Combating Nature Loss - Scotti - Natural Capital - Apple Podcasts
1.2.2025 09:38Combating Nature Loss - Scotti - Natural Capital - Apple Podcasts...Pls Share. Interested in working with my Team? Applications are invited to provide technical support to ecological & digital technology research being conducted at #SRUCKirkton near Crianlarich. Closing date 21st February: details & application form here:
27.1.2025 12:00Pls Share. Interested in working with my Team? Applications are invited to provide technical support to ecological & digital technology...Upland Livestock Technician post, Wales - deadline 13th February 2024. Ideally suited to someone with practical farm experience who is also happy recording data via computers and apps. The post comes with a three-bedroom house. More details at:
Chest infection meant I had to join the @SP_RuralAffairs evidence session on the nature and climate elements of the Agriculture Framework Bill online this morning. But hopefully I got some useful points across.
20.12.2023 14:45Chest infection meant I had to join the @SP_RuralAffairs evidence session on the nature and climate elements of the Agriculture Framework...BBC News: The last of their kind: The unique life of Pakistan's Wakhi shepherdesses BBC News - The last of their kind: The unique life of Pakistan's Wakhi shepherdesses
I don't see the headline or photo until it is published - the latter is a bit bizarre this time around.
11.11.2023 09:24I don't see the headline or photo until it is published - the latter is a bit bizarre this time around.My latest Press & Journal article - Targeted biodiversity action is needed to generate success
11.11.2023 04:44My latest Press & Journal article - Targeted biodiversity action is needed to generate successInterested in engaging with nature and people? Our Forest & Outdoor Learning Award could be perfect for you. Some places left for the next cohort starting November 27th, email for more information & to secure your place #forestschool #FOLA
16.10.2023 11:32Interested in engaging with nature and people? Our Forest & Outdoor Learning Award could be perfect for you. Some places left for the...Rewilding the uplands: balancing conservation and production
Davy McCracken: the importance of peatlands - YouTube
14.10.2023 14:01Davy McCracken: the importance of peatlands - YouTube to the future: rethinking socioecological systems underlying high nature value farmlands - Lomba - 2020 - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment - Wiley Online Library
7.10.2023 11:04Back to the future: rethinking socioecological systems underlying high nature value farmlands - Lomba - 2020 - Frontiers in Ecology and the...What is High Nature Value farming #hnvfarming #biodiversitycrisis
HNV-Link - What is HNV Farming?
FAS TV: S2 E18 Biodiversity & Environmental Management – SRUC Kirkton - YouTube
7.10.2023 09:04FAS TV: S2 E18 Biodiversity & Environmental Management – SRUC Kirkton - YouTube for the evening and a lovely one it was too. @ScotLandEstates Helping it Happen Awards. I was guest of @nature_scot and was representing @heathertrust Congratulations to all the winners and those on the short-lists. Well done to all.
A SEDA Land Conversation
Monday 13th November 4-6pm 2023
3.10.2023 18:17A SEDA Land ConversationCARBON FINANCE – GETTING THE BALANCE RIGHTMonday 13th November 4-6pm...A SEDA Land Conversation
Tuesday 7th November 4-6pm 2023
3.10.2023 18:15A SEDA Land ConversationCARBON FINANCE – COMMUNITY BENEFITSTuesday 7th November 4-6pm...New beginnings in Scotland’s upland deer sector
Organisations & individuals across the Highlands have come together to form The Common Ground Forum (CGF), with the aim of setting aside long entrenched disagreements relating to deer management.
Participatory rangeland management: A vehicle for pastoralist women’s empowerment in Ethiopia | Pastoralism | Full Text
21.9.2023 10:11Participatory rangeland management: A vehicle for pastoralist women’s empowerment in Ethiopia | Pastoralism | Full Text...My latest column
16.9.2023 07:04My latest columnThe Conversation Indonesia: Many people hate wasps, but they're smarter than you might think – and ecologically important
8.9.2023 13:54The Conversation Indonesia: Many people hate wasps, but they're smarter than you might think – and ecologically important...