New video: Board Game Mechanisms in the Universe: Area Majority (5 minute video)
#BeyondTheSun #Roam #BlackHoles #gravity #astronomy
15.6.2023 13:45New video: Board Game Mechanisms in the Universe: Area Majority (5 minute video) #Roam #BlackHoles...New video: NASA's Guide to Visiting a Gamma-Ray Burst (scripted by @MeeplePhD !)
"Are you looking for a new vacation spot? Perhaps one with spectacular fireworks? While gamma-ray bursts produce brilliant displays of light across the entire spectrum, we cannot recommend visiting one. Before making up your mind, watch this handy video to learn more."
#astrodon #astronomy #GRB #GammaRayBurst
1.6.2023 15:36New video: NASA's Guide to Visiting a Gamma-Ray Burst (scripted by @MeeplePhD !)"Are you looking for a new vacation spot? Perhaps...New video: my top cooperative board games
#BoardGames #cooperative #ElderSign #Endangered #TheLoop
31.5.2023 14:04New video: my top cooperative board games #cooperative #ElderSign #Endangered #TheLoopVideo: My 3 Favorite Expansions
#BoardGames #expansion #Barenpark #DungeonPetz #LostRuinsOfArnak
3.5.2023 00:36Video: My 3 Favorite Expansions #expansion #Barenpark #DungeonPetz #LostRuinsOfArnakCheck out this awesome animation my team released for #BlackHoleWeek! It gives an idea of just how big those supermassive black holes are
2.5.2023 11:26Check out this awesome animation my team released for #BlackHoleWeek! It gives an idea of just how big those supermassive black holes...Video: Self-regulating star formation, and why it reminds Barb of the board game The Hunger. -A
#astronomy #stars #BoardGames #TheHunger #vampires
22.3.2023 02:26Video: Self-regulating star formation, and why it reminds Barb of the board game The Hunger. -A Board Game Mechanisms in the Universe video: deduction games, and how we located the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The star-orbiting animation in this video is one of Barb's favorite scientific results; she's been following it since grad school! -A
#BoardGames #blackHoles #astronomy #Astrodon
17.3.2023 13:59New Board Game Mechanisms in the Universe video: deduction games, and how we located the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The...Here's part 2 of Barb's favorite #games beginning with the letters N through Z. -A (17 minutes)
#tabletop #boardGames #AToZGames
12.3.2023 18:53Here's part 2 of Barb's favorite #games beginning with the letters N through Z. -A (17...Blog entry: Solo gaming with #Flamecraft
12.3.2023 14:25Blog entry: Solo gaming with #Flamecraft #solitaireNew video: Barb's 3 favorite nature-themed board games. (5 minutes)
#nature #BoardGames #PARKS #Wingspan #Meadow
8.3.2023 01:10New video: Barb's 3 favorite nature-themed board games. (5 minutes) #BoardGames #PARKS #Wingspan...Part 1 of a 2-part video discussing Barb's favorite #games beginning with each letter of the alphabet. This video covers A through M. -A (17 minutes)
5.3.2023 19:40Part 1 of a 2-part video discussing Barb's favorite #games beginning with each letter of the alphabet. This video covers A through M. ...The A-Z survey of our #boardGame collection goes down memory lane with #Scattergories. -A
4.3.2023 17:20The A-Z survey of our #boardGame collection goes down memory lane with #Scattergories. ...New game mechanism video: Grid Coverage, as seen in #Patchwork and #TheIsleOfCats, and all-sky surveys like the #TESS mission. (4 minutes) -A
#BoardGames #astronomy #Astrodon
2.3.2023 20:52New game mechanism video: Grid Coverage, as seen in #Patchwork and #TheIsleOfCats, and all-sky surveys like the #TESS mission. (4 minutes) ...#Blog post: Three favorite #games beginning with A: #Altiplano, #AncientWorld, #ArkNova.
26.2.2023 17:22#Blog post: Three favorite #games beginning with A: #Altiplano, #AncientWorld,...Cosmic Game Connections: Galactic Tug-of-War and the #Catan Card Game (6 minutes)
A recent paper found a galaxy where star formation abruptly stopped due to an interaction with another galaxy. Why does that tug-of-war make Barb think about a two-player Catan spinoff? -A
#astronomy #astrodon #boardGames
23.2.2023 21:47Cosmic Game Connections: Galactic Tug-of-War and the #Catan Card Game (6 minutes)A recent paper found a galaxy where star formation abruptly...New game mechanism video: Neighbour Scope, in which players can interact with their immediate neighbours. -A
15.2.2023 20:03New game mechanism video: Neighbour Scope, in which players can interact with their immediate neighbours....New video: A short list of Barb's top 3 games with an amusement park theme. (7 minutes)
#BoardGames #ThemePark #AmusementPark
8.2.2023 14:18New video: A short list of Barb's top 3 games with an amusement park theme. (7 minutes) Game Mechanisms in the Universe: some games like #Mysterium and #MagicMaze impose communications limits upon the players. The universe imposes its own communications limit: the speed of light. -A
#BoardGames #astronomy
In a new Cosmic Game Connections video, we go spiralling inwards, learning the unfortunate fate of exoplanet Kepler-1658b and measuring the time remaining in the polyomino board game Patchwork. (6 minutes) -A
#astronomy #astrodon #exoplanets #BoardGames #Patchwork
18.1.2023 20:34In a new Cosmic Game Connections video, we go spiralling inwards, learning the unfortunate fate of exoplanet Kepler-1658b and measuring the...This video is the first in a new series that will connect game mechanisms to astronomical concepts.
To begin, how do rondels (tracks around which players move in a single direction) resemble orbits?
MeeplePhD will try to publish this series on a monthly schedule. - A.
#astronomy #Astrodon #BoardGames
13.1.2023 16:53This video is the first in a new series that will connect game mechanisms to astronomical concepts.To begin, how do rondels (tracks around...