We are currently advertising our AI #ionchannel modelling PhD Studentship. Fully funded (sadly only for UK based students). Please repost or mention to any potential victims hmmmm, *applicants* you know?
29.12.2024 11:33We are currently advertising our AI #ionchannel modelling PhD Studentship. Fully funded (sadly only for UK based students). Please repost...@openvibe.social just for your debugging. This post has no link when I view in OpenVibe…. But I see the link in the native bsky.app ? I normally discover these things are my fault!
24.11.2024 12:17@openvibe.social just for your debugging. This post has no link when I view in OpenVibe…. But I see the link in the native bsky.app ? I...Braved Storm Bert 2 paddle Windermere! Paddle fine, but arrival was hairy; ferry closure forced us to a a white-knuckle detour on icy roads. Drove windows down (escape route!) in case we slid in! Poor Freddie, our resident water-skeptic, on high alert. Just another relaxing day in the Lakes 😅❄️
23.11.2024 16:21Braved Storm Bert 2 paddle Windermere! Paddle fine, but arrival was hairy; ferry closure forced us to a a white-knuckle detour on icy roads....Straddling the trinity of Threads, BlueSky / Mastodon, on iOS? There’s the OpenVibe App; iPAD or iPhone. ( @openvibe.social @openvibe @openvibe_app@threads.net ) gives you 1 seamless timeline.
Although I’d rather that muted offensive words were muted not highlighted?
@larissa-d.bsky.social @yiechanglin.bsky.social @delemottelab.bsky.social
Added! Am trying to add everyone that responds, but slightly more difficult than it seems because of course there is spam also, that naively I didn’t expect 🤦
Researchers map how the brain regulates emotions
ScienceDaily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240403170916.htm
Journal of Pain: Met-analysis of CBD products for… well pain obviously. Open Access.
Be inteteresting to check out the outlier…
On the #threebodyproblem #3bodyproblem I noticed, as usual a bunch of peep racing to IMDB 2b the first to score it 1/10: Criticism of “political correctness” (???) + deviation from the original book. I wonder if the latter criticism is made so they can show off that they can read? …or perhaps feel that a tv series of a book is supposed to be a verbatim transcript of for people that can’t read? (Like an audiobook). I recommend both the book and the TV series… and obviously in that order!
23.3.2024 10:53On the #threebodyproblem #3bodyproblem I noticed, as usual a bunch of peep racing to IMDB 2b the first to score it 1/10: Criticism of...Fired up our expensive new 384 electrode MEA (microelectrode array). As a dyed in the wool patch clamper it is truly amazing!!
We got *nothing* 384x faster than ever before.
In case anyone was following this BBSRC story….
Interested to hear what folk make of this? Certainly some lively graphics and many TLDRs emerging….
28.12.2023 08:37Interested to hear what folk make of this? Certainly some lively graphics and many TLDRs.....this is surprising “Voltage sensors of a Na+ channel dissociate from the pore domain and form inter-channel dimers in the resting state”:
I see a lot of pushback on Mastodon, about #Threads entering the Fediverse. Is that not a little ironic?
…I rather hoped that Threads joining the Fediverse/ActivityPub would be another nail in Xwitter’s coffin!!
16.12.2023 11:04I see a lot of pushback on Mastodon, about #Threads entering the Fediverse. Is that not a little ironic? …I rather hoped that Threads...“BrachySound: machine learning based assessment of respiratory sounds in dogs”
Not sure whether the app will be useful or not….
Cardiac disease drives the denervation of the pineal gland, resulting in a loss of neural control of melatonin release and disrupted sleep–wake patterns.
[All sorts of neuronal damage too I presume!!]
Media!!! Please; don’t have stories with “scientists say” “academic say”. You can’t lump us all together as one amorphous mass.
(1) By publishing “scientists say this” then “now scientists say that [eg the opposite]” you give the impression we are idiots and constantly changing our mind. Not true; different scientists show/find different things.
(2) Try using the same language with politics. “Politicians say” see how wrong it is?
Richard Barrett-Jolley (@richardbj1) on Threads https://www.threads.net/@richardbj1/post/Cvfr--dqxY2
3.8.2023 20:09Richard Barrett-Jolley (@richardbj1) on Threads https://www.threads.net/@richardbj1/post/Cvfr--dqxY2Seriously, has a volcano plot ever shown anything useful?
2.8.2023 09:04Seriously, has a volcano plot ever shown anything useful?Elon lit a fire he will not be able to put out….
BBC dipping their toes into the Fediverse. I expect I was one of thousands to request they did this…
BBC social media accounts on Mastodon:
And the story….
21.7.2023 09:24https://www.threads.net/t/Cu9DgY8Kwcy/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==