Do I know anyone who's been on a Writing Excuses Cruise? Could I DM you with a couple questions?
31.3.2023 00:05Do I know anyone who's been on a Writing Excuses Cruise? Could I DM you with a couple questions?Guillermo Del Toro's brilliant adaptation decisions make his Pinocchio into THE BEST adaptation of the novel yet, surpassing even the Disney classic. #HotTake
My episode on the Ink to Film podcast is available now!⤵️
What team are you on? 😂
#Rashomon #InktoFilm #BookvsMovie
24.2.2023 00:16What team are you on? 😂 #Rashomon #InktoFilm #BookvsMovie haven’t even been querying for a month yet, but I can already confirm it is not good for the old mental health. #amquerying
2.2.2023 08:12I haven’t even been querying for a month yet, but I can already confirm it is not good for the old mental health. #amqueryingDid you know that the Tin Man's signature move in the book is decapitation? 😅
The Weeping Killer of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" (1900 novel)
#booktodon #WizardofOz #Podcast #Shorts #youtube #fantasy
#wednesdaynetflix I'm not the age demo and sometimes I feel that, but I am a sadboi outcast at heart & always will be. I keep having to calibrate for the high campiness, but the "private school for misfits that are actually all supernatural" is done very well and a fun time. 2 eps in and enjoying it!
Extremely well cast, btw, high marks all around. I particularly love the endearing pairing of opposites between Wednesday and her roommate Enid. Smart writing for the character.
12.1.2023 05:35#wednesdaynetflix I'm not the age demo and sometimes I feel that, but I am a sadboi outcast at heart & always will be. I keep...Today’s the day, friends. I’m officially querying again.
I believe in this manuscript with all my heart, now I just need to find an agent who feels the same way. Here we go!
#amquerying #scifi
I'm resisting the urge to reread and fiddle my opening chapters for the thousandth time. I can't read them again right now. I've done everything I can, with only a few chapters left to polish before the end. This book is so close to ready.
3 days, then let the querying begin.
#amwriting #amquerying #scifi
What was the BEST adaptation you watched this year? Let's cheer about it!📢
#movies meets #bookstodon
We share ours (along with the worst) in Last Looks 2022. A great first episode for new listeners curious about Ink to Film, btw! ⤵️
Excited, but nervous to share this one! 😳
In this episode I discuss with my cohost James what happened with my former literary agent and why I chose to fire him, set a query date for 2023, read the story-hook for my underwater SciFi manuscript aloud for the first time, and outline what writers also pursuing traditional publishing can expect during the query process.
It's "Query Quest" ep 1⤵️
27.12.2022 00:34Excited, but nervous to share this one! 😳 In this episode I discuss with my cohost James what happened with my former literary agent and...It’s that time of year again! Sharing my favorite blasphemous Xmas song for all to enjoy 😊 🎄
Unfortunately, this year I won’t be seeing my family and drinking white wine in the sun.
25.12.2022 01:23It’s that time of year again! Sharing my favorite blasphemous Xmas song for all to enjoy 😊 🎄Unfortunately, this year I won’t be...We just released our Christmas episode for my podcast Ink to Film!
Can a movie somehow be both fun AND artistically bankrupt?
Find out this week with DIE HARD 2: DIE HARDER, directed by Renny Harlin, adapted from the novel 58 MINUTES by Walter Wager.
Sure seems like we’re having a lot of “once in a generation weather events” these days, huh?
It’s almost like that phrase is misleading people about a changing climate making extreme weather more and more common.
It’s not once in a generation anymore, news people. #BombCyclone
I recently poured a bowl of cereal for breakfast and popped open the fridge with said bowl in hand. No milk. But... there's Eggnog doing its best Milk impression. Its basically wearing a milk carton. Why not? I thought. Nog it and find out.
PSA Honey Bunches of Oats does not nog
12.12.2022 08:17I recently poured a bowl of cereal for breakfast and popped open the fridge with said bowl in hand. No milk. But... there's Eggnog doing...It's bleak, it's meta, it's detached & ironic, but how does the FIGHT CLUB movie stack up to its source by Chuck Palahniuk? The author has called it "an improvement," but is it really? We weigh in this week on Ink to Film!
I’d been sleeping on it, but you all were right about #andor. It’s the most compelling thing Star War has done in ages. Single-handedly restoring my interest in the entire franchise. I still have a few episodes to go, so I really hope they stick the landing!
7.12.2022 03:52I’d been sleeping on it, but you all were right about #andor. It’s the most compelling thing Star War has done in ages. Single-handedly...Turns out I have strong feelings about how #FightClub interrogates conceptions of manliness & what should be done after we reject the capitalist bullshit leveraging our insecurities to sell us empty symbols of masculinity.
This is a spicy one! 👊
It's also our 250th episode of #InktoFilm!🤯
Somehow when the scoring was done I won the golden #Scythe. What a wildly complicated, yet somehow still fun game 😅
27.11.2022 06:18Somehow when the scoring was done I won the golden #Scythe. What a wildly complicated, yet somehow still fun game 😅I just made an sick Arrival reference at this big thanksgiving dinner and nobody got it except for my wife 😔
A few minutes later I made a sly Dr. Manhattan reference and nobody got it except my wife 😰
Does this mean I’ve been around nerds for too long? 😆 (Also my wife is awesome)
25.11.2022 03:31I just made an sick Arrival reference at this big thanksgiving dinner and nobody got it except for my wife 😔 A few minutes later I made a...I'm working through beta reader feedback on my manuscript and revising and I just got to a chapter that one reader said was their favorite in the book and another didn't see the point of at all. The legends are true!
22.11.2022 04:25I'm working through beta reader feedback on my manuscript and revising and I just got to a chapter that one reader said was their...