All it takes is seeing one post on twitter mentioning some theorists and I'm down a rabithole
9.11.2022 21:48TheoryAll it takes is seeing one post on twitter mentioning some theorists and I'm down a rabitholeServer/instance advice
I would really appreciate advice on moving servers whilst not loosing what I've created on this one?
9.11.2022 15:53Server/instance adviceI would really appreciate advice on moving servers whilst not loosing what I've created on this one?
Just rembered exists as more than a source of annoying emails, which explains why no one suggested it as an alternative to twitter
9.11.2022 15:47academia.eduJust rembered exists as more than a source of annoying emails, which explains why no one suggested it as an...Medieval Social media management perks
One of the nice parts of managing social media for the graduate conference is getting to look through digitised MSs to find an appropreate one for annoncing a #histodon #medieval account (once we get approval from This is from MS. Laud Misc. 173, fol. 126 r., in the Bodleian - see
8.11.2022 13:37Medieval Social media management perksOne of the nice parts of managing social media for the graduate conference is getting to look through...19th century edition drama
Macray clearly wasn't a fan of hagiography...
7.11.2022 11:5919th century edition dramaMacray clearly wasn't a fan of hagiography...Library tale
Love emailing to get access to a 19th century edition in college and being told the pages are still unopened (!)
7.11.2022 10:31Library taleLove emailing to get access to a 19th century edition in college and being told the pages are still unopened (!)Hello I'm Geraint, an MPhil medieval (environmental) history student who's looking to form a back-up bird network! would love to connect with #medieval #history #envhist #medievalmastodon #histodon #histodons
5.11.2022 14:45Hello I'm Geraint, an MPhil medieval (environmental) history student who's looking to form a back-up bird network! would love to...Love having kinda started to understand academic twitter for it perhaps to die on us
5.11.2022 14:28Love having kinda started to understand academic twitter for it perhaps to die on us