Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King. Storming the final palace, the view back down. #computergames #screenshot #shattered #soulslike #gate #lookingback
17.3.2023 00:29Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King. Storming the final palace, the view back down. #computergames #screenshot #shattered #soulslike...I'm looking for a fur-ever home for this little tuxy lady. She's been spayed and gotten her shots, and she would love to crawl into your lap and be your fur-ever kitty.
Vet estimates her at 2 years old, in good health, would like to be friends with other cats. Strongminded and snuggly.
Current location south-eastern USA.
If you know someone, please pass the word along!
#cats #adoption #snuggle #foreverhome
8.3.2023 16:05I'm looking for a fur-ever home for this little tuxy lady. She's been spayed and gotten her shots, and she would love to crawl into...Got out a .tex document and have been dusting off my LaTeX commands. It has been a while. #math #LaTeX #formatting #writing #teaching
8.3.2023 16:02Got out a .tex document and have been dusting off my LaTeX commands. It has been a while. #math #LaTeX #formatting #writing #teachingThe white north, and strange trees. #shattered #computergames #soulslike #screenshot #tree #trees #white
21.1.2023 17:12The white north, and strange trees. #shattered #computergames #soulslike #screenshot #tree #trees #whiteI cancelled my DNDBeyond subscription, since money seems to be what Hasbro understands.
Stop trying to revoke the original open gaming license.
Your draft OGL 1.2 lets Hasbro decide what is hateful and harmful content and gives creators no legal recourse.
Your draft OGL 1.2 still lets you sneakily revoke key sections later.
Stop trying to squeeze out other VTTs. If DNDBeyond's VTT turns out as good as advertised, it can stand on its own merits.
20.1.2023 13:45I cancelled my DNDBeyond subscription, since money seems to be what Hasbro understands. Stop trying to revoke the original open gaming...seen on the for-sale listings of a neighborhood app:
Select locally-grown quality plants include lily of the valley, ...aloe vera, catnip and many others by request. Cat is not included...
#cats #orangetabby #gardening #catnip #happycat
19.1.2023 18:20seen on the for-sale listings of a neighborhood app:Select locally-grown quality plants include lily of the valley, ...aloe vera, catnip and...Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King. Falling through the sub-ocean. Took a good 10 seconds before I hit a kill plane.
I'm enjoying this game a lot, but I will say that it's awfully easy to fall off (or slip through) the edge of the world.
While I appreciate the wide margin of explorable area, mostly all I find is ways to get stuck or fall off. Almost no rewards for poking about off the marked path.
#shattered #computergames #soulslike #subocean #falling #exploration
13.1.2023 20:37Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King. Falling through the sub-ocean. Took a good 10 seconds before I hit a kill plane. I'm enjoying...Took a few tries, but I did finally beat this fellow. #shattered #computergames #screenshot #soulslike #bossfight #andras #soclose
13.1.2023 20:32Took a few tries, but I did finally beat this fellow. #shattered #computergames #screenshot #soulslike #bossfight #andras #soclosePlush llama toy to chalk bag. For a rock-climbing friend.
#sewing #plushie #plushtoy #llama #chalkbag #rockclimbing
9.1.2023 20:16Plush llama toy to chalk bag. For a rock-climbing friend.#sewing #plushie #plushtoy #llama #chalkbag #rockclimbingAfter several days of clouds and rain the sun has come out and the sky is blue, and my mood has lifted with the return of the sun.
Picture from the point-and-click puzzle adventure game Margrave: The Blacksmith's Daughter.
#computergames #screenshot #theblacksmith'sdaughter #puzzleadventure #sunshine #sunshineafterrain #mood #castlebythesea
4.1.2023 21:06After several days of clouds and rain the sun has come out and the sky is blue, and my mood has lifted with the return of the sun. Picture...A one page dice game designed by a 9-year-old. I think it's utterly charming, and I hope this child never loses their love of games.
#games #tabletopgames #gamedesign #gamesforchildren #animalplushtoys
2.1.2023 14:27A one page dice game designed by a 9-year-old. I think it's utterly charming, and I hope this child never loses their love of games....Shattered's perspective experiments, why I think they were good to try but turn out not great:
1) messes up muscle memory
2) sidescrolling vs 3d have different movements that I want to optimize for. Having to switch either makes one feel terrible to play, or I take 3 minutes to reset my controls.
3) Games shouldn't try to be all things. 2D precision platformer sections shouldn't be mashed in between 3D combat and exploration.
#shattered #computergames #soulslike #perspective #opinion
28.12.2022 17:53Shattered's perspective experiments, why I think they were good to try but turn out not great: 1) messes up muscle memory 2)...The fixed isometric perspective in this section made for an excellent spectacle, but made the jumps a nightmare to gauge properly.
Shattered experiments with changing perspective from 3d to sidescroll or (as here) to fixed isometric. I appreciate the effort, but as far as playability goes, I'm going to vote for games to stick to one perspective. More on why in the next post. #shattered #soulslike #screenshot #exploration #perspective #opinion
28.12.2022 17:43The fixed isometric perspective in this section made for an excellent spectacle, but made the jumps a nightmare to gauge properly. ...The Fateful Door and the biggest slip'n'slide ever. I mean, if it's not a videogame slip'n'slide I will be Most Disappointed. #computergames #shattered #soulslike #screenshot #exploration #slipnslide
23.12.2022 20:08The Fateful Door and the biggest slip'n'slide ever. I mean, if it's not a videogame slip'n'slide I will be Most...Strong "Castle in the Sky" Studio Ghibli vibes here. #computergames #shattered #screenshot #soulslike #fallengiant #exploration #CastleInTheSky #StudioGhibli
23.12.2022 17:11Strong "Castle in the Sky" Studio Ghibli vibes here. #computergames #shattered #screenshot #soulslike #fallengiant #exploration...This game has a hoverboard. It is delightfully absurd and also very fun. #computergames #shattered #soulslike #screenshot #hoverboard #fasttravel
21.12.2022 19:22This game has a hoverboard. It is delightfully absurd and also very fun. #computergames #shattered #soulslike #screenshot #hoverboard...It is always a joy to have a conversation with someone to whom I am a person, not a role. I wish it happened every day, in fact. #computergames #soulslike #screenshot #hollowknight #quirrel #friends #cityoftears
20.12.2022 22:41It is always a joy to have a conversation with someone to whom I am a person, not a role. I wish it happened every day, in fact. ...You again! Well, I've almost got you again! (This is my second fight with The Stranger. I love these fights. Music is great, the arenas are breath-taking spectacles, fighting an almost mirror match is great, winning feels extra great!) #soulslike #shattered #computergames #screenshot #duel #mirrormatch #win
20.12.2022 20:28You again! Well, I've almost got you again! (This is my second fight with The Stranger. I love these fights. Music is great, the...The holidays are always a reminder that I don't have a family. But I stand by my decision to go no contact.
Being alone is better than being lied to.
Being alone is better than being used.
Being alone is better than being told to shut up, forgive, and come back for more abuse.
Screenshot from the opening scenes of Sekiro.
#adultchildrenalone #loneliness #solitude #screenshot #soulslike #sekiro
16.12.2022 15:05The holidays are always a reminder that I don't have a family. But I stand by my decision to go no contact. Being alone is better than...Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for my creepy little companion is with me, and my sword and my dodge roll they comfort me. #computergames #videogames #screenshot #shattered #exploration #valley #psalm23 #doorway #soulslike
11.12.2022 21:26Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for my creepy little companion is with me, and my sword...