford CT) 😈 #Connecticon #CTCon #CTCon2024 #Connecticon2024 #AnimeCon #AnimeCons #Animeconvention...