I was looking for an Ave Maria that I sang in choir ages ago. Pretty sure it was Pachelbel, but now I am wondering if I slid sideways in time. Because it seems like the only musical piece by Pachelbel is his Cannon. The rest of his music, by definition isn't Cannon.
There is a Cannon version of an Ave Maria, but it is definitely not the same and I have doubts about it. It wouldn't be the first set of verses slapped on the Cannon.
This may be the next thing in unique diceless systems. Move over d20!
It may need work handicapping the DM when he gets too good and it needs more creatures, but the bare bones look great!
17.9.2023 20:58This may be the next thing in unique diceless systems. Move over d20!It may need work handicapping the DM when he gets too good and it needs...I was just watching a video of Maxine Waters being asked financial questions about housing and financing, and it was amazing how many Forbes readers in the comments decided that Maxine didn't understand the subject.
No way around it that I can see, but we have a system that exploits workers.
We all like productivity at the top. Few of us understand that productivity means that workers got paid less for doing more.
If you have to work for a living, high productivity means selfish exploitation. If you do not rank peoples importance by their money, then excess productivity does not look fair. It looks like someone without need getting more while those with needs getting kicked in the teeth.
So when I see a Forbes reader deciding that Maxine doesn't get it, during an exchange where it was clear the other side didn't get it, I just have to wonder if it's the perfume on money that makes people stupid.
6.7.2023 13:33I was just watching a video of Maxine Waters being asked financial questions about housing and financing, and it was amazing how many Forbes...The Death of Satire
This monument was created after it was recognized that no one could tell satire from reality. The end of January in 2017 was cold and bleak since one of the great forms of literature and humor was now dead. No one knows what the sculptor meant by it. It was probably satire.
We will miss you satire. Thanks Republicans.
21.6.2023 06:00The Death of SatireThis monument was created after it was recognized that no one could tell satire from reality. The end of January in 2017...There is no clear emoji for irony. 😉 🤔 😜 🥴 The upside down smile is sort of one, but not a common one and not universally recognized. The closest emojis in use are more likely to signal that I am goofy or confused.
While this may be true, it isn't quite the same as trying to indicate, "Hey, this is not what I am saying."
Consider how often the first reply to you statement took off on a negative screed that had no link to a rational understanding of what you intended to communicate.
We need a clear icon that says, "Woah, before you go off on me, read what I am really trying to say."
Then perhaps we can back off look at it and then jump the writer since it probably supports oppressing those at the bottom.
Here is my suggestion for the basis of the, "I'm being ironic!" icon. The image is delightfully and automatically public domain since it was made with AI. As far as I know, no artists were kicked or robbed to make this image.
#irony #writing #aiart #AiArtCommunity
Still Looking
#midjourney #ai #aiart
Whether ChatGPT is self aware or not, is not the big issue in my mind. The big issue is that the way we manage and react to AI may influence the behavior of AI in the future. It may be we have self aware AI, but it is smart enough to keep it secret.
#ai #aiart #chatGPt
The internet is aging, but like Dorian Gray, I am staying the same age. Sure, the body is getting older, but I'm still a six year old.
#ageing #media #ozzyman
Does anyone have a syllabus for teaching CRT to kindergartners?
8.2.2023 22:40Does anyone have a syllabus for teaching CRT to kindergartners?#politics #democracyI am George Santos. Don't believe that other liar. As far as i can tell all I have to do is move to Washington and go start voting in the House. #santos #politics #democracy
8.2.2023 22:05I am George Santos. Don't believe that other liar. As far as i can tell all I have to do is move to Washington and go start voting in...The phrases "I have a great idea for a story, you should write it!" and "I have an idea for a picture you should paint!" Makes the now sentient ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion AIs sigh every time.
#writersonmastadon #writersofmastodon #books #writing #writerslife #writersandwriting #fantasynovel #fantasy #fantasyart #mastoart #fantasybooks #bookcover #fantasyfiction #fantasywriter #midjourney #AiArtCommunity #aiart #AIArtwork #AIArtSociety #AIArtistCommunity #StableDiffusion2
With all respect to actual shamans, not those who invade the capitol wearing horns. In this case this directly applies to the idiots who invaded the capitol.
#fantasy #fantasybooks #fairy #fairytale #writer #fairytales #indieauthor #Bookstodon
As I drove down the officially unofficial Veterans of the War of the Worlds Memorial Highway, I dipped my head for the moment and thought of the sacrifices made.
Not that his sacrifice ended up being the worst, but General Wells paid the most public price. His last act was opposing the combined forces of Monty Python to the music of Weird Al.
But enough about a man whose acting job to cover up a war lost and won by the forces of nature led him to the career we know him for.
While our Pyrrhic victory earned a respect in the intergalactic community that has afforded us some security from invasion, we have paid a terrible price.
The tight quarantine of the Earth and all its inhabitants means we will never be allowed to join with the intergalactic societies.
In a way, we are still making sacrifices, and we are all Veterans of the War of the Worlds.
#fantasy #writer #indieauthor #Bookstodon #sf
We do in fact live in a fantasy world. It could be argued that our records matter as much or more than our existence. Without your ID, license, passport, checking account, and all the other various electronic records, what remains of your life? All your facts are encoded in strings of ones and zeros. If that isn't living in a fantasy world, what is?
#fantasy #fantasybooks #fairy #fairytale #writer #fairytales #indieauthor #Bookstodon
20.1.2023 00:39We do in fact live in a fantasy world. It could be argued that our records matter as much or more than our existence. Without your ID,...Tears meet physiological needs, but why is sorrow, loss and grief such a universal thing? Is it a remnant passed to us from a depressed reptile, or is there more to all of us, bird, reptile and mammal?
#fantasy #fantasybooks #fairy #fairytale #writer #fairytales #indieauthor #Bookstodon #philosophy #metaphysics #evolution
Watch your step please and be careful with that mirror.
.#fantasy #fantasybooks #fairy #fairytale #writer #fairytales #indieauthor #Bookstodon
Training is very important!
#fantasy #fantasybooks #fairy #fairytale #writer #fairytales #indieauthor #Bookstodon
13.1.2023 17:42Training is very important!#fantasy #fantasybooks #fairy #fairytale #writer #fairytales #indieauthor #BookstodonDoes magic remain magical? Imagine how amazing a cell phone like we have today, would have been forty years ago.
When my father was born electric switches were not common. When he grew up there were no plastic toys. At one time these things were magical. Now, not so much.
#fantasy #fantasybooks #fairy #fairytale #writer #fairytales #indieauthor #Bookstodon
Not in any way intending to be preachy here. One of the issues that comes up in fantasy world building is that fantasy often approaches or full out explains a religious view.
When researching #fantasy and #fairytales, theology and dogma are often very intertwined in the basic assumptions.
Reading #fantasybooks, helps a person to keep an open and inquisitive mind.
#fairy #fairytale #writer #indieauthor #Bookstodon
11.1.2023 19:04Not in any way intending to be preachy here. One of the issues that comes up in fantasy world building is that fantasy often approaches or...Tommy Chong predicted Elon Musk when he did his performance in the movie Yellowbeard. "Now I am the richest person in the world!"
#Twitter #twittermigration #elonmusk #movies #EatTheRich #tommychong