Used to get Kurt Russell and Jeff Bridges mixed up. That is all.
18.12.2023 01:04Used to get Kurt Russell and Jeff Bridges mixed up. That is all.Clearly the most urgent problem today is that entitled, talentless bros aren't attractive. All other problems are irrelevant.
The only solution is governments forcing women to breed with them by taking away all their human rights. Bros can't be asked to change.
28.11.2023 18:48Clearly the most urgent problem today is that entitled, talentless bros aren't attractive. All other problems are irrelevant. The only...getting ahead on breaking my new year's resolutions
27.11.2023 14:44getting ahead on breaking my new year's resolutionshelp I'm stuck in a self-care pact
19.11.2023 00:59help I'm stuck in a self-care pactSomeone said they had "escape goated" from their family situation and I just rolled with it in sympathy. Didn't blink.
Am I evolved now?
When will you realize
13.11.2023 20:16When will you realizesometimes it's spelled "than"
7.11.2023 09:43sometimes it's spelled "than"can we still say "balkanized" or is that bad
3.11.2023 14:53can we still say "balkanized" or is that badeveryone eventually falls for a confidence huckster unless they're schooled not to.
3.11.2023 14:40everyone eventually falls for a confidence huckster unless they're schooled not to.can't wait for "cause" and "effect" to become synonyms in the next dictionary update
1.11.2023 18:35can't wait for "cause" and "effect" to become synonyms in the next dictionary updateyay, cheap halloween costume day
1.11.2023 18:03yay, cheap halloween costume dayso depressed even jumper cables can't jolt my bolt
1.11.2023 17:20so depressed even jumper cables can't jolt my boltMost days I don't have the energy to kick myself.
28.10.2023 22:29Most days I don't have the energy to kick myself.Fun Fact: Dracula's castle was overrun with armadillos.
26.10.2023 23:25Fun Fact: Dracula's castle was overrun with armadillos.Hate doesn't disappear, it just waits for an excuse.
23.10.2023 12:07Hate doesn't disappear, it just waits for an excuse.Ex used malapropisms like "no holes barred" and somehow I still don't miss her.
21.10.2023 21:02Ex used malapropisms like "no holes barred" and somehow I still don't miss her.Rewatching some X-Files I saw in the 90s; from a tiny, smart baby-faced frump... a smart, elegant, sexy thespian somehow grew.
And from a smug, smart, drawling, cheesy young man... I don't know.
What's Ducho even doing these days?
19.10.2023 22:46Rewatching some X-Files I saw in the 90s; from a tiny, smart baby-faced frump... a smart, elegant, sexy thespian somehow grew.And from a...Don't listen to advice which starts with "Just"
19.10.2023 15:18Don't listen to advice which starts with "Just"Wonder who benefits from the coming war, right now, because it isn't anyone in that region.
13.10.2023 21:44Wonder who benefits from the coming war, right now, because it isn't anyone in that region.Just to keep things balanced, let's hear from an ignoramus
7.10.2023 18:14Just to keep things balanced, let's hear from an ignoramus