it's inconsistent even within firefox, some text is rendered correctly, other text is rendered with subpixel AA, how does that even happen?
12.1.2023 05:13it's inconsistent even within firefox, some text is rendered correctly, other text is rendered with subpixel AA, how does that even...oh god after an update many apps started using subpixel anti aliasing, it looks horrible how do I turn it off again?
12.1.2023 05:07oh god after an update many apps started using subpixel anti aliasing, it looks horrible how do I turn it off again? i absolutely love this website
27.12.2022 19:59 i absolutely love this websitegosh why do people who contribute to sponsorblock for youtube mark just single words because it happens to be the name of the sponsor? i want to skip complete sponsor ad segments, not mentions of any company
20.12.2022 20:11gosh why do people who contribute to sponsorblock for youtube mark just single words because it happens to be the name of the sponsor? i...One maybe minor thing I really appreciate about Rust (although of course this is not exclusive to Rust) is not using ridiculous C-like function names like vsnprintf_s (extreme case, I know) and instead using concise, albeit maybe a bit longer, function names. I'd rather have long call chains with long function names than having to decipher, what suffix/prefix of printf does what
5.12.2022 19:01One maybe minor thing I really appreciate about Rust (although of course this is not exclusive to Rust) is not using ridiculous C-like...Some people on Linux forums (especially Phoronix in my experience) are so extremely anti Rust, it's hilarious sometimes. It mostly just boils down to "new thing bad, old thing good".
24.11.2022 14:39Some people on Linux forums (especially Phoronix in my experience) are so extremely anti Rust, it's hilarious sometimes. It mostly just...The Federated timeline is kinda my favorite part of the fediverse, just seeing all those "random" toots fly by and potentially finding new interesting accounts :)
12.11.2022 13:35The Federated timeline is kinda my favorite part of the fediverse, just seeing all those "random" toots fly by and potentially...i retract any statements made earlier, this is intolerable
3.11.2022 10:10i retract any statements made earlier, this is intolerablethis is the first time i'm saying this but i kinda like this youtube design, the cinema ambient effect looks pretty cool and i like the darker colors
2.11.2022 15:50this is the first time i'm saying this but i kinda like this youtube design, the cinema ambient effect looks pretty cool and i like the...what would i be without rustfmt
24.9.2022 17:56what would i be without rustfmtDeveloping an app with GTK in Rust is either really really fun or kinda frustrating. Nothing in between.
25.8.2022 14:17Developing an app with GTK in Rust is either really really fun or kinda frustrating. Nothing in between.wayland
31.7.2022 21:12waylandflatpak
29.7.2022 19:00flatpaklibadwaita is pretty neat
13.5.2022 22:21libadwaita is pretty neatcode names for versions of anything have been a disaster for mankind (looking at you, ubuntu)
13.5.2022 11:16code names for versions of anything have been a disaster for mankind (looking at you, ubuntu)GNOME is good
11.5.2022 06:31GNOME is goodgreyscale antialiased font rendering > subpixel font rendering
by a huge margin
10.5.2022 18:40greyscale antialiased font rendering > subpixel font renderingby a huge marginsystemd
9.5.2022 22:46systemd