19.8.2023 13:05
11.8.2023 19:23
11.8.2023 19:21 new collection on vulnerability theory — soon to be published, currently on sale …
17.7.2023 22:06Exciting new collection on vulnerability theory — soon to be published, currently on sale …...
14.7.2023 20:57 cat commentary…
13.7.2023 18:24Republican cat commentary…Plaster Trump sitting under a plastic bonsai tree….
11.7.2023 01:23Plaster Trump sitting under a plastic bonsai tree….
10.7.2023 02:40 40 years of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project this year — watch and learn.
10.7.2023 02:36Celebrating 40 years of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project this year — watch and learn. ...The Trinity College lectures on vulnerability theory
10.7.2023 02:33The Trinity College lectures on vulnerability theory Emory Center for International and Comparative Law Newsletter. Interesting pieces on past events (with link to videos) and information on upcoming programs — many accessible on zoom. Sign on to our email list….
This is a link to the latest Vulnerability and the Human Condition Digest. It includes announcements of upcoming event, as well as a link to the last vulnerability lecture in the Trinity College series… Vulnerability, and inevitable inequality
10.1.2023 21:47 footnote for “Happy 2023” … be optimistic and ambitious!
1.1.2023 16:58A footnote for “Happy 2023” … be optimistic and ambitious!Happy 2023!
1.1.2023 14:13Happy 2023!