Updated Online Discussion:The Future of Consciousness Science
Tomorrow, Tues, Sept 26,
Join with zoom link: bit.ly/46thwCx
25.9.2023 21:43Updated Online Discussion:The Future of Consciousness Sciencehttps://twitter.com/JohannesKleiner/status/1706411797916385382/photo/1Tomorrow,...Tomorrow, Tues, Sept 26,
Online Discussion:The Future of Consciousness Science
The following will kick-start the discussion: Claire Sergent,Anil Seth,Lenore Blum,Thomas Andrillon,David Chalmers,Ryota Kanai,Erik Hoel,Jakob Jolij
Join with zoom link: bit.ly/46thwCx
25.9.2023 14:35Tomorrow, Tues, Sept 26,19:00Paris;1pmNY;2amTokyo,.Online Discussion:The Future of Consciousness Science The following will kick-start the...The Association for #Mathematical #Consciousness Science (AMCS) and the Oxford Mathematics of Consciousness&Applications Network are pleased to jointly sponsor an Online talk by
Simon Kochen on The Free Will Theorem (https://omcan.web.ox.ac.uk/event/free-will-theorem),
Wednesday, June 14, 16:00, Berlin Time.
Link to join: https://bit.ly/42HZRoV
Password: ask3cb31o1
If joining for the 1st time, read https://bit.ly/3MdmKtF. If having problems when joining, refer to the trouble shooting information on the same page.
17.5.2023 15:23The Association for #Mathematical #Consciousness Science (AMCS) and the Oxford Mathematics of Consciousness&Applications Network are...Early bird registration for the Models of #Consciousness 2023 conference at the #Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK
4-8 September 2023 is this Friday. See:
https://amcs-community.org/events/moc-4-2023/ and
Dear Friends,
Today I removed the twitter app from my iphone.
Twitter was a life-saver for me during lockdown. I met so many new friends and research articles and thoughtful discussions.
But starting last fall, these posts became fewer and far between; now I have to wade through so much debris before I see a welcome gem.
Today, with elon musk using his twitter handle to promote classic antisemitic tropes, I’ve had it.
Now, I plan to mainly use my sigmoid.social account. Keep in touch!
17.5.2023 01:15Dear Friends, Today I removed the twitter app from my iphone. Twitter was a life-saver for me during lockdown. I met so many new friends and...Excited that our Open Letter emphasizing the urgent need for accelerated research in #consciousness science in light of rapid advancements in #AI has been posted, see,
https://amcs-community.org/open-letters/ and
We welcome your signatures.
As AIs become more powerful, we expect AIs that construct world models to experience “feelings of consciousness”. If we want to avoid inflicting suffering on our planet’s co-inhabitants it is more important than ever to understand #consciousness. See our Viewpoint, https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.17075
2.4.2023 23:58As AIs become more powerful, we expect AIs that construct world models to experience “feelings of consciousness”. If we want to avoid...A 2-day workshop, “Systems Neuroscience Approach to General Intelligence”, will be held at AAAI-23 in DC on Feb 13-14.
For latest information about the workshop, and how to join, see https://ibm.co/3hnf8t1
#aaai23 #neuroscience #AGI #intelligence #consciousness
15.1.2023 17:48A 2-day workshop, “Systems Neuroscience Approach to General Intelligence”, will be held at AAAI-23 in DC on Feb 13-14. For latest...Interesting new PNAS paper by Lisa Goldberg and Alec Kercheval.From the Intro:“Averaging is the most important tool for distilling information from data..But a strange thing happens when considering a collection of many averages simultaneously.The aggregate sum of mean squared errors is no longer minimized by the collection of averages..This can be reduced by shrinking the averages toward a common target, even if there is no underlying relation among the quantities..”See, https://bit.ly/3Xcd2vP
14.1.2023 22:43Interesting new PNAS paper by Lisa Goldberg and Alec Kercheval.From the Intro:“Averaging is the most important tool for distilling...My best wishes all for a happy and healthy New Year! Photo morning, Jan 1, 2023, from the SF Bay Area,
1.1.2023 18:12My best wishes all for a happy and healthy New Year! Photo morning, Jan 1, 2023, from the SF Bay Area,Manuel Blum and I study #consciousness from a #TheoreticalComputerScience (TCS) perspective.
TCS is a branch of #mathematics concerned with understanding the underlying principles of #computation and #complexity, including the implications and surprising consequences of resource limitations.
For a TCS perspective on #consciousness, see, https://bit.ly/38zAhf6
For a TCS perspective on #FreeWill, see, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.13942.pdf
A 2-day workshop, “Systems Neuroscience Approach to General Intelligence”, will be held
@RealAAAI -23 in DC on Feb 13-14. For more information about the workshop, and how to join, see https://ibm.co/3hnf8t1 #aaai23 #neuroscience #AGI
Our tutorial, "Mathematical Consciousness Science for the Working Consciousness Researcher", has been accepted for @ASSC26nyc
(@JohannesKleiner, @kanair, @WanjaWiese, @LenoreBlum)
Stay tuned for more information.
The next meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will be held at New York University on June 22-25, 2023. Keynote speakers: Yoshua Bengio, Joseph LeDoux, May-Britt Moser, Thomas Nagel, Doris Tsao. Details: https://theassc.org/assc-26
Hello everyone!👋 Newly arrived from the site that shall not be named. Miss my friends and all that I learned there. Would love 😍 to make new friends on @mastodon interested in: #Mathematics or #TheoreticalComputerScience or #Consciousness or #Philosophy or #AI or #Neuroscience or #Life ... (to be cont'd)
18.11.2022 21:58Hello everyone!👋 Newly arrived from the site that shall not be named. Miss my friends and all that I learned there. Would love 😍 to...