6.9.2020 06:06
6.9.2020 01:09 list of neonazis with violent intent exposed
5.9.2020 22:52Strong list of neonazis with violent intent exposed has become utterly complacent. Went from 60k march to 40 people with twice as many pigs and counter-protestors. The largest city without an active resistance right now.
5.9.2020 22:36Houston has become utterly complacent. Went from 60k march to 40 people with twice as many pigs and counter-protestors. The largest city...Massive shortage of canik tp9sf right now, that's quite troubling
5.9.2020 02:12Massive shortage of canik tp9sf right now, that's quite troublingThe cool thing about shopping from Amazon for me is that they always deliver my packages to my neighbors house so I just report that I didn't get it and they refund me. Fuck Jeff bezos.
4.9.2020 21:41The cool thing about shopping from Amazon for me is that they always deliver my packages to my neighbors house so I just report that I...The Reichstag is on fire. Kristallnacht is next if we don't stop this.
4.9.2020 20:57The Reichstag is on fire. Kristallnacht is next if we don't stop this.Pretty much everything wrong with the political climate right now and why we're even having to fight for equity and justice could be solved/prevented by opponents asking themselves "what if it happened to me and mine? What if white people were treated this way by police?" Essentially everything boils down to a borderline psychopathic lack of empathy. Empathy is the key here. Always has been and always will be. It was separates "us and them".
4.9.2020 20:06Pretty much everything wrong with the political climate right now and why we're even having to fight for equity and justice could be...Houston, all weekend let's do this. We've been too fuckin quiet.
4.9.2020 13:05Houston, all weekend let's do this. We've been too fuckin quiet.Anyone in Houston Texas, we need everyone to show up. Multiple groups will be marching in support of this and their own goals.
4.9.2020 13:04Anyone in Houston Texas, we need everyone to show up. Multiple groups will be marching in support of this and their own goals.Get em while they're... Cold?
4.9.2020 12:56Get em while they're... Cold?Wow, yikes
4.9.2020 09:43Wow,...This is your friendly reminder to be aware of opsec at all times
4.9.2020 08:38This is your friendly reminder to be aware of opsec at all timesSo pigs take Kyle in peacefully, even allowing him to come in on his own, but gun down Reinhoel commenting “As they attempted to apprehend him, there was gunfire,” not specifying where the gunfire came from, and eyewitnesses stating he was unarmed with his hands in the air. It's clear where this is heading. Brace yourselves.
4.9.2020 06:14So pigs take Kyle in peacefully, even allowing him to come in on his own, but gun down Reinhoel commenting “As they attempted to apprehend...Important
3.9.2020 23:39ImportantHead on over to the soros shop and gear up for sedition and insurrection 👍👍👍👍
3.9.2020 15:29Head on over to the soros shop and gear up for sedition and insurrection 👍👍👍👍