🤩 Barbara Kraus is MCQST’s new co-spokesperson!
At the MCQST General Assembly in January 2025, Barbara Kraus was elected as the new co-spokesperson of the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST).
Prof. Kraus, an expert in quantum information theory, leads the Chair of Quantum Algorithms and Applications at @tu_muenchen and has been instrumental in shaping the cluster’s future.
▶️ Read more: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/news/barbara-kraus-appointed-co-spokesperson-of-mcqst.html
📷 Andreas Heddergott / TUM
4.3.2025 10:19🤩 Barbara Kraus is MCQST’s new co-spokesperson! At the MCQST General Assembly in January 2025, Barbara Kraus was elected as the new...Join us for a special colloquial talk by Prof. Graeme Atherton of the National Education Opportunities Network (NEON), UK.
📅 11.02.2025, from 14:00 CET
🎙 Talk: "Equitable access and success in higher education across the world: The universal problem”
📌 In-person & Zoom: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/graeme-atherton.html
6.2.2025 12:35Join us for a special colloquial talk by Prof. Graeme Atherton of the National Education Opportunities Network (NEON), UK. 📅 11.02.2025,...✨ Interested in hashtag#QuantumScience? Apply now for the MCQST Summer Bachelor Program in Munich!
🏙️ Spend four weeks exploring cutting-edge research, networking with peers and experts, and diving into hands-on quantum projects.
📅 Apply now!!! Deadline: 1 February 2025
📍 Details & application: mcqst.de/summer
#QuantumSummer #BachelorStudents #SummerProgram #IYQ2025 #QuantumPhysics #QuantumTechnology #QuantumFuture
27.1.2025 14:39✨ Interested in hashtag#QuantumScience? Apply now for the MCQST Summer Bachelor Program in Munich!🏙️ Spend four weeks exploring...The Year of Quantum Science has officially launched Germany ! 🌟
At MCQST, we're thrilled to be part of this exciting journey. Stay tuned for upcoming events and activities exploring the quantum world and fascinating research!
#YIQ2025 #Quantum2025 #DPGPhysik
15.1.2025 16:18The Year of Quantum Science has officially launched Germany ! 🌟 At MCQST, we're thrilled to be part of this exciting journey. Stay...Excited to kick off the #QuantumYear by welcoming Anushya Chandran of Boston University to offer the first #MCQSTcolloquium in 2025.
📅 14.01.2025, from 14:00 CET
🎙 Teaser talk by Anton Romen of Technical University of Munich on "Fractionalized Prethermalization in the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model"
🎙 Colloquium talk by Anushya Chandran of Boston University on “Non-reciprocity in near-term quantum platforms”
📌 In-person & Zoom: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/anushya-chandran.html
9.1.2025 08:37Excited to kick off the #QuantumYear by welcoming Anushya Chandran of Boston University to offer the first #MCQSTcolloquium in 2025.📅...🎙️Quantum Computing: Dream or Reality?
Recorded at #MCQST2024 and hosted by Ignacio Cirac, this special #QuantumStammtisch episode brings together Immanuel Bloch, Barbara Kraus, and Mikhail Lukin. They dive into the future of #QuantumComputing.
📺Watch: https://youtu.be/IXl7eQXN9Ng
19.12.2024 14:28🎙️Quantum Computing: Dream or Reality?Recorded at #MCQST2024 and hosted by Ignacio Cirac, this special #QuantumStammtisch episode...Wondering what unforgettable experiences await you next summer?
Discover firsthand insights of our Summer Bachelor Program ➡️https://mcqst.de/outreach-and-media/quantum-science-blog/alumni-insights-into-the-summer-bachelor-program.html
⚛️ Ready for a summer of hands-on research in #QuantumScience? Apply now! https://mcqst.de/summer
#QuantumSummer #BachelorResearch
🎉 Congratulations to Hans Hübl of @WMI_research for being appointed Adjunct Professor at @tu_muenchen in recognition of excellence for many years of excellence in research and teaching!
➡️ Read more: https://www.mcqst.de/new s-and-events/news/hans-huebl-appointed-adjunct-professor-at-tum.html
16.12.2024 11:07🎉 Congratulations to Hans Hübl of @WMI_research for being appointed Adjunct Professor at @tu_muenchen in recognition of excellence for...Join us in a special edition of the #MCQSTcolloquium, where MCQST members will offer insight into their latest #quantumresearch.
📅 10.12.2024, from 14:00 CET
🎙 Talk by Lode Pollet of LMU München on "The spin liquid on the ruby lattice induced by the Rydberg blockade mechanism"
🎙 Talk by Elena Blundo of Walter Schottky Institute, TUM on “Unveiling new excitons in two-dimensional heterostructures”
📌 In-person at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics & Zoom: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/christmas-2024.html
5.12.2024 14:22Join us in a special edition of the #MCQSTcolloquium, where MCQST members will offer insight into their latest #quantumresearch.📅...What do raw eggs, balloons, tennis balls, radioactive 🍌, pizza, pasta, tangled 🎧, and drums and 🥐 have in common? Well, all together they sure make for an unforgettable Science Slam!
