Mastodole for considery thorkus and explorakers of the intellectufole, and Twittle for bons-mots and gigglit.
Deep joy.
19.12.2022 14:54Mastodole for considery thorkus and explorakers of the intellectufole, and Twittle for bons-mots and gigglit. Deep joy.Mordy!
Mixey sentimoles over on the blue tweet’n’warbly. Familiode faceboles, all entertail and charmit there. But increasy “recommendapers” from intolery, mysogenale and racizzle. Deepest folly.
However, Prof’s unswervit optimizzers is that when MrGraphene Skin’s attentiol span drifts to a new antisemitty conspiralode, or other hateymost theory, both sites will persizzle:
19.12.2022 14:54Mordy!Mixey sentimoles over on the blue tweet’n’warbly. Familiode faceboles, all entertail and charmit there. But increasy...Goodly nightlode everybole.
19.11.2022 01:05Goodly nightlode everybole.Mordy.
9.11.2022 09:48Mordy.Apparentfole, a toot includey hashtaglodes with usey name from the muskiverse (like #ProfessorUnwin ) helpit peeplodes to find you.
7.11.2022 14:55Apparentfole, a toot includey hashtaglodes with usey name from the muskiverse (like #ProfessorUnwin ) helpit peeplodes to find you. Joy.Goodly mordlode to new falollowers from Twittle.
Prof won’t be crossly-postit, so separale content here at Mastodole. Main focus will be Twittle unless Ego Musk surrenders it to intolery hateloppers.
5.11.2022 10:41Goodly mordlode to new falollowers from Twittle. Prof won’t be crossly-postit, so separale content here at Mastodole. Main focus will be...Mordy.
25.4.2022 14:10Mordy.