In unserem Webinar erhalten Sie eine praxisnahe Einführung in die wichtigsten Regelungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die IIoT-Branche:
✅ Data Act (DA): Regeln für den Zugang und das Teilen von IoT-Daten, Cloud-Switching
✅ Cyber Resilience Act (CRA): Sicherheitsanforderungen für IoT-Produkte und vernetzte Geräte
✅ Weitere relevante Verordnungen und ihre Bedeutung für digitale IoT-Services
Anmeldung ->
19.3.2025 21:19In unserem Webinar erhalten Sie eine praxisnahe Einführung in die wichtigsten Regelungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die IIoT-Branche:✅...Thank you Donald, you have made Europeans more aware and united.
Today through your policy and strategy you are uniting countries and politics in Europe, Canada and Mexico.
I hope these countries will soon be able to unite and create businesss together.
#trumputin #europa2035 #europa
„If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it“ (Peter Drucker)
9.3.2025 09:35„If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it“ (Peter Drucker)#DigitalTransformationThank you, Frank Karlitschek, for our meeting and for your time. But most of all for your work. European excellence, full of passion and vision.
8.3.2025 11:46Thank you, Frank Karlitschek, for our meeting and for your time. But most of all for your work. European excellence, full of passion and...#Skype chiude... #Microsoft forse smette di fare Frankenstein software
1.3.2025 07:13#Skype chiude... #Microsoft forse smette di fare Frankenstein softwareThe attack on the White House confirms that the United States is no longer the leader of the free world.
28.2.2025 19:39The attack on the White House confirms that the United States is no longer the leader of the free world.#ucraina #SlavaUkraini#alicersus Karma always strikes.
27.2.2025 06:35#alicersus Karma always strikes.This is the real
#trump and #musk are Crazy nazi dogs
21.2.2025 22:30#trump and #musk are Crazy nazi dogsNel 1909 Filippo Tommaso Marinetti scrisse il manifesto del futurismo, un testo rivoluzionario che inneggiava al progresso e all’innovazione. Quel testo di oltre cento anni fa ha ispirato il manifesto del tecno-ottimismo firmato da Marc Andreessen, l’imprenditore vicino a Donald Trump. Nel suo decalogo, Andreessen sostiene che la nostra civilizzazione è basata sulla tecnologia
21.2.2025 22:14Nel 1909 Filippo Tommaso Marinetti scrisse il manifesto del futurismo, un testo rivoluzionario che inneggiava al progresso e...EU must act as one state. Rapid and large-scale response
18.2.2025 23:09EU must act as one state. Rapid and large-scale response
We need a United States of Europe
18.2.2025 21:16 need a United States of EuropeBut there is something else that has turned the tables: #China has released these algorithms for free, using the #MIT license, so that every country and company can build their own models.
How will this affect the economy of the whole world? Devastating... #Europe has to move!
Make of necessity, needs!
Deepseek intelligence has a huge advantage ... over American artificial intelligence: it costs 95 percent less and therefore there is no longer a need for the mega data centers set up in the United States.
The need for few resources has produced leverage that is challenging the American development model!
17.2.2025 14:46Make of necessity, needs! Deepseek intelligence has a huge advantage ... over American artificial intelligence: it costs 95 percent less and...The current situation is increasingly ridiculous, if after years of war we accept Putin's conditions.... how much time are we giving to Poland and Lithuania or Estonia? EUROPE NOW!
#trump #putin #war
Trump é un bullo arrogante a fine vita, che lo rende ancora piú pericoloso.. lui e tutti i suoi trumpiani europei ignoranti.
La EU non puó restare inerme difronte a questi attacchi diffamatori e bugiardi.
Adesso é tempo di creare GLI STATI UNITI D´EUROPA!
Die alternative 2025 für Deutschland existiert nicht.
9.2.2025 11:37Die alternative 2025 für Deutschland existiert – Association of the Internet Industry Neujahrsempfang 2025: A Promising Start to the Digital Future
The Neujahrsempfang 2025 in Cologne and Berlin provided an excellent opportunity for networking and discussing the digital transformation of Germany. These events, organized by eco – Association of the Internet Industry, brought together key players from business, politics, and academia to exchange ideas and explore new opportunities.
2.2.2025 20:24eco – Association of the Internet Industry Neujahrsempfang 2025: A Promising Start to the Digital FutureThe Neujahrsempfang 2025 in...Plato states in The Republic that “necessity is the mother of all inventions” (Book II, 369c).
#EUROPE #Innovation #digitaltransofrmation