Researchers from the four Munich Excellence Clusters - e-conversion, MCQST, ORIGINS , and SyNergy wowed 300+ attendees with creativity and wit.
📺 Watch all slams here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5DZ45amUsqLbVwnJX8HQ5RZKw_sEGjm2&si=c7ctpue2lhkdL2gD
19.11.2024 11:35What do raw eggs, balloons, tennis balls, radioactive 🍌, pizza, pasta, tangled 🎧, and drums and 🥐 have in common? Well, all...Meet MCQST START Fellow Pau Farerra!
Pau pushes the boundaries of #QuantumScience by working on controlling the quantum states of individual atoms and photons and looking towards applications in quantum cryptography, metrology, and computation.
Head to our blog for the full story!
We are thrilled to welcome Prof. Philip Kim of Harvard University as MCQST Distinguished Lecturer. On this occasion, he will also contribute to the hashtag #MCQSTcolloquium series.
📅 16.10.2024, from 14:00 CET
🎙 Colloquium Talk by Prof. Philip Kim of Harvard University on "Searching for Anyon in Quantum Materials"
📌 In-person & zoom: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/philip-kim.html
Excited to kick-off the new #MCQSTColloquium season a talk by Audrey Bienfait of École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
🗓️ 1.10.2024, from 14:00 CET
🎙️ Implementing a quantum memory with a frequency and bandwidth-tuneable superconducting resonator
📍 In-person & zoom: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/audrey-bienfait.html
30.9.2024 15:11Excited to kick-off the new #MCQSTColloquium season a talk by Audrey Bienfait of École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.🗓️ 1.10.2024, from...✨🚀The #ForschungscampusGarching is opening its doors! Explore cutting-edge research, visit labs, and enjoy inspiring talks.
⚛️Meet us at the joint stand of the Munich clusters in TUM Maschinenwesen!
▶️ https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/events/maustag-open-house-day-garching-2024.html
#OpenCampus #entdeckencheckenwissen
6.9.2024 10:38✨🚀The #ForschungscampusGarching is opening its doors! Explore cutting-edge research, visit labs, and enjoy inspiring talks.⚛️Meet...Weekend read: dive into our interview with MCQST member, Peter Rabl - Prof. of Applied Quantum Theory at @tu_muenchen and Head of the Quantum Theory Division at the Walther Meißner Institute.
Peter discusses his motivation for researching hybrid quantum systems, bridging theory and experiment.
▶️ https://www.mcqst.de/outreach-and-media/quantum-science-blog/peter-rabl-the-bridge-builder.html
30.8.2024 13:18Weekend read: dive into our interview with MCQST member, Peter Rabl - Prof. of Applied Quantum Theory at @tu_muenchen and Head of the...🚀 QUBE has launched! This milestone in #QuantumCommunication #QKD will test groundbreaking tech in space, aiming for secure global data transmission. The collaborative project was led by MCQST member, Harald Weinfurter of @lmu_muenchen
▶️ Read all about it: https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/news/global-quantum-key-encryption-nano-satellite-qubse-launches-into-space.html
21.8.2024 10:17🚀 QUBE has launched! This milestone in #QuantumCommunication #QKD will test groundbreaking tech in space, aiming for secure global data...We are excited and honored to welcome 16 highly motivated students to our #QuantumSummer program from all over the world. We kicked off the program with a retreat in the Bavarian Alps! #Bachelor #StudyQuantum #QuantumScience
7.8.2024 08:34We are excited and honored to welcome 16 highly motivated students to our #QuantumSummer program from all over the world. We kicked off the...🤩The latest episode of #exzellenterklaert is online!
🎧 Tune in now for an inside look at the latest in #quantumsimulation and the collaborative efforts driving innovation in MCQST.
#scicomm #wisskomm
🎬🍿 Join us for a unique screening of short films interpreting quantum science, created by Bauhaus University
students and @MCQST_cluster
📅15.07, 7pm
📍 ARRI Kino
🎙️ Moderated by Ralph Caspers
📝Register here: http://mcqst.de/stories
📽️ Trailer: https://youtu.be/QM1yIEU8Y7Q
🎉 Celebrating the 2023 MCQST PhD Award winners! 🎉
Congratulations to Arthur Christianen for "Chemistry in a quantum medium" and David Wei for "Microscopy of spin hydrodynamics and cooperative light scattering in atomic Hubbard systems." for their excellent theses! 👏 👏
Their outstanding work in quantum science and technology has earned them each a €2000 prize, thanks to the generous donations by AQT Alpine Quantum Technologies and ParityQC.
Discover more: ➡ https://www.mcqst.de/news-and-events/news/phd-awards-2023.html
13.6.2024 07:54🎉 Celebrating the 2023 MCQST PhD Award winners! 🎉 Congratulations to Arthur Christianen for "Chemistry in a quantum medium"...