LCU Concept of a Plan
11.9.2024 14:12LCU Concept of a Plan#cultureshipnamesBroke: D*sney owning copyrights for eternity
Woke: Ownershit
GCV Why Yes, This Does Entertain Me Greatly
25.11.2023 07:42GCV Why Yes, This Does Entertain Me Greatly#cultureshipnamesMCU Surfeit of Various Use-Cases
23.11.2023 21:03MCU Surfeit of Various Use-Cases#cultureshipnamesGSV Poorly Connected to Reality
13.11.2023 17:31GSV Poorly Connected to Reality#cultureshipnamesGSV Please Do Not Be Alarmed by the Vortex
GCV Please Do Not Be Alarmed
ROU Please Be Alarmed
2.11.2023 19:53GSV Please Do Not Be Alarmed by the VortexGCV Please Do Not Be AlarmedROU Please Be...VFP A Series of Elaborate Booby Traps
19.10.2023 19:35VFP A Series of Elaborate Booby Traps Call Back Later
13.10.2023 00:01MCV Call Back LaterdROU Implausible Deniability
3.10.2023 19:08dROU Implausible Deniability#cultureshipnamesGCV Possible Ranch
1.10.2023 00:54GCV Possible Ranch#cultureshipnamesGSV Lying on the Ground, Swelling Sweet-Earthy Ferns and the Mellow Funk of Mushrooms
28.9.2023 17:42GSV Lying on the Ground, Swelling Sweet-Earthy Ferns and the Mellow Funk of...LCV Every Song Could Be Improved By the Addition of an Accordion
28.9.2023 17:08LCV Every Song Could Be Improved By the Addition of an Accordion Check Out the Resolution on This Thing!
19.9.2023 02:36GCV Check Out the Resolution on This Thing!#cultureshipnamesGSV Imagining the Revolution
ROU Stop Imagining the Revolution, Start Imagining the Apocalypse
19.9.2023 02:36GSV Imagining the RevolutionROU Stop Imagining the Revolution, Start Imagining the...dROU An Attempt to Find Wrongdoing, None of Which Has Been Indicated to Exist
13.9.2023 00:37dROU An Attempt to Find Wrongdoing, None of Which Has Been Indicated to...GCV Open for Renovations
9.9.2023 03:51GCV Open for Renovations#cultureshipnamesOU Don't Touch That, It Would Be Very Painful
VFP Don't Touch That Dial
LCV Don't Touch That, You Don't Know Where It's Been
4.9.2023 20:20OU Don't Touch That, It Would Be Very PainfulVFP Don't Touch That DialLCV Don't Touch That, You Don't Know Where It's...MSV The Apocalypse is my Retirement Plan (Ulterior-aligned)
31.8.2023 08:34MSV The Apocalypse is my Retirement Plan (Ulterior-aligned) Arrested At The Border and Removed to a Third Jurisdiction
30.8.2023 00:55ROU Arrested At The Border and Removed to a Third Jurisdiction Mislabeled as Dulcet
28.8.2023 19:01VFP Mislabeled as Dulcet