I analysed the GPS tracks of Russ Cook (‘Hardest Geezer’) who ran the length of Africa. The analysis showed that... he did a lot of running. But other interesting patterns were less obvious. For example, he usually ran in three bouts each day. He was amazingly consistent, and every single ‘day off’ had a good excuse, like event H (days 104–106): ‘Separated from team and held captive (twice)’.
If you are interested to read more, see the blog post: https://hkuril.com/0002
16.12.2024 17:47I analysed the GPS tracks of Russ Cook (‘Hardest Geezer’) who ran the length of Africa. The analysis showed that... he did a lot of...I just published a list of every cartography website I’ve found: https://hkuril.com/0001 (suggestions welcome!)
In the article I also pick out my top 10 cartography websites. This post shows little cropped versions of the amazing work from four of these sites:
Dan Coe Carto, “Lena Veins”
Eleanor Lutz, “Topographic Map of the Moon”
Alex Hotchin, poster from “Two Years on a Bike”
Justin Kunimune’s “Elastic I” map projection
The images are used with permission from the creators.
5.12.2024 18:26I just published a list of every cartography website I’ve found: https://hkuril.com/0001 (suggestions welcome!)In the article I also pick...An interactive map of the #TranscaucasianTrail: https://hkuril.com/html/en/articles/2023_tct/tct_route.html#map. It’s my first #Leaflet map, using COG topography and vector data from #OpenStreetMap served from a single #ProtoMaps tile, allowing the labels to easily switch between English and Spanish. It’s rendered in two stages to allow labels to float above the route line, which is a #GeoJSON layer. Extra #JavaScript is used for a side panel showing elevation profiles and route descriptions.
25.2.2024 20:53An interactive map of the #TranscaucasianTrail: https://hkuril.com/html/en/articles/2023_tct/tct_route.html#map. It’s my first #Leaflet...#30DayMapChallenge, day 12: South America
Ecuador hiking map, close-up on Continental Divide and Cayambe Volcano (only place on Equator with year-round snow). Full map (English and Spanish): https://hkuril.com/html/en/articles/2021_ecuador_volcanoes.html#ecuador-zoom-fig. Shows hiking info: topography, forest cover, urban areas, and existing paths. Topography uses a divergent colour scheme, not usually not recommended by cartographers, but effective for highlighting volcanoes. All feedback welcome.
Made with QGIS. Data sources on full map.
13.11.2023 11:24#30DayMapChallenge, day 12: South AmericaEcuador hiking map, close-up on Continental Divide and Cayambe Volcano (only place on Equator with...#30DayMapChallenge Day 3: Polygons. A map of that shows Katmai Volcano (Alaska) with hypsometric filled contours. The colour of the contour lines is adjusted to try to achieve a constant contrast. Instructions for how to make a map like this using QGIS and Python can be found on my blog: https://hkuril.com/html/en/articles/2023_qgis_filled_contours.html.
Elevation data from SRTM.